Furen (post: 1448101) wrote:if you had won the lottery and you already gave money to a charity of your choice what would you spend it on (you must spend it on you or a selfish need)
stealing CAA radio questions :O
Have you listened to CAA radio?
Furen (post: 1448104) wrote:Do you like Goldy's voice? (I do and apparently she doesn't)
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if it were using an axe?
assuming you like Zelda games, which one do you like best?
Furen wrote:like music?
Rusty wrote:Own any combat utencils?
*Strange feeling of dejavu*
If it wasn't so weird, would you help Ren and I form a Goldy's voice fanclub? XP
Atria wrote:Best reason to do something?
Favorite flavor of ice cream (or deessert if you don't like ice cream)?
Favorite commercial?
Rock wrote:1. Favorite writers?
2. Favorite animal?
3. Favorite superhero?
Some musical QUESTIONS!!!!!! XDDD!
1. Song that makes you happy?
2. Song that makes you sad?
3. Song that made you burst into tears?
4. Song that can make you dance no matter what mood you're in?
5. Song that you relate to heavily (almost word for word)?
6. Anime Song that you like?
7. Song you can't stand?
8. Song that creeps you out?
9. Did you know I know the answers to probably most of these?
10. Does it baffle you that I would ask them anyway?
11. Am I.....an obsessive stalker? O_O?
rocklobster (post: 1448521) wrote:1. Favorite superhero?
2. Favorite Biblical figure other than Jesus?
3. You into Star Trek?
4. Ever read Artemis Fowl?
Hats wrote:"Frodo! Cast off your [s]sins[/s] into the fire!"
FllMtl Novelist (post: 1448872) wrote:If you could make a living doing anything, what would you do?
What question would you like to be asked?
What's the answer?
Are you crazy?!
Favorite thing to do when there's snow on the ground? (If you say shoveling, I'll kill you.)
Favorite thing to do when there is not snow on the ground, and it is really hot outside?
rocklobster (post: 1448971) wrote:1. Ever watch the Nostalgia Critic?
2. What about Linkara?
3. What about AVGN?
Beau Soir (post: 1449050) wrote:Hey, I would also join Goldy's voice's fanclub if it wasn't misconstrued as being creepy... Goldy has a pretty voice! ^__^
Anyway, TG...
What's your favorite salad dressing?
Can you use a pogo stick?
Favorite Bible verse and why?
Do you like coffee?
What's your favorite name of God (Mighty One, Prince of Peace, etc.)
Do you have any Converse brand shoes?
Is Tetra's crew really just a bunch of pirates who don't do anything? o__o
BeauSoir wrote:Do you have any Converse brand shoes?
Is Tetra's crew really just a bunch of pirates who don't do anything? o__o
Risa wrote:1. funniest thing you've ever seen?
2. if you could turn into an anime character, which would it be?
Rock wrote:1. Ever listen to B-52's?
2. Ever read anything by S.E. Hinton?
3. Do you like green eggs and ham?
rocklobster (post: 1449376) wrote:I sent you a PM about S.E. Hinton so you can check her stuff out.
1. Ever listen to The Red Hot Chili Peppers?
2. Would you ever want to help found a space colony?
3. Got any favorite J-pop acts?
Hats wrote:"Frodo! Cast off your [s]sins[/s] into the fire!"
rocklobster (post: 1450487) wrote:1. Ever watch Trigun?
2. Favorite commercial mascot?
3. Favorite Looney Tune?
FllMtl Novelist (post: 1451385) wrote:First anime (not including Pokemon or Digimon?
Read any comics? If so, which ones?
Favorite guy in FMA?
Favorite girl in FMA?
Favorite kind of weather (if that makes sense XD)?
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