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Of Nations and States: Reborn

This is where all in character roleplaying occurs. Please note that posts in this forum do not count toward your post count, and that old threads are subject to periodic prunination!

Of Nations and States: Reborn

Postby Peanut » Mon Dec 13, 2010 6:36 pm

Gm: Peanut


A time came when the dwellers of Earth made a leap into a golden age of technology and prosperity. Despite this, there was no peace on Earth. No matter the attempt or person who pushed for peace, the divisions and petty squabbles prevented a dream world from being created. They stood in a state of tension and dead lock, with the prospect of war looming heavily on the horizon. That was, until the end of their world came. One of their own, whose name has been lost in the pages of time, brought forth creatures that not even humanity's nightmares could dream of. This Black Knight led them to victory after victory as they spread across the face of Earth.
Desperate to survive, the factions of Earth banded together to fight these beasts. Even sharing their most secret and precious technology with each other in order to develop super units that could withstand the chaotic hordes. These became known as the Titans, and for a time they brought the fighting to a standstill. Until, the skies opened, and from them came four beasts more powerful then man could comprehend. Three of the beasts brought the Earth to its knees. The fourth led a new group of twelve beasts and together, they shattered the skies. It rained blood that day, and Earth seemed to have lost all hope.
It was at this moment, that one of the leaders of Earth struck a deal with the living dead beyond Earth's surface. They agreed to intervene as long as he brought the Black Knight to justice. This White Knight, swearing to be all that the Black Knight wasn't, set off for the Black Knight's frozen fortress, at the bottom of the Earth. Knowing that victory was in hand.
Yes, victory, but at a cost none of them could imagine. The Living Dead intervened, and the Nightmarish beasts fought back with even more tenacity then before. Caught in the crossfire, the remaining dwellers of Earth were, with the exception of a few who escaped to space, slaughtered. It was during this that the White Knight confronted the Black Knight and dueled him for the fate of Earth. The fight was intense, and as the Nightmarish beasts were finally killed off by the relentless Living Dead, the Black Knight's fortress was shattered, and he was banished to the void that appeared. The White Knight left what was once the frozen fortress and saw with his own two eyes that his world had ended. The Living Dead were not the saviors he expected them to be and as they left, all was in ruin. But with every end comes a new beginning, and that is where this story begins.
The survivors told this tale for generations upon generations, keeping the legacy of that golden age in their kids mind as something to build back up to. Now, for the first time since that golden age, the dwellers of Earth have birthed new civilizations, that hope to match those of the legends. With the assistance of technology from the age before, and technology built from the designs of their own imagination, these nations are finally set to stretch out and tame the still wild lands that contain a reemergence of beasts similar to those of the legends. All that is needed are great leaders to lead them. Great leaders like you perhaps?

Welcome to the next generation of Of Nations and States, the next in the trio of long winded RPs filled with over the top plots, betrayal, and, most importantly, Nations...and States. If you haven't played before, the game kind of works like Risk except with more role playing and control over your nations. There is quite a bit built into this RP this time around, however that will all be described in the posts to follow. For now, here's the stereotypical character/nation sheets needed to join.

Character Sheet:
Race: (choice of Human, Ninja Monkey, Nekojin, Dragon Knight, Slith, Aikon, The Corrupt, or a race of your creation that is approved by the GM)
Physical Description:
Skills (limited to 10 for the entire RP, though you don't have to list them all now, choose and plan wisely):
Miscellaneous facts:

Nation Sheet:
Dominant Race (whatever race is in control):
Recent History:
Other information:

Titan Sheet

And now for some General Rules and a description of the Races and their Nation abilities.


-If a player is absent for more then 20 days, a revolution will happen in their country and it will fall apart. When and if they return, the country can be reformed to some extent via GM action.

-GM will not make a move for a player unless told to by that specific player. If they say nothing, the country will function based off of the last set of moves they made.

-No crossing IC/OOC lines.

-You cannot raise an army or economy from outside the established system. If you do, I will nuke it...and you won't like it.

-To move into space or into the ocean, you must have the technology to do so. Since the areas depicted are under water, they can be passed over if the player lacks submersibles.

-You can attack anywhere as long as you have the necessary tech to reach it

-You can split your total force to attack multiple areas. You can't use your entire force to attack multiple areas in one turn.

-No Countries that spread naturally are allowed. Meaning any country that expands through disease, tech, assimilation, etc are forbidden. This is not because they are unfair or unbalanced but because they have a tendency to become “filler nations” which limit the expansion of other nations and form almost a gridlock that isn't fun to deal with.

-Capital region is the original region your country starts in. It can be moved by the player if taken or if they want to; all economic gains from raids and stock market are added to this region's economic score.

-If defeated, player can become a Mercenary organization, a rebellion or create a bank.

