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Help me to make a decision?
PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 8:58 am
by wiggins
Hi guys! I want you guys to help me make a decision. Should I go for the Rave Master manga or the .Hack manga? Thanks!
God bless you,
PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 9:58 am
by Kireihana
I've read niether but I was looking at the .hack manga the other day at the store, and it looks really cool. Plus .hack has such an awesome story...
PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 2:48 pm
by blueraven
I haven't read Rave Master so I have to say .hack//Legend of the Twilight of which I actually have vol 1 and 2 ^^; All I have to say is Zefie is so cute is the second vol.
[spoiler="click here"]Zefie is the young girl (Vagrant AI) who attaches onto Kite because Kite's bracelet "This Bracelet ... It has my mom's scent." Turns out Zefie's mother is actually Aura. Which of course leads our friends on a quest to find out more about Vagrant AIs and to find any trace of Aura.[/spoiler]
PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 3:25 pm
by Elric_kun
id say Rave: Groove Adventure^^
PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 3:38 pm
by inkhana
I've never been much of a .hack fan, so I'll say Ravemaster...
PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 4:57 pm
by Icarus
I love .hack, but I'd go with Rave. More action, less fan service, and more volumes currently out.
PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 5:23 pm
by blue elf
I like both series, but I'm gonna say Rave. I think it's really interesting once you get into it, plus as Icarus said it currently has more vols. released, although that can be a good or bad thing, depending on your budget. ^^; It's always good to have more to read though so. ^_^
PostPosted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 5:33 pm
by Spiritsword
Never read Rave, but I really like the .Hack manga, so I'd recommend that. Good story so far, humorous, great art. The only drawback, as others pointed out, is that there are only two volumes out so far. So you'd have to wait for awhile after reading the first two volumes.
PostPosted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 8:59 am
by MasterDias
Depends on how much time and money that you are willing to spend. Rave Master is a much longer series than .hack.
.hack only has a few volumes of manga.
PostPosted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 3:18 pm
by wiggins
A sudden recalling that I have enough money to try both suddenly came to me. Thanks anyhow guys!