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To Move Forward

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:46 am
by Sapphire225
So, I was doing a little bit of thinking and introspection and this came to mind:

Most people don't appreciate the world around us. Yes, there are many negatives that we tend to focus on when we see the news: deaths, wars, the economy, stresses, and all that. I've been focusing and worrying about the little things and wondering if I'll pull through, constantly worrying about how things are at home and all the little things that we tend to blow out of proportion. And some people spend there days doing absolutely nothing, sleeping away their days.

But you know, life is short and we don't really have any control on what the future may hold.

Time passes, the seasons changes, the things around us come and go and all we have known will soon come dissapear, for better or for worse. We too will come to pass; no one is physically immortal on this Earth. We let the stresses of life get to us when we seem like we can't take anymore.

Life is hard, but at least we have it.

Do you envy a rock for not having feelings and its only role is to rest in its spot until it is moved? Most don't because we would not be able to think, feel, or have any emotions whatsoever. We can not imagine not having a mind because since the day we were born, we had always had one. God didn't make robots, he made human beings to live out their lives to do things, not sit around and lay still. While we are still alive, we should do as we can; not everyone has this oppurtunity. You can't get over a mountain by just standing there. Nor can you give up midway; you only be stuck there or have to start from the drawing board.

Also, when God told David that because of what he did to Uriah, his child would grow sick and died. He slept on the ground, didn't eat and lost alot of sleep because of it. When the child did die, he did something most of us wouldn't do: he got up, praised the lord and ate.

Now I'm not saying there is anything wrong with morning for your loved ones, or feeling sad when the situation seems that way; however, if we continue to mope around and complain about things that are completely out of our control, such as the weather of a day a month ago or things of the past that are quite trivial, then how can we deal with the larger stresses of life?

The first step is the hardest usually, but it is the beginning of a start.

Although I have always known this, it is something I need to continue meditating on when the stresses of seem to get to me. Sorry that it seems unorganized but, I thought it was worth saying. For everyone here at CAA, myself included.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:55 pm
by broly146
I totally agree with you. Very good pointers.

PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2011 12:57 am
by Darth_Kirby
broly146 (post: 1474749) wrote:I totally agree with you. Very good pointers.

Indeed. Sometimes, you just have one of those clarity moments. And it's good to pass those on. :)