-The GM reserves the right to change or modify any of these rules if the need arises.
CAA's Resident Starcraft Expert

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Postby Peanut » Mon Dec 13, 2010 6:37 pm

-Players are allowed one race ability to start with for their nation. Their choices are determined by which dominant race they choose for their country.
Humans: Exactly what you would expect, though years of advancement in technology has allowed cybernetic enhancements to be made to their bodies. Even after the war with the beasts, this technology persisted in a cruder, simpler form. Cybernetic limbs are stronger then their normal counterparts but tend to be bulkier and less efficient while cybernetic organs are more efficient but tend to require more maintenance then their fleshly counterparts.
-Nation Abilities: Can choose between scout and development abilities

Ninja Monkeys: Monkey's trained in all things ninja. They are known for their secrecy and stealthy ways. Their culture revolves around the remains to three “holy” sites located in area 5, area 12, and area 22. Ninja Monkey's are known to make pilgrimages to these places even when rulers not a part of their race control them and try to prevent their trips. Their training has made them world renowned spies and assassins, allowing them to trick guards and disappear in a puff of smoke after their deeds are done.
Nation abilities: Can choose between spy and assassinate

Nekojin: The most playful and carefree of the races. They are a peaceful bunch though are known to be fierce fighters when cornered. They are lighter and more agile then any of the other races as well as being surprisingly intelligent. Shockingly, they've used this time to focus on the more intellectual pursuits instead of using their physical giftings to become tremendous scouts. Most loan sharks now employ Nekojin's to take care of their “accounting” but no their collecting.
Nation Abilities: Can choose between research and investment abilities.

Dragon Knight: Half dragon, half man. This race is the strongest and most belligerent of the races, skilled in all things related to war. They are generally feared by most of the other races because of their history of leading small tribal wars between the various towns. Adding to this fear is the uncertainty of their origin and rumors that they were involved in the catastrophe that pushed Earth to its current state.
Nation Abilities: Can choose between tactics and military leadership abilities.

Slith: Lizardmen of questionable origin. No one is really sure when they appeared or why they appeared, but the common opinion is that they had their origins as slaves. Still, the Slith have made a name for themselves by rapidly spreading around the world and becoming great builders. It has even been theorized that they were given the Earth by the Living Dead. The Slith also tend to be the loan sharks who employ the Nekojin's.
Nation Ability: Construction available at the beginning of the game.

Aikon: Looking like pale men, full chalk-white even, the aikon give the impression of being somehow amorphous in person. They are not, of course, as is obvious when you look closely, but out of the corner of your eyes, you begin to doubt their outline. Among the races, only the Slith seem to truly appreciate them and take care of them. The rest of the races seem to look down on them for their strange customs and association with the Slith.
Nation Ability: Ritual available at the beginning of the game.

The Corrupt: Members of the other races who came in contact with a dark power but were not fully consumed by it. The power has still altered them tremendously, causing their bodies to change into horrifying mockeries of what they once were. Because of this, they are hated by all the other races and seen as outcasts. Still, they maintain their identity from their original race because of something within their subconscious that grounds them in reality. The area around them is highly unstable and, by their will, can collapse, allowing them to teleport from one area to another through something they call the void. They have the surprising ability to communicate and theoretically, negotiate with the beasts that make up a large portion of the environment. They are the rarest of the races and no nation is comprised entirely of them.
Nation Ability: Negotiate available at the beginning of the game.

Nation Abilities:

-Scout: Allows the player to scout an adjacent territory, success being determined by 1 d12 (1-3:failure; 4-9: moderate success; 10-12: huge success). Training adds between +1-+3 on each roll. Scouting an area that is under control of the player can reveal secrets along with other things. Scouting a territory not held by the player will reveal its military, economic, bandit and beast scores.

-Development: Allows the player to decrease the development time of one tech advance for each tech report they give. Takes only one turn.

-Spy: Allows the player to see another player's moves if successful. Success determined by 1 d12(1-3:failure; 4-9: moderate success; 10-12: huge success). Training adds between +1-+3.

-Assassinate: Kills off military, science or economic leaders, decreasing bonuses of a player for 2 turns. Success determined by 1 d12(1-3:failure; 4-9: moderate success; 10-12: huge success). Training adds between +1-+3

-Research: Adds one research slot for the player to use. Can be done 3 times without investing in education system.

-Investment: Lowers the price of stocks by 25%. Also adds a bonus of plus 1 (plus 2, plus 3 with training) to economic score.

-Tactics: Adds a plus 3 military bonus. With training, can increase to plus 4 and plus 6. Allows tactics to be used without having to roll to for success.

-Military Leadership: Adds a plus 1 to military bonus. With training can increase to plus 2, and plus 3. Also gives the ability to send leaders with troops, giving an extra boost of plus 3.

-Negotiate: Allows the user to negotiate with leader of the beasts. Success determined by 1 d12(1-3:failure; 4-9: no death; 10-12: huge success).

-Construction: Allows the building of a Research Facilities (+1 Research slot), Factories (+1 Tech Slot), Stock Exchanges (decreases stock prices by 10%) , or Base (plus 2 to Military Score) in a region. Buildings cost 20 economic units and are destroyed if targeted in an attack or transfer over if the area is conquered.

Ritual: Takes 1 turn to perform and uses 5 military units and 5 economic units. Success determined by 1 d12(1-3:failure; 4-9: no death; 10-12: huge success). If successful, player gets to boost one of their scores or gain a research/tech slot.

A more detailed description of the combat system and other things will be posted soon. For now...just don't worry about it.
CAA's Resident Starcraft Expert

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Postby Peanut » Mon Dec 13, 2010 6:40 pm

Almost forgot, each player needs to pick an area from this map


The areas in the middle of all those oceans are underwater and are off limits as starting locations. Once you have the necessary technology, though, you can reach and try to take them over.
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Mon Dec 13, 2010 7:49 pm

42 Will by my starting region. And I will post some stuff quite soon.
Of two evils, choose neither - Charles Spurgeon.

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Postby Peanut » Mon Dec 13, 2010 8:26 pm

Welcome aboard Jaden, also, here's the rest of what you need to know...for now.

