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"The Way" Manga Update

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 10:01 am
by superninjaspy
Riotgear Comics (Publishing "The Way") has launched it's website:
Take a minute to stop by, look around, and let us know what you think.

Our first book is being finished up as we speak.* Glenn has been working hard so that we can get the book out this month.* It's still a gamble, but either way, it will be out soon.

In response to some of the comments we've been reading on the board:

1. For now, The Way will only be available from our website. We'd love to be available in every comic shop, and at every book store in the country. These things take time! If the fans support us, we'll be able to explore getting distributed in comic shops soon. If you want to see that happen, buy a couple copies (and give them to your friends) from the website, or get your rich uncle to invest in our company.

2. A preview will be available soon on the website. It won't be the complete book, but a lot of it. Be looking for it.

Thanks for your support! It's up to you guys if this is going to happen.
