Sammy Boy wrote:perhaps it would have been hard to draw in people with no previous appreciation of Transformers.
I don't believe that at all. Beast Wars had absolutely no humans whatsoever, and it drew in plenty of fans and is highly regarded as one of the best Transformers properties to date. On top of that, every show has to start somewhere. When the 1980s G1 cartoon aired, no one had previous appreciation of Transformers because Transformers didn't exist before then, and it drew an audience just fine with minimal human characters.
Michael Bay is just a talentless hack who couldn't make a half-decent movie if the fate of the free world depended on it.
If you enjoyed any G1 cartoon episodes from the 80s, you may be interested to know that the plot bears similarities to the three part episode "The Ultimate Doom".
Wow, you mean I can watch an episode I've already seen with pointless sex jokes, humans that are a thousand times more annoying, and identical-looking gray CG creations do battle in poorly edited and incomprehensible fight scenes rather than decently edited fights where I can tell who is fighting who due to lack of the camera changing angles every two seconds and interesting-looking, unique characters who can be identified at a glance?
Yeah if I want to watch a plot that bears similarities to an original series episode, I'll just watch the original series episode and prevent Michael Bay from seeing one single penny of my income, as well as enjoying it more than I could ever enjoy this travesty of a movie due to the vastly superior
characterization and character design that the original series has.
EDIT: Yes, a lot of the characterization in the original 80s cartoon was awful. Yes, it is vastly superior to the Bay films. That's saying something.