Mil System:

-Each region and country has a military score and a score that determines its increase for each turn.

-Military score is essentially the total number of units a nation has.

-After conquering your first region, each military unit costs .1 economic units per turn to keep supplied and happy. If you are unable to pay, then the countries military will rebel and overthrow your government.

-Combat is determined by military movements made by the players (can be as detailed as they want) followed by dice rolls to determine damage.

-Military strength in combat is determined by total military score sent into combat and the military bonus.

-Other bonuses can be added on the spot for having an attack be rather detailed. Without tactics, success determined by 1 d12(1-3:failure; 4-9: moderate success; 10-12: huge success). Failure means no bonus.

-losing units are destroyed/disbanded.

-Combat is done by dice rolls equal to the number of troops involved; highest number wins, tie goes to the defender.

-Titan's effect:Automatically destroy military in the same area unless the opposing force is accompanied by a Titan.

-Titan's cannot conquer areas on their own and must be accompanied by at least 3 Military units.

-ZPEB: ZPEB's are scattered around the playing field (15 in total). These one time use weapons have the same effect as Titan's except they can both stop a Titan and eliminate an army at the same time.

-Other Super weapons can be built by the players but are limited to one per person, must have a failure rate and cannot match the power of a ZPEB or Titan.

-take hold of a state when it's military score reaches 0, or if score is low enough for successful diplomacy (below 50% military strength; d12 roll higher then 6).

Econ System:

-Each region has an economic score and a score that determines its increase for each turn.

-Besides purchasing things, the main component will be the player stock market.

-Each player has 100 units of stock to sell.

-Player, to start with, has direct control over 60 of these units, 40 are placed for sale to begin with. The other 60 can be put up for sale by the player if they are desperate for economic units.

-Price of stock is determined by the economic strength of that player with a base price of 1 economic unit.

-When stock is bought, money is given to the player giving a temporary economic boost and, in turn, increasing the price of their stock.

-Investors gain a portion of the player's economic growth based on the percentage of that each investor owns (spoils of war being the initial boast from conquering that territory).

-Economic growth results in a pay off equal to the percentage owned by the player.

-The stocks each player has bought can also be sold based off of the current price of the stock. The economic units from this sale will go directly into the player's own economic score, boosting it instantly.

-When stocks are purchased in an economy, the amount that goes to a player is .6 what was paid. The other .4 are divided by the number of units the player owns. That number is then added to the economic growth score of each area the player owns.

-The opposite happens when the player's stocks are sold.

-All trade transactions must be told to the GM (via pm) by all players involved otherwise no change in the scores will occur.


-All nations start with a basic level of tech including machine guns, rifles, Jeeps, and simple boats.

-Tech must be approved by the Pascal and the GM to go into effect.

-Tech reports are a list of Technology you wish to develop along with a description of what that technology does sent to PM to the person approving tech (Pascal) who will then forward it to the GM if he approves it. The GM and Pascal will then determine what kind of increase results from the tech itself.

-Tech updates must go through a developmental period before they can be used.

-Each country has 10 Tech slots and 5 Research slots to start with.

-Tech Slots are reserved for any military unit or technical device that are included in Tech request PMs. Players are encouraged to group things like Guns, Power Armor, etc...with specific units (infantry, airplanes, boats) to save space. Players also have the option to replace units or devices in their Tech slots with the units they are researching by indicating this in their Tech request PM

-Research slots are reserved for Tech which has been approved. All tech must go through the research stage for two turns before it can be used. If more tech is requested then slots are available, the tech will go into a standby phase where it will take the place of a finished piece of research.

-Extra research slots can be purchased by investing in your Countries education. An investment of 25 Economic units increases the number of research slots by 1. The Tech slots will increase by 1 every time two new Research slots are created.

-Other Super weapons can be built by the players but are limited to one per person, must have a failure rate and cannot match the power of a ZPEB or Titan.

-Blueprints can be purchased from the Black Market to go into research or, tech bought from the Black Market, can be analyzed and then produced. Tech that is bought from Black Market takes 4 turns to go from purchase to production if player wants to do that. There is also a %chance of failure based off of your current tech level. Increase from research results in an increase x2 of what you would get by just buying the individual unit by itself.


This seems like a lot but it really isn't once you break it down. All the player really needs to worry about is their military score, economic score, and research and Tech slots. The various bonuses, number crunching and other things will be handled by me, the GM. If you ever forget, you can always request your scores from me and I will give them to you. So before any of you think this is too complex, at its basic level, it really isn't. Stuff like the Stock Market along with a few other things are just extras that players can use to strengthen their countries and weaken their opponents.
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:17 am

Nation - New Holy Roman Empire

Nation ability - Development.

National Description - During the fall of Europe much culture was destroyed. The IOM and Undead for some not being the greatest advocates on what would be known as the old faith. Yet, in the moment of peril, when the undead withdrew from earth and the IOM disintegrated. The one thing that was kept alive was mankind and his previous advancements and cultural understanding. A romanticism of war, conquest, imperialism and faith had been rekindled within the hearts of many ambitious men. None so more ambitious than the founders of the New Holy Roman Empire, which through the ideas of expansionism, hierarchical meritocracy, limited constitutionalism, cultural assimilation and varying levels of autocracy for the hierarchy of the meritocracy. The emperor would be subject to God and justice only, but a wise emperor would know that the people would only serve him as much as he serves them. Acting with a series of subordinates, going after the titles of old as well the NHRE stands ready. No one expects it's inquisition!

