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Glee's Religion Episode

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Postby Rocketshipper » Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:47 pm

first off, I'm a big fan of Glee. I love musicals, so a show like this was right up my alley. right now its pretty much the only show on american TV I'm following.

When this episode aired I was really bracing myself for something worse than how it actually turned out, so I was a little bit relieved, although I agree with all of you that it was still very flawed.

The scene that actually annoyed me the most in the episode was the one where Rachel pretty much ordered Finn to give up his new beliefs because she had plans to raise her kids in her own faith. The scene just continues to reinforce her as being a selfish prima-donna psycho (she is not my favorite character ^^;; ), and could be seen as a criticism of how parents will pass their faith down to their kids ("I want them to be free to practice the faith that I choose for them!") If she really cared about him I would have thought that she would take his new "faith" just a little more seriously.

the Grilled Cheesus storyline didn't bother me so much in the concept, but the execution was poor. I thought there was potential to contrast how all of Finn's prayers to the sandwhich were selfish prayers compared to the others in the group who were praying for someone else, but they seemed to totally miss that. And then he randomly loses faith ><, and though it was nice that the councilor lady acknowledged that God exists even if the sandwhich has no power, I was dissapointed that she didn't try and point him in a more productive direction; he was obviously searching, she could have led him to a church group or suggested reading the Bible (although granted, there could have been problems with doing that when they were at school).

I think the other sad part is if they introduced a character who acted like a normal human being and was just really nice and supportive of everyone, but had flaws and faults and then said in passing "Yeah I'm a Christian" that certain kinds of Christians would go "He doesn't act like a Christian because he smokes/drinks/swears/hangs out with gays/isn't ever seen praying or reading a Bible or going to church!"

Give a real human character who acts like a sinful human being admitting they're Christian, and they'll get bashed for not acting like one. Give a stereotypical Christian character and they'll get bashed for being a stereotype. It's a lose-lose situation, and at least in the second example of using stereotypes, most of the more prominent Christian representatives in the media will approve of it, even if we don't.

Your totally right, I agree. and you could argue that this has already sort of happened with Glee, with the character of Quinn, although in kind of the opposite direction. when she was introduced she was established as a Christian, president of the Celibacy club, but also mean, stuck up, manipulative, judgemental, most of the negative sterotypes. and she became pregnant. But over the course of season 1, they really gave her a lot of depth; she opened up to the other characters, her superior icy demenor began to defrost, she began treating everyone better and making friends with people she formally ignored and looked down on; and she struggled with her mistakes and her future and what to do with her baby. She started out as a sterotype, but she's become a much stronger character since then. But it seems like reviews from people like Focus on the Family just focus on her action in the earliest episodes and the fact that she got pregnant.
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Postby TWWK » Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:16 pm

[quote="Rocketshipper (post: 1430471)"]
Your totally right, I agree. and you could argue that this has already sort of happened with Glee, with the character of Quinn, although in kind of the opposite direction. when she was introduced she was established as a Christian, president of the Celibacy club, but also mean, stuck up, manipulative, judgemental, most of the negative sterotypes. and she became pregnant. But over the course of season 1, they really gave her a lot of depth]

Notice, however, that the more they developed her character into a sympathetic one, the more they took her faith out of the equation. In fact, I almost did a double-take when she spoke briefly about God in this past episode, like, "oh yeahhh...they originally introduced her as a Mandy Moore - Saved clone." It was almost like an on-off switch, too, as she immediately became unsympathetic when arrogantly expressing her belief.
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Postby airichan623 » Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:47 pm

First off, I will say that I find it ironic that sometimes the most religiously-contraversial shows comes from the 'conservative Christian' station. [ending all remotely political statements there]

Now, personally, not gonna lie, the first time I watched Glee as a free episode on iTunes. I was hopeful for good series about show choir [its like Glee, but think of the big schools they compete against-thats my local public high school- in winter, show choir is life]. (side note: i go to a small Christian high school with a small show choir with a small budget by comparison) When it comes to the show, I honestly was completely offended by it. First off, Rachel was annoying and reminded of the prima donnas of show choir that I always had to listen fight w/ each other over solos, and Mercedes being the bitter rejects. Kurt is the stereotype of guys in show choir [and this is why, out of 50 people in my show choir, there are 5 guys man enough to be in it]. The cheerleader "Christian" girl, well, frankly, I hated her from first sight, and the way she stopped in the middle of her "makeout" session to say "Lets pray"-- it made me think of the girls at my school who really are the Saved-brand Christians. The teacher's wife was weird, and the teacher was manipulative. It was kinda sad that I could only find one likable character in the entire show [being Finn]. I basically disliked every lead, and to me it enforced stereotypes. Maybe it changed later on, but that first episode was hard to get passed. The next time I turned it on, not mentioning the parts about the cheerleader's pregnancy, I was just plain revolted by the scene with the Down's Syndrome girl. [this was an episode involving a bakesale?] In a nutshell, my first thought was "How could they desecrate my favorite activity like this?"

That being said, it could have improved as it went on. And for my Christian friends in public school show choirs, they love it, probably because they were totally used to the content, being they saw lots of it in real life.

Still, I wish there were SOME representation of good example, God-fearing Christians in the media, who love all, but seek purity in spite of their faults and failings. All we get are either 'fakes', homophobes, hard-core conservatives, haters, or annoying-goody-two-shoes.


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Postby Cognitive Gear » Thu Oct 14, 2010 10:52 pm

airichan623 (post: 1431165) wrote:First off, I will say that I find it ironic that sometimes the most religiously-contraversial shows comes from the 'conservative Christian' station. [ending all remotely political statements there]

Fox News and the rest of the Fox network are entirely separate entities. They even operate from separate buildings. Fox is a corporation that wants as much money as possible (like all corporations), and each branch of it does whatever it needs to in the fulfillment of that goal. I just wanted to clarify why things are this way. Carry on. XD
[font="Tahoma"][SIZE="2"]"It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things."

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Postby Nate » Thu Oct 14, 2010 10:57 pm

airichan623 wrote:Still, I wish there were SOME representation of good example, God-fearing Christians in the media, who love all, but seek purity in spite of their faults and failings. All we get are either 'fakes', homophobes, hard-core conservatives, haters, or annoying-goody-two-shoes.

The problem is that as I said before, the more conservative types would look at flawed, God-fearing Christians and call them "fakes."

I don't think the rest is "enforced" stereotypes either. At the very least, quite a few Christians aren't doing a whole lot to dispel the homophobic or racist or hate-filled stereotypes. Especially when those are the ones the media likes to report on the most because it garners interest (like WBC, for example).

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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:20 pm

Also, I've heard they're introducing a Christian character who hates gays this season, so...that'll go over well. XD

Gah, that frustrates me so much. If you even think it's immoral, you're lumped in with those WBC fruitcakes. And you know they're going to be fair and thoughtful towards the Christian character.
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Postby TWWK » Fri Oct 15, 2010 10:24 am

airichan623 (post: 1431165) wrote:That being said, it could have improved as it went on. And for my Christian friends in public school show choirs, they love it, probably because they were totally used to the content, being they saw lots of it in real life.

By the way, the show has changed dramatically from the early episode you saw (maybe the first?). In fact, the Christian cheerleader you mentioned is a much more interesting character now, and less Saved-like, but that's maybe because they rarely mention her religion at all anymore.
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