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Dumb Driving?
PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 8:37 pm
by Song_of_Storms
Okay, so I was driving on the wrong side of the road! Sorry! Its not my fault I've watched more British telly then American!
Anyways, I was wondering if anyone else had some dumb driving experiences?
PostPosted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:42 pm
by ChristianKitsune
I hate driving, actually... it's probably beacuse of the all the dumb drivers out there that terrify me...
seriously, who passes when another car is when oncoming traffic is not that far way?! It's like they are suicidal or something.. >_<'
but to remain on topic there is one time I was driving, and because of a slight curve on our main street/highway I almost side swiped the car in the next lane because of road construction ^^; he gave me a major "What the heck!?"look...
PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:08 am
by Song_of_Storms
I know! I've seen more "almost" accidents because of people passing.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:39 pm
by Warrior 4 Jesus
Song of Storms, by the sound of things, you shouldn't get your driver's licence any time soon.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 5:49 pm
by Song_of_Storms
Bully! That was a one-time thing. DX
PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 6:15 pm
by KagayakiWashi
One time I couldn't find my cell phone and I reached around to find it. I found it, took my eyes off the road for a second, and next thing I know I'm going *whump whump whump whump* in the grass. I got back on the road, no problem, but by God's grace I didn't end up rolling off in the ditch or smashing into the pole (because honestly, I don't know how either of those didn't happen).
I see alot of idiots on the road. Just the other day I was coming home from work and this guy was passing someone else on the other side of the road so he was coming at me head on, super fast. He didn't realize (or didn't care) that the broken stripes meant my side could pass, but he wasn't supposed to. Ugh.
PostPosted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 6:17 pm
by PrincessZelda
I got into a wreck and totaled my car
PostPosted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 7:11 am
by sharien chan
You want to see bad driving try driving with Chibiphonebooth. XDDD Just kidding Savannah!
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:55 pm
by Song_of_Storms
Aww~ That's terrible, Zelda!
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:58 pm
by Warrior4Christ
KagayakiWashi (post: 1274564) wrote:I see alot of idiots on the road. Just the other day I was coming home from work and this guy was passing someone else on the other side of the road so he was coming at me head on, super fast. He didn't realize (or didn't care) that the broken stripes meant my side could pass, but he wasn't supposed to. Ugh.
That same thing happened to my brother. Except that it was one huge semi-trailer truck overtaking another huge semi-trailer truck. And he was forced off the road. And it was my car..
PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 8:26 am
by Shao Feng-Li
I took a 90 degree corner in a 90' Suburban going way to fast... The guy waiting at the corner saw nothing but grill in his windshield... I crank the wheel and make the turn just fine though. Mom was freaking out at me. I felt like a retard, but all I could say was "Well... we made it."
PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 8:43 pm
by Song_of_Storms
[SIZE="1"]That's right, Shao, be positive! >8D[/SIZE]
PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:47 am
by Mave
Hmmm....I did accidentally turn into the wrong lane once. There is this area in Lansing where the one way roads were about 3-4 lanes wide. Turning out from a section, I was confused for a split second, "Hey, why can't I see the traffic lights? They're turned back towards me. Oh wait and what's up with all these cars lined up against me, honking and flashing their bright highlights at me...
"WOAAA!!! CRAP!" *hastily does a 180 degree turn*
LOL I still thank God that the traffic lights were [color="Red"]red[/color] from the other end. Completely sober and undistracted, 'EPIC FAIL' honest mistakes still happen from time to time. I've gotta love those WRONG WAY signs.
And for all of us pointing fingers at bad passing, how sure are you that you're not guilty of making at least a single bad pass in your lifetime? Teehee. I've done it before and eversince then, warily looked out for blind spots!
PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:08 am
by termyt
Song_of_Storms (post: 1274278) wrote:Okay, so I was driving on the wrong side of the road! Sorry! Its not my fault I've watched more British telly then American!
I think that makes it your fault!
Live long enough (survive enough incidents) and you will do and be the victim of all sorts of things on the road. I've been in half a dozen accidents (only one was my fault) and more near misses than I can count.
I've fallen asleep, run red lights, made improper lane changes and illegal turns, but by the grace of God, I've never caused or been inflicted with serious injury.
It's never a good idea to do anything that causes you to take attention away from the road.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 9:01 pm
by Song_of_Storms
[SIZE="1"]Words of wisdom, Termyt! XD Will remember!
Aww~ I know its awful, but that was hilarious, Mave. X3[/SIZE]
PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 9:06 pm
by Shao Feng-Li
I've got another... I was driving from New York to Maine and I had to move into a right lane.
I was in that Suburban; I looked back, didn't see anyone and moved over. Suddenly this guy shoots passed me on the right, finger in the air. My dad was in the passenger seat watching. I'm like >8| at the guy. Dad tells me to catch up to him and he starts yelling at the guy...
It was a tiny car at the back corner of the SUV... I didn't see it way down there, lol
PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 10:25 pm
by MBlight
The one night my fiance and I were driving from his house to mine and there's a big straight down hill at one place and this big Audi A4 wanted to play chicken with my poor little Corsa
He drove in our lane for about 200meters.
Fortunately Darrin was driving cuz I woulda veered off to the side of the road and into a wall cuz this guy didn't let up until the last moment! Silly Audi drivers in South Africa!
But ja, u kinda get used to bad driving, especially if you live in Gauteng, our taxis are notorious maniacs with little thought for the drivers around them...
PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 10:30 pm
by Icarus
Roughly half the streets downtown are one way, and they're only marked at intersections. So the other day I pulled out of a parking lot and turned left.
As you may have guessed, it was the wrong way. Luckily I realized this while the other cars were still about two blocks away.
But Shao's post brings up a pet peeve of mine. I have a small car, and can understand how it might be hard to see sometimes in the day, but at night? I've almost been sideswiped twice in my Civic when all they needed to do was just check for light outside their window.