The New Holy Roman Empire is a collection of old mixed with the new. Inside their own borders, they take cultural assimilation to a pretty strong level. Showing little regard for old traditions. On the subject of other races they show a decent level of acceptance, but it all has to walk hand in hand with their cultural values. On international relations they are extremely diplomatic and even considered friendly to entities they respect. They frequently establish contacts to the benefit of both parties, yet can be considered secretive in some cases. Although they are spiritually centered, they are also a big proponent of commerce and wishes their people to prosper as much as their empire.

Nation History - During the demise of the great solar system powers there was a cultural scavenge that began to form itself. Religious value picked up quickly with man's continued struggle against chaos. They were however largely war exhausted against the forces of Chaos, and the depleted modern armories got utilized to the last of their abilities. Much knowledge was irreparably lost, yet, the culture and history survived. After the Titans changed the tide of the war, the reunification of Constantinople and Rome took place in a grand ceremony after notable war hero and recent Emperor Charles Vicelin I. Signifying something which would would undoubtedly be on the mind of anyone in European or nearby regions. A system of rule, albeit spartan for the young empire was set into place. Placing more value in merit than popularity would without a single doubt shape much of the nations effectiveness in the future. Humans now had a culturally unified nation which accepted all races with good intentions. Yet, the holy lands were not reconquered as of yet.

National ruler - Charles Vicelin the first.

Charles Vicelin was a man known to make great sacrifices during the great chaos war. Although originally a servant of the IOM he and a renowned major he always had lasting disagreements with the emperor himself, who he saw as someone that would ultimately be unable to make the required sacrifices in war. Being the first elite commander ever to commit mutant he managed to effectively dismantle the defenses city of New Istanbul and lure the a massive portion of chaos into the city, while blowing up massive portions of it when it got overrun. It was a massacre of civilians, yet, it allowed for his guard to face the might of the chaos in that region and the former emperor, now out of sight, he saw the possibility to reunite mankind so he gathered whatever power base left behind by the IOM to face a daunting force which nearly decimated half of Europe, yet, on the last field of battle. Where Vicelin nearly got killed, he managed to initiate a strategic counter which cost him nearly all of his army, but crushed the relentless forces of chaos in a pincer attack. The reunification of Rome and Constantinople took place, and now, with imperial power in his hand. Charles Vicelin is to lead mankind into yet another golden era. A daunting task by any standards.
Of two evils, choose neither - Charles Spurgeon.

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Postby Peanut » Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:46 pm

Looks good Jaden and you are all set for the beginning of the RP. While I'm posting though, I might as well post a write up for my character.

Name: Perseus
Age: unknown; looks around 30
Race: Human
Physical Description: A tall, slenderly built man with brown hair and green eyes. His facial features always appear relaxed and he is often seen smiling. He wears a black business suit with a black shirt, black shoes and a red tie. He is usually seen with a pair of sunglasses on which he only removes during the occasional business exchange
History: Perseus' origins are incredibly mysterious. Most people who know him have no clue where he came from or what he did before he became the lead spokesperson and chairperson of the Bandit's Black Market. Some, in fact, credit him with the recent, loose organization that the various bandit groups have adopted across the world, bringing a level of stability to their own profession. Whether that is true or not cannot be said since Perseus seemed to have appeared on the scene well after that organizational structure was put in place. He has since been making a name for himself throughout the various regions of the world, selling weapons, training and, rumor has it, even arranging bandit raids and assassinations. Some have called him a merchant of death, a title which he loathes. Others see him as a godsend and in some cases as a heavenly being sent to help them in their quest. Whatever he is, he is here to do business and you would be wise to welcome him in with open arms.
Skills: Unknown, though it seems like he can handle himself pretty well in a fight
Miscellaneous fact: Perseus has an odd hatred for chairs.
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Postby Dante » Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:11 pm

I would like to reserve 13 as my starting region, I've been building a post all day long. That stated, I will need some things (particularly species) approved for my RPing. Working on building my species list then doing some sketching. If this thing takes off, it will be awesome!
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Postby Peanut » Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:20 pm

I'm just posting this down here to mention that, after a discussion and a quick conversation, I've made some changes to the economic system. Now, investments will boost your economy for the long run too as long as your stocks aren't all suddenly sold. Though now, the initial boost from that purchase is significantly less. But hey, it pays off in the long run.
CAA's Resident Starcraft Expert

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Postby Jingo Jaden » Thu Dec 16, 2010 6:03 am

Time to post the titan and a greater detail about the physical appearance of Charles Vicelin.

Titan name - Nox Chaotica

Pilot - Unknown

Weapons - Mostly vortexes of various kind. It has been known to create various distortion fields on battle that turned battles from certain defeat to narrow victories. It has some massive sharp talon-like formed knives on the end of the hands and feet, but it's always been recorded to be a very stationary figure.

