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Sinners' Anonymous & Edification Thread!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:41 pm
by TheMewster
Hello people! This is a thread where people can confess their sins and encourage other believers in the faith.
-Feel free to post about your sins, but as for sexual sin, please post it to Mature Prayer Topics, make a Mature Sinners' Anonymous thread, or ask a mod.
-Please don't start debates here. This thread is intended for edification, not debating. If there is a debate, please take it to PM or elsewhere.
-Don't insult a person over their sin. Tell them why it is wrong and please don't sugarcoat it, but don't condemn them, for all are sinners. That's why we need Christ's sacrifice.

Mods can add rules as they please. :cool: And if this gets too out of hand, I can ask them to close it (or more likely, they'll end up closing it anyway.:grin:)

While I encourage you guys to confess your struggles, if you want this as just an edification thread, go ahead.

Anyway, get to building one another up!::jump:

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 10:29 pm
by shooraijin
Although I'm sure this was meant well, confessionals (and that's essentially what this is) have serious privacy implications. There is no easy way to remain anonymous in this thread, and many people here know each other in real life. This is not something I think we should facilitate, no matter how good the intentions.