-Black Market is attached to Bandits; no bandits means no black market.
-Blueprints for all units provided are triple the cost of a
single unit.
-Railgun Tank- 15 econ units; Increases Military score by .1; 80 in total;
-Hybrid Tank-25 econ units; Increases Military score by .2; 40 in total
-War Walkers-30 econ units; Increseases Military score by .4; 20 in total
-Silver Hawk-15 econ units; Increases Military Score by .1; 80 in total
-Firebird 2- 16 econ units each; Increases military score by .15; 60 in total
-Thunderbird 3- 20 econ units each; Increases military score by .25; 45 in total
-Ragnarok R-3- 25 econ units each; Increases military score by .35; 25 in total
-Phoenix 2 Fighter- 25 econ units each; Increases military score by .35; 25 in total
-Phoenix 2 Bomber- 25 econ units each; Increases military score by .35; 25 in total
-Leviathan-35 econ units each. Increases military score by .45(water only); 15 in total
-Wave-25 econ units each. Increases military score by .35: 25 in total
-Space Shuttle:100 econ units each. Allows travel into space; 10 in total.
Nation Abilities:
Cost is 20 econ units for each level initially. Even if the ability comes as a result of the race picked, if it can be leveled up it must be done through the Black Market.
-Training takes one turn to accomplish.
-Scout: Allows the player to scout an adjacent territory, success being determined by 1 d12 (1-3:failure; 4-9: moderate success; 10-12: huge success). Training adds between +1-+3 on each roll. Scouting an area that is under control of the player can reveal secrets along with other things. Scouting a territory not held by the player will reveal its military, economic, bandit and beast scores.
-Development: Allows the player to decrease the development time of one tech advance for each tech report they give. Takes only one turn.
-Spy: Allows the player to see another player's moves if successful. Success determined by 1 d12(1-3:failure; 4-9: moderate success; 10-12: huge success). Training adds between +1-+3.
-Assassinate: Kills off military, science or economic leaders, decreasing bonuses of a player for 2 turns. Success determined by 1 d12(1-3:failure; 4-9: moderate success; 10-12: huge success). Training adds between +1-+3
-Research: Adds one research slot for the player to use. Can be done 3 times without investing in education system.
-Investment: Lowers the price of stocks by 25%. Also adds a bonus of plus 1 (plus 2, plus 3 with training) to economic score.
-Tactics: Adds a plus 3 military bonus. With training, can increase to plus 4 and plus 6. Allows tactics to be used without having to roll to for success.
-Military Leadership: Adds a plus 1 to military bonus. With training can increase to plus 2, and plus 3. Also gives the ability to send leaders with troops, giving an extra boost of plus 3.
-Negotiate: Allows the user to negotiate with leader of the beasts. Success determined by 1 d12(1-3:failure; 4-9: no death; 10-12: huge success).
-Construction: Allows the building of a Research Facilities (+1 Research slot), Factories (+1 Tech Slot), Stock Exchanges (decreases stock prices by 10%) , or Base (plus 2 to Military Score) in a region. Buildings cost 20 economic units and are destroyed if targeted in an attack or transfer over if the area is conquered.
Ritual: Takes 1 turn to perform and uses 5 military units and 5 economic units. Success determined by 1 d12(1-3:failure; 4-9: no death; 10-12: huge success). If successful, player gets to boost one of their scores or gain a research/tech slot.
Bandit/Pirate Raids:
-Cost is determined by area’s military strength minus the number of bandits in that area. If the scores are equal, there will be no raid.
-Bandit raid goes by 1 military combat, if won by the bandits, then d6 or d12 (for large bandit forces) used to determine economic damage; that total is given to the player's capital region
-Costs 2 Economic units to recruit 1 unit for one turn.
The Map