Description - Looks like a completely steel robot. It has been largely stationary since it was found by an excavation squad sent by Charles Vicelin. Although it has a human-formed female anatomy it lacks an arm. Some of the proportions are quite distorted at that same note. The face however, aside from the visor which is frozen with the metal-like substance is flawless still, and it has a sad expression on it. The only time it has been tested properly in battle has been in two instances, and it is still unknown how it even got activated. It was used during the last stand of Istanbul as well as the massacre of Vienna. In Istanbul it managed to trap various less powerful hordes of chaos-like creatures which made them a dead-center target for the artillery as well as enabling the military to focus on the larger, more inhuman threats. Resulting in a narrow victory with extreme losses. In the massacre of Vienna it managed seemed to form a connection with the largest chaos entity in the region and made it go against it's own forces. Ultimately resulting in a 'loss' for both sides, but a strong enough advantage for Vicelin to empty remaining arsenals with deadly precision on the unsuspecting chaos targets. It was a war that dwarfed past kill counts as civilians were now both a viable kill option for the aggressors or a viable strategic bait in the eyes of Charles Vicelin. It was only with this kind of cold, yet considered strategy that Europe was spared a certain fate.

Charles Vicelin

Age - 42

Physical appearance - Tall, slender, black hair, fairly pale skin. Gray eyes and a very short beard.

Clothes - Instead of a royal suit he wears a military one. Fashioned after the old Greek torso armor, but in a modern militaristic fashion which outlines the muscular appearance with a subtle red line of silk. In colder climates he often puts on a gray robe remarkably alike to that of some other historical character.

Accessories - Wears the holy imperial crown worn by Charlemagne as well as the rings worn by Constantine. Has a wooden cross necklace hanging from his neck as well as several military decorations, even some distinctions of honor from the past IOM.

History - Was rather unremarkable as a child. He majored in military affairs and always had a keen love with world history. He distinguished himself early in several conflicts where he fought for the IOM. Known to be able to make bold, yet reasonable military moves in order to achieve victory. He always seemed to fight quite close to the front linens and always boosted morale where it seemed to be the most poor. He had been a christian for most of his life and his faith was always the center of his life, but few knew it would become a center for his ambition.

It was said that he once conversed directly with the emperor himself. While being humble and militaristic in his salutes, he developed a particular distaste for him. This is where he studied to the greatest liberties he could take historical greats in military and civics as he was sure that the current administration would falter at the first sign of trouble. During the war, he did not however expect the undead to retreat as well. Seeing how all fragmented for civilization he saw it as a God-given opportunity to create a lasting empire, an empire that would stand the test of time itself. Yet, he seemed concerned how his message would travel to non-human entities and predominantly non-human civilizations/nations and tribes. In the limited constitution he created he was very much a firm believer in rights for man and other intelligent species, but also a firm believer in that diversity did everything other than strengthen unity.
Of two evils, choose neither - Charles Spurgeon.

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Postby Althaia » Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:28 pm

Name: Rozanna Blanche
Age: appears 20
Race: Dragon Knight
Physical Description:
Hair: Long down to her knees but in a braid to the small of her back most of the time is rich deep brown her bangs tend to cover an eye that has a scar running down it
Eyes: Purplish Blue indigo if you will one eye has a jagged scar running down it
Height: 6'4" at standing 5'6" when sitting
Weight: about 180-185
Clothing: wears steel plated armor on legs and arms and chain mail for a shirt witha deep purple and black wool tunic on which has a rose like symbol in violet.
History: Rozanna isn't excitly miss nice but then again most dragon knights aren't but during the war she tried not to get invovled but afterwards she saw as a unique oppurtunity to gain some land as well as a name for herself so she started small and began building a country that honestly she enjoys running. not much else is know about her due to records of her mysteriously vanishing during the war. What is know however is that she tends to try and fight her dragon half for reasons unknown but she has moments of madness where her roar of grief is heard thourghout her nation it said she lost her husband in the war and so she locks herself in her chambers for thos periods and has the Council of Elders convene.
Skills:Miltary Strategy, Sword Fighting, Hand to Hand Combant
Miscellaneous facts: She carries a sword that when drawn the blade has a rose and thorns etched into the blade. her cloak is often concealing her entire body and is black. below her eyes are lilac lumniscent scales that betray her dragon ancestry.

Nation Sheet:Name: The Rozinhelm Empire
Dominant Race: Dragon Knights
Recent History: The country has very little know about it. Other then its full of Dragon Knights seeking political refuge as well as humans who have come to respect Rozanna as a leader and a military strategist. Often The Dragon knights serve on the council of elders for Rozanna to help make her goverment a little more diplomatic then militaristic.
Other information: the people in this country are a little touchy about nekojin apparently a nekojin was the one who took Rozanna's Eye so if she sees one shes liable to lop their head off and ask questions later.

Titan Sheet
Name: Rozinhelm
Pilot: Rozanna
Weapons: it has the body of a female woman but has the wings and tail of a dragon and its armor is made of steel and copper. It taps into Rozanna's dragon blood and uses her strength to power it the titan holds a blade similar to Rozanna's

I reserve #3
[color=cyan]† [size=84]smile Jesus loves you[/SIZE][/color]

procastinators unite.......................tommorrow

[color=palegreen]So in times when all your hope is gone
And you go through life afraid
In your heart there lies a hopeful song
That is there to guide the way
And all the hurt and all the pain
You soon will learn was not in vain
For all your prayers, they will be heard
They'll come to pass through faith [/color]

[color=palegreen]~When you Believe from Prince of Egypt

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Postby Peanut » Thu Dec 16, 2010 2:01 pm

Hooray! More people. Welcome aboard Althaia, one quick question though, what Nation Ability would you like. You have a choice between Tactics and Military Leadership.
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Thu Dec 16, 2010 9:03 pm

Gotta have a flag after all.
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Of two evils, choose neither - Charles Spurgeon.

