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Someone new!

Postby lin » Mon Sep 08, 2003 3:52 pm

Hi everyone! :jump:

This seems like an awesome message board! I'm so glad that Niyana introduced me to it! :3

Well, a little about myself. I'm obviously a Christian who enjoys anime. I've been a Christian since 1999 after having to deal with a rape + a pregnancy at once. It truly is amazing how much God can help you through things during your times of despair. I owe Him my life.

I run 2 sites. One dedicated to one of my all-time favorites (and highly recommended!) called Fruits Basket. That site is called onigiri ::: riceball paradise!. My other site is actually my personal domain that is mostly dedicated to Nyago (a Sanrio character!) --> nyagoNET. ^_^;

I have recently gotten married to a wonderful man named Adam and love Him very much. Together we try to grow in God's words and help each other through bad times and enjoy the good times. He is everything I've ever prayed for in a husband, plus some!
We also run a forum on our server which is dedicated to just about anything. :brow: That forum is located here. ^^;

Hmm... I'm drawing a blank now, so I guess this'll be all I'll bore you guys with! :lol: I hope to get to know some new people here! Thanks for creating a wonderfully themed forum! :thumb:
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Postby Mithrandir » Mon Sep 08, 2003 3:54 pm

Welcome, and have fun on the board!
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Postby Razgriz » Mon Sep 08, 2003 6:47 pm

>It truly is amazing how much God can help you through things during your times of despair.

Amen to that.

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Postby Rashiir » Mon Sep 08, 2003 6:57 pm

Hey, glad to have you!
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Postby shooraijin » Mon Sep 08, 2003 6:58 pm

"you're a doctor.... and 27 years.... + 27 years = HATORI SOHMA" - RoyalWing, when I was 27
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Postby Michael » Mon Sep 08, 2003 7:20 pm


I'm truely glad to see that you have found a Godly spouse.
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Postby Spiritsword » Mon Sep 08, 2003 7:20 pm

Hi lin! Welcome to CAA! Glad to have another Fruits Basket fan with us! I'm heading over to check out your site in just a sec. Sounds like God has helped you through a lot in your life--I'm sure you're very close to Him. See you around the forums!

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Postby Link Antilles » Mon Sep 08, 2003 7:51 pm

HI! :jump:
Welcome to CAA!
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Postby EireWolf » Mon Sep 08, 2003 7:57 pm

Hello Lin! Glad to have you with us. Welcome! :lick:
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Postby lin » Mon Sep 08, 2003 10:16 pm

Wow... you guys seem so friendly! Thanks for the warm welcome! :hug: (<--- y'know, that looks more like a *GLOMP* than just a hug! :lol: )

St. Peter wrote:That's a lot of luggage. I can't imagine how excruciating that must have felt.

Honestly, it may sound like a lot, but it could have been worse. ^^]Glad to have another Fruits Basket fan with us! I'm heading over to check out your site in just a sec.[/quote]

Thanks for visiting! Yeah... Fruits Basket is on my main favorites list! I adore that anime very much! :D I cannot stand those "fans" out there that seem to enjoy tearing it apart too. :stressed: Yeah, it has an angsty character in it (Akito), but they make it sooo focused on that. :shady: And then they bring yaoi into it. :shake: They are the ones who have just totally ruined my feelings about FB. ~_~

Ah... forgot to list some of the anime I'm into. Another huge favorite of mine that I'm just totally hooked on is Inuyasha. :thumb: It just seems to get better and better (well, minus some of the annoying fillers :shady: ). Other titles I enjoy are Slayers, Scrapped Princess, Yukitsukai Sugar, Ranma 1/2, Nanaka 6/17, Tenchi Muyo, Pita Ten, Azumanga Daioh, Full Metal Panic!, Demon Detective Loki - Ragnarok, Saber Marionette J, Wolf's Rain, and many others I can't think of at the moment... @_@

I also love music. Right now I just cannot get enough of the Newsboys!!! Anybody else listen to them? I also love anime soundtracks (naturally)... heading more towards j-pop and happy bubbly music. ^^;

And of course I love my video games. My favorite genre are RPG's. I love Final Fantasy 9 (and the earlier ones... I'm "old-school" and don't really care for the angsty "realism" stuff of 7, 8 and 10.)... and of course Lunar!!! Love the animation and the story to that one! ^^; I've also become addicted to the GBA game called Golden Sun. Good GBA game and highly recommended!

Ah... sorry, I've gone and rambled more about myself. :eyebrow: I'll shut up now!!! Sorry, I have a bad habit of rambling on and on and on... :red:
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Postby MyrrhLynn » Mon Sep 08, 2003 10:52 pm

Lin!!!! :hug: :hug: :hug:

Yay! It's so cool that you are here! Now we have more Fruits Basket people! (let's take over the anime section :evil: )

Seriously, I'm glad you came, although I do feel like a dork that I never told you about it. :forehead: Forgive me?

Yeah I love the Newsboys. They are quite amazing to see in concert let me tell you. "Shine, make 'em wonder what ya got. Make 'em with that they were not..."

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Postby lin » Tue Sep 09, 2003 9:23 am

MyrrhLynn wrote:Yeah I love the Newsboys. They are quite amazing to see in concert let me tell you. "Shine, make 'em wonder what ya got. Make 'em with that they were not..."

