Immersing Yourself in Entertainment
PostPosted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 12:05 am
The place for Christians who like anime.
But it doesn't, though. I was discussing sci-fi with one of my... acquaintances, and she couldn't get over the "talking robots and spaceships" (ignoring that there are voice replecation(sp?) systems, bipedal robots, and of course space ships that actually exist) and couldn't see the story past those things... "Robots don't get hungry" she said... I'm like "Yeah, but it's people the stories are about" Whether it be literally or symbolically, all good stories are about people... A story about animals won't work with an audience without some degree of anthropomorphism, for instance. I mean, Jacob's ladder wasn't about demons and crazy psychotic episodes, it was about a man feeling guilty over the death of his son. Very real basis to it, that used a crazy setting to tell it in. The story is underneath the motif, and underneath the motif, every good story is about something real, even if it uses talking robots and dragons and a small ring and halucinations to get you there. The draw lies in seeing the small portrayed in the extravagent, and in that regard there is no real need to nitpick.Good storytelling should always lead to suspension of belief on part of the viewer.
termyt wrote:I can lose myself in a movie, but it's not a guarantee. The onus is on the director to make the story and characters compelling enough to draw me in.
mitsuki lover wrote:Good storytelling should always lead to suspension of belief on part of the viewer.