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Postby Dante » Sat Dec 18, 2010 2:13 am

Nation Sheet
Name: ZODEAC (Zealous Order in Defence of the East African Commonwealth)
Dominant Race: Oniru
Nation ability: Investment Abilities
Origin Area: 13

[SIZE="5"][font="Book Antiqua"]A BRIEF EARLY HISTORY OF ZODEAC[/font][/SIZE]
[font="Century Gothic"]By: Aaron Shadowtail[/font]

[font="Book Antiqua"]
[SIZE="3"]-Mythological Stories of our Ancient History[/SIZE][/font]

Africa. In times long forgotten, this stretch of Earth was occupied by a great and terrible power. Known today through myths and legends told around the campfires as the emissaries of white knight by some, and as the harbinger of the black knight by others. But the world has changed dramatically since the age of myth, the tale ever mutated till few remain that can accurately remember the words, and even they question their own memory. But the children of this land are the genetic heritage of those ancient ones who pledged their allegiance to the great horror of the 10,000 worlds.

The genetic material of this land has greatly influenced the modern world. A large initial population of Hume (humans), Nekojin and Ninja Monkeys lived side by side with their non-earthly companions - "lizardmen [Slith], insectoids, small furballs, and men who seemed so pale and amorphous as to be not even of this reality [Aikon]" - The Obsidian Grimoire. The people of The Shroud, who were deeply responsible for the survival of their brothers and sisters of the Earth. Over generations, the two sects would forget their separate lineages and throughout the ages, their deep relations and unified daily life eventually led to genetic interactions that resulted in a particularly diverse population that makes up the current East Africa. This would not be the first time this had been observed on Earth, but none still exist that can recall the long perished Komai Jikari, 2, Genki Izuga or the entire nation of Sharakar. Today, this past has resulted in four main species that call this region home, with a total of eight separate minority species found scattered throughout the cities and land. In the nature of myth, this has resulted in the religious story that the Great One, created 12 species to undo the damages done by the fell creatures of the Black knight. These twelve animals were made from the life of the stars themselves, and hence named after the twelve symbols that map the heavens (the Zodiac whose Greek origin, ζῳδιακὸς κύκλος (zōdiakos kuklos) which means "circle of animals", as denoted from the greek word ζώδιον (zōdion), the diminutive of ζῶον (zōon) "animal"). . Four of these species were sent first to bring about peace, but all twelve would eventually play a part in healing the world and bringing back a new enlightened era. It is without a doubt, that the current acronym used to describe this region is a result of this prevalent myth.

This is hardly the case however, instead history played a far more interesting tale in the creation of the modern landscape. After the fall of the world, the ziggurats that once held the great Shroud fell into an eternal slumber that none could re-awaken. Consequently, as the sun shone down upon her native soil for the first time in decades, ancient seeds, that lay dormant began to take root beneath and the world began to restore itself from its transformed state as described in lost ancient tomes, "Where [there] had been desert, scrub, and wasteland had become verdant and lush, and then had become both tame and wild, plants native and alien growing alike in submission to the order of their strange new masters." - The Obsidian Grimoire. So, as the towers were removed, scrub, generally returned to desert, verdant and lush landscapes became wastelands and the old rainforest of the ancient Congo regained its' formidable grip on the lands of the Styx ((the Congo River)). By this point in time, very few remnants of the old OE (Obsidian Empire) can still be found, with long channels cut into the Sahara dancing in and out of the sand dunes and occasional fauna. However, the social species that joined hands in friendship did not fade with the restoration of the environment, but instead survived by means of mutual aid and eventually, shared genetic advantages. Hume were born of this forest and [H]Hume[/U] would provide the path by which most would survive. Even though most would not remain "Hume".


[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]The Age of Kings[/SIZE][/font]

In recorded history, the lands of East Africa were owned by three powerful kings who continuously made war against one another, one for the Vesari, the Oniru and the Urnak. While their manipulation and possible instigation of the conflict is suspect, there was no positive 'proof' that Ninja Monkeys were involved in the affair. Overall, the war had long since become a conflict of attrition, and famine had spread across the land. In their desperation to survive at this point, the Vesari and the Oniru began to recognize an affinity for one another, an affinity which was amplified by their mutual collapse against the superior physical strength, tough skin and spartan ways of the Urnak.

An alliance between the Vesari and Oniru was hence formed, and their joint strengths complimented one another, swaying the war back against the Urnak. But the war had worn the land thin, and so, in order to avoid a complete collapse of their civilizations, the three kings agreed to a mutual diplomatic meeting in which the war was brought to a close. The Magi Accord. Political pressure from the populous who were also entertaining the idea of democracies and republics added to this, and eventually brought the same three kings to unify their lands and form a national Triumvirate political system that exists today.


[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]The Modern Government In Principle[/SIZE][/font]

The Triumviri and other major governmental affairs occur in the governmental and spiritual capital city of Edean, located within Ethiopia, over the ancient city of Addis Abeba. Likewise, most of the traditional locations for major cities have found the occupants of this land willing in reconstruction in one form or another, mostly because of their original strategic locations along trade routes, easy access to food and water or simply because the ground was pre-flattened and raw materials for construction were more readily available from the remnants of the ancient cities that used to be there.