LOL! Oh you're SO lucky! I have never been to any concerts in my life yet... :sniffle: But that would be a dream come true if I could see Newsboys LIVE!! :dance:

I've really gotta find the time to go through this forum! XD I've been trying to, but everytime I do... I get sidetracked at work. @_@
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Postby Ashley » Tue Sep 09, 2003 10:38 am

Hey Lin!
I livejournal too. And the newsboys are my all time favorite band! I checked your forums out too; not bad layout yourself!
p.s. we don't regularly get hit with's just been an organized effort against us the last few days. For the most part it's over. I'm sorry you had to join under such stressful conditions.
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Postby lin » Tue Sep 09, 2003 12:26 pm

[quote="Ashley"]Hey Lin!
I livejournal too. And the newsboys are my all time favorite band! I checked your forums out too]

Yay! More LJ's to add! ^_^ Actually, I'm considering registering a *new* paid username... so um yeah... XD I know, it's silly... but I want to start anew (plus I don't like my username there... I didn't know "-" weren't allowed, and it just automatically changed it to an "_" underscore, and I don't like underscores in usernames (call me anal - but I find them annoying when you're typing them @_@)

And if this is what you called "stressed out" ... gosh, I'd be blessed if I could handle stress as well as you can! :sweat: Kudos to you, Ashley! ^^;

The forums I run... well, the layout wasn't done by me. My husband found them somewhere online, so they're pre-generated. @_@ Nothing fancy. It was never meant to be fancy! ^^; I like this one, but my only qualm would be that it's sooooo busy that I'm having a sorta hard time deciphering what from what. @_@ Nothing against you guys, but ---> :dizzy: heehee... ^^; I guess I'm just getting too old for this! :lol:
"Do all the good you can, by all the means you can,
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Postby Mimichan » Tue Sep 09, 2003 6:19 pm


Sorry I didn't get to this post til now. welcome^_^

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What it is that's truly important...
Although I can't afford to forgive even myself,
Because you were there,
I was able to be myself (Natural).
I want to be honest...I want to be kind...
I want to be the adult I once (in my childhood) longed to be.
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Postby Spiritsword » Tue Sep 09, 2003 8:15 pm

Alright! I'm with you and Ash, lin, I love the Newsboys too! :jump: My favorite Christian group/artist. What's your favorite song of theirs? I don't know that I've heard all their songs, but a couple I like are Entertaining Angels and a funny, quirky one--Breakfast. :grin:

Sounds like our tastes in anime are pretty similar as well, lin! I'm into the fantasy genre, and Slayers might just be my all-time favorite anime (that or The Vision of Escaflowne). I also like anything cute. A lot of the anime you listed I haven't seen yet (Pita Ten, Scrapped Princess, Wolf's Rain), but I really want to once they're released in the US.

And aren't the old FF games the best? I love the original FF and FF2 (US).

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Postby Saint » Tue Sep 09, 2003 8:26 pm

Hello lin welcome to the site. Glad to have you here with us. :)
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Postby lin » Wed Sep 10, 2003 9:08 am

Spiritsword wrote:Alright! I'm with you and Ash, lin, I love the Newsboys too! :jump: My favorite Christian group/artist. What's your favorite song of theirs? I don't know that I've heard all their songs, but a couple I like are Entertaining Angels and a funny, quirky one--Breakfast. :grin:

Yay! More Newsboys fans! ^^]Sounds like our tastes in anime are pretty similar as well, lin! I'm into the fantasy genre, and Slayers might just be my all-time favorite anime (that or The Vision of Escaflowne). I also like anything cute. A lot of the anime you listed I haven't seen yet (Pita Ten, Scrapped Princess, Wolf's Rain), but I really want to once they're released in the US.[/quote]

Weee! Slayers is like one of my top favorites!!! :thumb: That was one of the first anime's to "bring me in"... :lol: I still love that show! What's your favorite season? Mine is "NEXT". That has to be THE funniest EVER! I loved that one episode how they used poor Zelgadis as an anchor... I could NOT stop laughing! :lol: I can't wait to get enough spare cash to buy the DVD boxset! :3 "TRY" was a bit... dry (rhyme not intended ;p)... I didn't care for that season too much.

If you liked Slayers, you'll like Scrapped Princess. It hasn't been licensed yet... I'm watching fansubs right now of it, but I do highly recommend it. It starts off being a bit slow, but it's still cool. Right now where I am (ep. 20)... it gets SO GOOD!!! :thumb: It's interesting how they play on religion too... reminds me of a certain denomination that kinda upsets me... ~_~ (no names) The opening song is sung by Masami Okui, I believe... who sung some of the opening songs of Slayers along with Hayashibara Megumi! ^.^; It's an AWESOME song... if you're interested, I can upload it...?

Pita Ten is like TOO cute. It's reeking of cuteness! XD I love Koge Donbo's artwork though, so that's why I like it. :3 (she draws for Digi Charat, Yukitsukai Sugar/Tiny Snow fairy Sugar and ... gah, I forgot @_@ -- my avatar features one of her artworks! ^^)

Wolf's Rain I finished, but it has been licensed. It's a bit dark -- not my usual liking, but since my husband liked it, I watched it with him. It's good... interesting storyline, anyway. ^^; But I probably wouldn't have continued to watch it if it weren't for him. ^^;

Escaflowne is totally awesome! ^_^v I love that series very much. The movie was a bit different, but... yeah. :3 My only qualm of the series would be the artwork -- their noses were too big. :sweat:

Spiritsword wrote:And aren't the old FF games the best? I love the original FF and FF2 (US).

YES!!! I especially love the black and white mages! That's why when FF9 came out I was ALL over it!! I finished playing it about a couple months ago FINALLY... and I loved it all the way through! *heart* Zidane and Vivi are my most favorite characters!!! XD So if you liked the earlier ones, you'd like 9 if you haven't played it yet! *^^*

Hawawa... I think that's all. o_o; You guys are the sweetest! *^^* I've never felt so welcome! :hug:
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