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no more school!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:38 am
by animaniac
its out!!!! i am way too happy but im going in to high school and it looks scary....:waah!:

any tips on what to do over the break or what to do to get ready for high school?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:01 am
by LadyRushia
Don't go in there trying to impress people or be someone you're not. Join clubs that interest you, not ones that you would only want to join to make your college resume look better. Don't worry about making friends; you will find your niche, and if you end up not being popular then don't worry about it. The less you care about your image in high school, the easier it is to get through it and the more you end up getting along with people in different cliques.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:03 am
by animaniac
the high school is like 5 feet away from the middle school so i dont need to worry about friends no ones realy going anywere!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 8:47 am
by Gelka
I'm going into high school next year too. The only thing I'm kinda concerned about is Algebra. >< I'm already barely getting by with it. :sweat:

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:18 pm
by F.M Disciple
lets see some tips huh,

well the first thing you could do during your vacation is look over your notes and lessons of the previous year to make sure you understand them, in your spare time. That way you'll have a better shot at understanding the next level

Also give yourself some slack, If you find yourself not adjusting to your new surrounding right away just relax. You'll get there soon enough believe me.

And don't let the cliques intimidate you to much or at all really.

And that is F.M Disciples guide to High School. Good Luck and God Bless.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:24 pm
by Jingo Jaden
Well, not the best person to tip since my high school time was not the best there was, but yeah, don't go trying to be something you are not. I think being a bit calm can really get you places.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:59 pm
Here are some:

Be prepared for an increased workload.
Don't worry about trying to fit in, you will eventually in your own way.
Don't compromise who you are for what everybody else is doing.
Stay aware of and avoid peer pressure to do things you shouldn't do.
Do your best, that's all your parents can ask of you.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:56 pm
by Anystazya
lol, you're lucky to be out of school already XP I still have until the for going into high school, well, I'm not really the best person to give advice on this, but basically, listen to what everybody else has said in this thread, and don't be afraid to stand up for your beliefs even when it's not popular or nobody else is. I suppose this isn't just for going into high school, but it's still applies, especially with a whole different level of temptations and the like...Be strong in your faith, and don't give up who you are!

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:09 pm
by xblack_x_rosesx
This is my input:

It made no difference. Lol.

Basically, I think just have fun. I made the mistake of putting myself too deep into my schoolwork for the first year of high school, and really, the workload isn't that bad. You're older, so its logical that more will be expected of you, but its nothing you can't handle.
Seriously though. Have fun. DO things. Go out. Party with friends (whether it's "party party" or movie nights). GIVE YOURSELF SOMETHING TO REMEMBER. TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES. DO THINGS.

I think that's why so many people hated high school, or regret it. They just don't have anything good to remember. So give yourself good things to remember.

And things that are "the end of the world"... aren't.


PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:36 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
High School will be filled with drama because many 16 year olds don't know how to maturely handle issues with other people.

Heck, even 20 year olds don't. XD

Try to stay out of the drama.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:46 pm
by Reon
Highschools great, just don't let others impress on you that you "have to" do anything. This is right about the time most people start relationships, most teenagers really get disrespectful to their parents, you definitely get more responsibility and as such get a stronger realization of who you are (depending on whats shaping your influences etc).

Relationships - If your not unlike myself and most my other good friends, eventually in highschool you might find someone you really like and start dating them. If the relationship gets serious (you intimately get to know this person on a social level) you can slowly get the thoughts, this is the person I'd love to marry or even will marry. For the majority of people (obviously still my opinion), the first serious relationship is the hardest - especially when it comes times to end it. Many people just can't end it for whatever reason even if they "know" they should. If you stay strong to Biblical principles you'll be a lot better of through highschool, I'll tell you that much with certainty.

Parents - Get ready, chances are they're gonna be the biggest pain in the butt ever. Your hormones are increasing, your getting more responsibility, and yet you have someone in control of you outside of your classroom too? Ah! If you can learn to live with them now and really "honor them" (that it might go well with you) you will make your life easier even if you think their making your life harder every second. I have a few friends who parent's want them to become something, a certain career choice/path - that makes it incredibly hard for them. Here is a quick article I tossed onto the forum that might help with that kind of thing ARTICLE.

Sadly, cutting this post short without further examples from my own life to really help you understand. Have to run - if the two paragraphs above were helpful at all, feel free to send me a private message to which I'll elaborate more so on the topic.

xblack_x_rosesx (post: 1316551) wrote:And things that are "the end of the world"... aren't.=D

So true. Remind yourself your in God's hands - IF your letting him lead you.

Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1316557) wrote:Heck, even 20 year olds don't. XD
Try to stay out of the drama.
Good luck with that! lol But if you learn how pointless it is early off and aren't fascinated by it... ;) Might help.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:51 pm
by sango_gal0516
My tips:

-have as much fun as possible without getting into too much trouble
-Don't freak about homework but donj't ignore it either
-Try to get along with your teachers (they can seriously make your life miserable if they want) but don't be a suck up
-Try not to get involved with bad crowds
-Make as many friends as you can, they always make sure you're not bored
-Don't get caught up in drama; it just makes life harder than what it needs to be

-and again have FUN, these seriously are some of the best years of your life


PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:43 pm
by KeybladeWarrior
Be yourself and do your best. Study hard and stay calm. Don't give into peer pressure, because it can lead to some nasty results. Congrats for graduating from junior high!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:19 pm
by Danderson
Definte ditto what everyone else has, I'll add one more lesson from high school that I learned afterwards....

Depending on you're learning style, there will be days where you'll think "what good is this going to be once I'm outta here?" While you may not have no desire to be an engineer or scientist when you graduate (or maybe you do), it is still important to keep your ears open and not to let yourself go auto-pilot through the class....

I learned this the hard way, as I got out of high school into the "real world" wishing that I'd pay'd more attention in the classes that I thought wouldn't matter once I graduated...

So, to sum it up: pay as much attention as you can, even if the subject doesn't interest you and you may be surprised how helpful this can be once you enter the "real world..."

ANd, yes, there will be times where you might not be able to understand certain things (I'm like that with math) because of how you're wired....but don't let that stop you from striving to do your best....

PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 6:09 pm
by Pyro_artist
Don't procrastinate. that was a big thing for me when I started highschool(then again I'm homeschooled, but you still shouldn't procrastinate).

So that, and everything everyone else said!