I really don't know what I was thinking when I wrote it, but I was bored in German II so. . . .LoL. . .Here it is:
Staring at this closed door
Praying and hoping for something more
Trying to see beyond the glass
Wishing for this pain to pass
Begging for you to be near
'Cause you are all I hold dear
Seeing you standing there
Your sweet aroma filling the air
Joy fills my body, unable to be described
Which I try very hard to hide
Your head turns to glance my way
Shyly smiling, I don't know what to say
Smiling back, you turn and walk away
Moments like this occur everyday
I was trying to go for a girl seeing her crush through a window in a door, him seeing her and smiling and going about his day, and how she reacts to this small thing, which occurs alot. So, hope you enjoy it!