Politically, the modern Triumvirate focuses heavily on protecting personal individual freedom, while providing the governmental tools and operations necessary to produce a strong economy and a powerful military to defend against the outside world. Currently, Oniru control of the Triumvirate due to peaceful sympathies from the Vesari have resulted in a major economic development program. A temporary dormancy of small regional threats and the growth of the ZODEAC to produce a significant military force has resulted in this stability which Oniru investors wish to take full advantage of.
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Postby Peanut » Sat Dec 18, 2010 10:32 am

Welcome aboard Pascal!
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Postby Dante » Sat Dec 18, 2010 3:26 pm

Thank you!
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Postby goldenspines » Sat Dec 18, 2010 3:47 pm

All I can think of is my nation falling into several revolutions because I'll forget about this once I join.

But sure, this looks different from the regular RPGs on CAA and more organized, so I'll jump in.
You all will probably have to help me through stuff, though. I've always sucked at Risk....

Give me a day or so to post up the info for my Nation, leader, Titan, etc... And unless it was taken and I didn't see, I'll take #52 as my starting region, please. I'll probably kick myself later for being somewhat close to Jaden's region, but we'll see how it goes. XD;
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Postby Althaia » Sat Dec 18, 2010 6:54 pm

Military Leadership :)
[color=cyan]† [size=84]smile Jesus loves you[/SIZE][/color]

procastinators unite.......................tommorrow

[color=palegreen]So in times when all your hope is gone
And you go through life afraid
In your heart there lies a hopeful song
That is there to guide the way
And all the hurt and all the pain
You soon will learn was not in vain
For all your prayers, they will be heard
They'll come to pass through faith [/color]

[color=palegreen]~When you Believe from Prince of Egypt

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Postby Peanut » Sat Dec 18, 2010 6:57 pm

Hooray! Goldy is joining us! I can always remind you before your country falls into complete disarray.

And, got it Althaia! You are now completely set.
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Postby Dante » Sat Dec 18, 2010 7:45 pm

Epically Awesome! Welcome aboard goldenspines and Althaia!

Also, I just noticed something...

Althaia wrote:Miscellaneous facts: She carries a sword that when drawn the blade has a rose and thorns etched into the blade.

Give that back to Rei! Who let you steal the rose-blade XP! Oh well, I would claim the blade Fenris, but I think that would actually be better suited for JMs character given the history.
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:14 am

Time to introduce my second character.

Name: Adelais Baptista

Title - Emperor's holy adviser and Grand inquisitor.

Age - 71

Physical description - As his age might indicate he is quite old. His skin is remarkably pale. Although he is known to have to smile a great deal and is mostly in good spirits.

Clothes and accessories - Wears a massive black robe with silky dark red stripes, as well as the emblem of the New Holy Roman Empire. He also has a large preachers hat which is old and of an unorthodox style. He has a remarkable number of rings on his fingers as well. 23 in total. Wearing lavish chains and no less than 12 crucifixes.

Character history - Was born in Sicily and spent much of his isolated youth doing little other than hanging out in an abandoned library. Reading a great deal of history and old fiction. It was accidentally in this library that he discovered the Holy Bible, which did much to change his life. Later on in his life he was required to work at one of the many genetic labs which did much to define him and his views as he did not consider their work pure or even worthwhile, yet, he excelled in this position. Spawning various mutations that adapted easily into the habitat of his choosing. Even going as far as to create new cures and indeed, at times new poisons that were used in several wars and nearly every hospital. Despite his incredible success, he also had incredible failures. With all of his surplus he gained from the patents he opened a variety of museums and art exhibitions, all of them failed miserably and although he was moderately known by the public, he was seen as rather crazy. As soon as his finances started to decline at a rapid pace he had to plea-bargain with his incredibly valued patents which left him back at square one. It was however during this time he opened a isolated monastery in Southern Germany. Here he took many outcasts from civilization and trained them to become Christians like himself. There is even a rumor going around that he found the love of his life during this time.

However, ill fate was to befall him during the wars that took place. He was once again forced into service even despite his sacred vow to never resume it. This was where he met Charles who he worked closely with in terms of warfare. Although, he had never imagined the slaughters of civilians and the seemingly cold-hearten tactics utilized by Charles. As time moved on, he seemingly surpassed them and became probably the sole reason that Humanity and many other races today still exist in large numbers over Europe. Yet, he demanded one thing from the new Emperor, which was to be the Grand Inquisitor of the regions under the New Holy Roman Emperor, leaving him effectively in charge of the cultural assimilation.

During the new reformation where Constantinople and Rome was once again united he managed to display his effectiveness. It took only seemingly weeks before Christianity once again seemed to be mainstream, even in Istanbul were it pretty much was extinct beforehand. Yet, he also demonstrated cruelness and there are even rumors of witch hunts going as far as among his own ranks. Daunting tides were also present towards some of the species he was said to have created, placing draconian laws of conduct which, although increased the effectiveness of the new empire, did little to quell what seemed to be an uprising.

In this uprising he displayed his full potential. Although details are not known of this event and have been heavily censored, it is fair to say that there have been no more unrest in the NHRE ever since.

Personality - Happy, at times, one would say too happy. Rarely caught in anything, but a joyful mood. He is often quite sensitive and polite towards even the poorest and least successful being in his empire. Yet, when it comes to laws, it seems quite the opposite. Age has taken a toll on him without a doubt, yet, although he moves fairly slow, he is still quite will strong.

