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Art galleries?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 5:20 pm
by Shao Feng-Li
I've left my account at DevianART. That place just has too much porn and crap. (Waste of 20,000+ pageviews... :waah!:)


Are there any places that are more decent and have a good amount of traffic? Storm-Artists, for now anyway, seems a lot cleaner, but it's not the most active. And I don't really like SheezyART at all.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 6:15 pm
by AJV
Hi Shao Feng-Li,

Glad to see your following conscience. :thumb:
I went though the same thing (well kind of...) a while back.
Here's the thread I started a while back about it:

After I left DeviantART I went to
It's a cool site, you can post pics at any size ( Unlike the below). It's good to join clubs and stuff like that.
Also like anywhere else, it's important to use tags there too.

I also went to where in their rules it says "Visual fan works cannot be pornographic or depict any sort of detailed nudity (e.g. exposed breasts). Written fan words cannot delineate any erotic content."
Though lately some people are really pushing it.

All and all these sites are pretty safe, but check them out for yourself and see what you think.

BTW Here are my galleries for example:

Also on another note, I made a Christian Anime Artist Group over a
Feel free to join.

Hope that helps. : )

God Bless.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 6:20 pm
by Radical Dreamer
I guess I just don't browse DA enough or something; I have never seen porn there that escaped the viewing filter, but I hear people complaining about it all the time. That said, I'm not sure of any other galleries unless you want something like Elfwood ( I think?). I've had a few friends who used that site, and they all seemed pleased with it.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 6:35 pm
by AJV
[quote="Radical Dreamer (post: 1277649)"]I guess I just don't browse DA enough or something]

I don't want to start any kind of argument but from experience when I was around 16 or 17 with filters (it was automatically like that since I was under 18 at the time) when I was browsing for Naruto fanart one day some Henti (Porn) slipped through. That happened to me other times as well.

Otherwise I still miss DeviantART sometimes, but I'm glad I did in the end.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 6:50 pm
by Shao Feng-Li
Well, actual like, porn porn isn't allowed, but all the fetish garbage and what not and just tons of nudity for the heck of it and the forums... I too easily get caught up in the world and kinda got to being a hypocrite and feeling like a cool kid XD;;;

Anyway... Flickr sounds like it might be a good idea.

I wish we had more of a gallery here at CAA...

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 6:56 pm
by Warrior 4 Jesus
I've never known Deviant Art to allow any porn. Yes, they have nudity but I thought it was more the 'classic' life drawing type, not porn. I guess I could be wrong.
Yeah, Elfwood is pretty good.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 7:18 pm
by chibiphonebooth
technically DA does not allow porn but some people do push it. i don't see it that often, only cause i don't browse DA other than my artists i watch.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 7:31 pm
by Shao Feng-Li
Well, not porn, but might as well be Play Boy I suppose.

Anyways... I don't know much about Elfwood at all.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 8:47 pm
by ChristianKitsune
Eh, can't say i know any other site...^^; I've never seen anything TOO bad...and if I do, I just dont click on it...fact is, you're going to get fetishes and playboy carp any where you go (if you want high traffic)...

I just ignore the filth and only pay attention to those who i watch.

i look at it like this: I'm not going to hide just because a place may not be the purest, DA needs Christian Artists like us.......maybe your art, and your testimony has helped others...

I mean, we aren't supposed to hide... there's plenty of filth in our world today and if every single christian were to hide...then where would we be?

XD but if God is seriously telling you to leave DA then its awesome that you're obeying..i guess I just never paid attention to the yecky stuffs.. ^^;

good luck! I'll miss seeing your work!

PostPosted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 9:25 pm
by Shao Feng-Li
Also, Mom XD;;; Not being there isn't bothering me much anyways... I let myself get way to involved.

Thanks CK :D I'll be posting here a lot more now anyways.