Angel (poem i wrote)
PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:58 pm
ok so here's a poem a wrote!
tell me what you think!
Angel you're always beside me
When I cry you whipe away my tears
when i'm cold you wrape yourself around me.
you find the pieces to my broken heart.
you protect me from Satin
you catch me when i fall
you watch over me when i sleep
you hold my hand when i'm scared
Angel take me away from this place
I know your beautiful but let me see your face.
tell me what you think!
Angel you're always beside me
When I cry you whipe away my tears
when i'm cold you wrape yourself around me.
you find the pieces to my broken heart.
you protect me from Satin
you catch me when i fall
you watch over me when i sleep
you hold my hand when i'm scared
Angel take me away from this place
I know your beautiful but let me see your face.