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Mith's online Japanese flashcards: Learn online, fast and free!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:01 pm
by Mithrandir
Hey everyone,

Years and years ago I built a simple website to help myself (and some students in the same class as I) learn Hiragana, Katakana, and a bunch of vocab. Sadly, this site was destroyed in a server crash. I have since re-incarnated this site (read: totally re-written), and it is now available in public beta as I try to work the kinks out of it. I'll be adding features and fixing bugs, but I figured there were a bunch of users here that would be interesting in playing around with it. So if you want to learn Japanese (or just brush up on your Kana skills), check it out! If you have the "Learn Japanese New College Text" series of textbooks, this site can seriously help with the rote memorization of vocabulary. If you DON'T have said books, I strongly recommend them. :thumb: Just FYI: If you register for an account (so it can remember your preferences), you can tell it which kana you want to use - that way you can learn the kana slowly. That's very useful for beginners.

Over the next few weeks, I will add additional vocabulary lists, so stay tuned!

- Mithrandir

PS: Feel free to post bug reports here if you find any; I need the pants kick to get things fixed quickly anyway. :D Have fun!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:26 pm
by Tsukuyomi
I think I broke it, Mith O___O

Lesson One doesn't seem to work o_o

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:34 pm
by Mithrandir
As of when you were looking at it, Lesson 1 wasn't quite yet ready. Only the Hiragana and Katakana were available. The pop-up list should say: "Lesson 01 (not yet ready)" for the title.


EDIT: Updated - Lesson 01 and Lesson 02 are now available!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 9:42 pm
by ShiroiHikari
That was fun! I'm looking forward to more lessons being added. It would be really cool if the Japanese was written in kana rather than romanized, too.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 9:59 pm
by Mithrandir
ShiroiHikari (post: 1275632) wrote:That was fun! I'm looking forward to more lessons being added. It would be really cool if the Japanese was written in kana rather than romanized, too.

That's actually on the docket, eventually. If you follow the Learn Japanese text, there's only one book where it's mostly Romanized. I intentionally created fields in the DB, and set it up as UTF-8 so I can add the kana/kanji entries for each item. Then I'll add a toggle for the end-user to select their preference for each lesson.

Great idea, and it's in the works! :thumb:

Keep the creative juices flowing - the only limit to what this can end up being is our imagination.

BTW: If anyone registers for an account (so it can remember your preferences), you can tell it which kana you want to use - that way you can learn the kana slowly. It's very useful for beginners. For example, I have a friend who is learning a, i, u, e, and o. The system shows him those over and over and over.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 10:57 pm
by Tsukuyomi
Ooooooh, I guess I never noticed that before ^__^;

I have slacked so much on my lessons... Hopefully, this can get me back on track ^__^

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 12:02 pm
by ChristianKitsune
ooh wow that was cool! ^_^ I had fun doing that, Thanks, Mith! 8D I'll probably look at it often.. XD.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 2:51 pm
by Mithrandir
Cool! Glad you got use out of it. :thumb:

PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:45 am
by Sparrowhawk
I want to learn Japanese so bad, but school keeps getting in the way with its crazy schedule. Stupid school, always getting in the way of learning XD

PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 4:54 pm
by Mave
OldMith, I think this is fantastic and so do my friends as well. *spreads the love around*

PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 9:05 pm
by Mithrandir
:D Yay! Glad it's useful to ya!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:27 pm
by White Raven
Is there any way you could put a pronunciation thingy along with the words?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 3:59 am
by GeneD
This is great. I'm definately going to be going through the lessons a lot. A pronunciation indication would be pretty useful.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:18 pm
by Mithrandir
That's a very good suggestion. I have the infrastructure in place to allow that, I just need to add it. ATM, I'm working on a different present for you guys (a descriptions of which may make it's way to CAA's main page in the next few days, if things go as planned).

- Mith

PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:02 pm
by Tsukuyomi
Mithrandir (post: 1278883) wrote:That's a very good suggestion. I have the infrastructure in place to allow that, I just need to add it. ATM, I'm working on a different present for you guys (a descriptions of which may make it's way to CAA's main page in the next few days, if things go as planned).

- Mith

A surprise is something good to look forwards to ^__^

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:23 pm
by animechica
Um, Mith? I still see the "Please wait..." screen when I first come here... o_o;

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:43 pm
by Mithrandir
Yeah... I've had a few people notice that. I'm going to have to catch some peeps on AIM/Skype tomorrow and have them run a few commands to try to figure out exactly what's going on.

Thanks for the heads up!