Additional details - No one expects the NHRE Inquisition.
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Postby goldenspines » Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:03 pm

Okies, here it is. I feel like a pitiful amateur at this compared to Jaden and Pascal, but I hope I did all right. ._.; Let me know if I made any mistakes or need to redo the whole thing or something. >.<
I was still contemplating what area I’d start with, but I suppose I’ll stick with 52. May regret it later, but such is life.

Character Sheet:
Name: Acela Mar (called “Lady Aceâ€
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Postby Peanut » Mon Dec 20, 2010 7:59 pm

Hooray! Goldy has joined! Everything looks good and you're all set for the start. Welcome aboard.
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Postby goldenspines » Tue Dec 21, 2010 2:00 pm


Also, just noticed this now:
Althaia wrote: Other information: the people in this country are a little touchy about nekojin apparently a nekojin was the one who took Rozanna's Eye so if she sees one shes liable to lop their head off and ask questions later.

I'm going to die. XD;
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Postby goldenspines » Thu Dec 23, 2010 8:50 pm

Main RPG thread:
Let's get this party started.
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Postby Peanut » Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:14 pm

Hooray! It's started! And before I forget, here is one more character from me for fun...ness...

Name: Enoch

Age: lost in the pages of time

Race: The Corrupt (formerly a Ninja Monkey)

Physical Description: A terribly disfigured version of a Ninja Monkey with a hunch back that has a single giant eye. His left arm is shriveled while his right is significantly larger and stronger then normal. His eyes glow red and he is lost most of his fur.

History: Enoch cannot recall when he joined the ranks of The Corrupt. All he knows is that the dark ritual did not give him the great powers he desired. They said it was because of his strong desire to return to his home land. Now, that was impossible for him. He has traveled the lands trying to find some shred of hope to release him from this state. So far, his travels have been fruitless and have only revealed to him the sheer cruelty of all creatures. Though, knowing what he has become, he cannot blame them for hating him so. He would do the same if he was in their position. So, Enoch continues on, scrounging for a way to survive in a hostile world that despises everything about him.

Skills: Personal Teleportation, Stealth

Miscellaneous facts: He is the worst Go Fish player on the face of the planet...
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Postby USSRGirl » Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:08 pm

Is it too late for me to join this RP? ^^; I'm kinda new, but this sounds like an interesting idea.
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Postby Peanut » Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:32 pm

Nope, its not too late.
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Postby USSRGirl » Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:00 pm

Here we go - hope this meets the standard.

Character Sheet:

Name: Cadbury Augustus Constantine

Age: 35

Race: Chimera

Physical Description:¤t=Chimera.jpg

History: C. Constantine is the name emblazzoned on his office door, though known as "Cadbury" only to close friends. His father, previously the head of the banker clan, met an untimely end by falling from a fifth story window. Many believe he was pushed and the dirty deed had Constantine's pawprints all over it. Regardless, the chimera soon succeeded his father and rose to acquire power and wealth of station as head of the banker clan - a wordwide monetary fund run by the Chimera.

Since his cub years, Constantine has lived a life of strict life. Born the sole heir to a wealthy family, he learned several languages, plenty of etiquette, corporate dealings, and was generally a sweet, well mannered child who knew when to say "yes, ma'am" and "no, ma'am" without missing a beat. No one suspected that in each of young Cadbury's heads something had begun to boil and crack like an overdone egg. It was not until his teen years that his ruthlessness and questionable sanity began to shine through. Now an adult, the chimera still retains an outward facade of civility though his merciless nature is known best to his overworked and underpaid employees. Constantine claims that he had a vision of a human woman who told him to murder his father and seize what was rightfully his. Whether mad or prophetic, Constantine did just that.

Skills (limited to 10 for the entire RP, though you don't have to list them all now, choose and plan wisely): His snake his is venomous, his goat head is a smooth talker, and the lion head is the one with the teeth so to speak. He is somewhat skilled in technology, strong in political relations/worldy know-how/money and business type dealings, a bit weaker on the fighting side and chooses to hide behind his wallet and his reknown sooner than challenge others on his own four feet. Behind armies, however, he can be a shrewd leader.

Miscellaneous facts: Hates grilled cheese sandwiches. Likes watching foreign films and taking yoga classes.

Nation Sheet:

Name: The Banker Clan of Chimra (generally known as the "the banker clan" or "the banking nation")

Dominant Race (whatever race is in control): Chimera

Recent History: A rising economic power located in the heart of Eastern Europe, the banker clan operates similarly to a world bank. Due to their immense wealth, they provide developing nations with loans to improve their civilizations. However, exorbitent interest fees make the debt difficult to pay for most nations and if unpaid by the allotted time at the end of the contract, the banker clan may seize land as payment for its help.

Other information: On chimera; the chimera have never been a physically powerful race and began as a merchant clan centuries ago. They struck out into the wider world and soon became an affluent race, skilled in diplomacy and world dealings. A chimera's heads are not distinct but rather operate as one brain and individual (a chimera who claims differently is considered deranged). The serpent head is poisonous and one bite may put an adult human out of commission for awhile. Their economy is strong and they have prospered as a society.

Titan Sheet

Name: T4 Lion

Pilot: Cadbury

Weapons: Homing missles, aerial or oceanic treads/capacity, defense shields, neutron bombs.
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Postby Dante » Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:28 pm

We'd love to have you! It would be an awesome time to join this RP as it just got started! (It won't matter later on if anyone joins if I'm still around, I'll be sure to send some economic aid their way if I can afford the funds).
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