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Request for a permaban in one week (monday the 10th)
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:24 pm
by Bobtheduck
I'm not putting this in the "going for a bit" thread because I don't view this as temporary.
I'm a Christian. I'm an anime fan, and a game fan. On the surface, it seems like I fit in with the goals of this site, and maybe as Ashley intended it, I do.
I also have some things I feel strongly about, and the more I look, the more I see that I don't flow with the rest of the people in this site.
I don't hate anyone here, though I may have in the past (a few people) and God has had to deal with me on that. With regards to people I know in real life, I don't want to sever relations with you (with perhaps a couple of exceptions) but I've undergone a lot of change in the last few months, and especially in the last week as I've fasted. I see things changing radically in this world, and not for the worst as in like the dark ages or whatever, but more that "close to perfection" in a way that completely removes God. Secular humanism. The dogma of naturalism. And the "everything goes" push within the church from the outside.
I know I've had some controversial beliefs on the liberal side (my stuff about language, for instance) and to be honest, I'll be praying about THOSE beliefs a lot over the next year to make sure that I'm not coming against what God says on THAT, but at the same time I'm seeing people calling themselves Christians in direct opposition to what God has been clear about, and I don't have it in me to hold back on those things anymore. Things get brought up as blurbs then sunk down below goofing off on all sides, and it has worn on me a bit.
I have, since I've been in school, and even since I started staff at a MISSIONS organization of all places, let my standards slip and slip until I felt no connection with God anymore. That has been coming back very recently, and a side effect of that is that I am beginning to feel it is much harder to stay silent. I know we're called to be at peace with our neighbors as much as is possible, but I think I have, numerous times, gone further than that in real life, while at the same time, I've taken issues that don't matter at all, or matter little in the grand scheme of things, and made those something I fight.
I'm going to give this a week, so if anyone has anything to say to me, I'll read and perhaps answer (within the rules of the forum, of course) but if not, this thread will disappear into the void along with me, forum-wise I mean.
I want to thank Ashley and Steve and Mith and everyone who worked on making this site work, and thank you for your efforts that I consider honorable in order to allow a place for Christians who are also anime fans to discuss their hobby. I don't want it felt that I leave this place with ill will, but instead I feel like I have more important things to devote myself to than a web forum. I am by no means urging anyone to come with me. This is personal conviction, and it need not be related to anyone else, as the majority of what I'm saying isn't related directly to the concrete Biblical facts.
Anyhow, if anyone wants to say anything, I'll read it. If not, I'll be gone for good by next monday. It's been interesting.
Luke AKA Bob the Duck
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:47 pm
by Radical Dreamer
I'm not entirely sure that a ban is necessary. It's possible to leave the site without being banned. Additionally, we generally try to discourage ban requests, be they permanent or no. I'd reply to this more, but I'm running short on time. I may come back to this later.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:50 pm
by goldenspines
So, maybe I missed something, but you never gave the reason why you are leaving. Out right, that is.
You may have inferred to it in your post, though; and I tend to miss inferred points. ^_^;;
Nevertheless, I wish you well.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:34 pm
by Raiden no Kishi
I'm going to second goldenspines here. After reading your post, I'm still unsure of what you're trying to say.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:39 pm
by Robin Firedrake
I think he was basically saying that he has more important things to do...
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:37 pm
by Fish and Chips
Not sure I catch the meaning behind this. Are you saying you've stepped away from Christianity, or do you believe certain members of this community are exhibiting less than Christian behavior? Possibly both? What I did get is that either way, you don't seem to think you can associate with us anymore.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:54 pm
by bakura_fan
I think I understand. I don't know what it is either but I've been a big lurker now because I feel that something has happened on a shadow. I havn't been back in awhile, but I know that there was just something that changed since I had joined, and it didn't feel all that great to be here anymore. Talkative wise that is. Is that kinda what you're feeling Bob?
PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:00 pm
by Shao Feng-Li
I think I might understand your reasons... at any rate, God bless you in your walk.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:18 am
by Bobtheduck
Fish and Chips (post: 1268067) wrote:Not sure I catch the meaning behind this. Are you saying you've stepped away from Christianity, or do you believe certain members of this community are exhibiting less than Christian behavior? Possibly both? What I did get is that either way, you don't seem to think you can associate with us anymore.
I had been letting my walk fail, I'm choosing not to anymore, and I feel that much of CAA is on the not side. That would be the same "side" I was on in some cases, meaning people who'd just let their walks slip, and the "never really a Christian" in other cases. However, as to who was who or who didn't fall into either category, I won't be saying as it's not my place to make that judgment in the first place.
bakura_fan (post: 1268071) wrote:I think I understand. I don't know what it is either but I've been a big lurker now because I feel that something has happened on a shadow. I havn't been back in awhile, but I know that there was just something that changed since I had joined, and it didn't feel all that great to be here anymore. Talkative wise that is. Is that kinda what you're feeling Bob?
Yes, actually, that is a big part of it. I don't feel a part of the community at large, and I'm sure that did play a part. A shadow would be a good way to describe it. A shadow I'd also felt was over my life in general, though that's been lifting, especially since I started my fast.
Shao Feng-Li (post: 1268082) wrote:I think I might understand your reasons... at any rate, God bless you in your walk.
Thank you.
Hopefully this is a bit clearer. I'm leaving because
1. Web forums are a bit of a waste of time in general (this would include PS3 forums and my commenting on Kotaku, both of which are outright blocked on my firewall at the moment)
2. I feel my time spent in these places has been another excuse for me to act in ways I don't agree with. I get enough of those in real life, I don't need an extra one making things harder for me.
3. The detatched nature of the Internet has made it easier for me to attack people personally when I feel threatened in some way. I post what I post feeling like I'm talking to machines rather than people.
4. It feeds my desire to take up fights that don't really matter, at least in terms of interpersonal relationships. If I can bring up the console war thing, I have a friend who's a hardcore 360 fan. We discussed the issue in person, and we both ended up understanding each other's view in the matter and the conversation ended in smiles and handshakes... I don't think I'm capable of that online, because there is so much missing when you're not face to face, and besides that there's this whole feeling that I'm posting my belief or whatever rather than fostering relationships. The relationship I have with my friend is much more important than which of a few companies I choose over the others, and going back to 3, the detachment I feel when these discussions don't take place in person makes this much more difficult than it should be.
There are a few other reasons, which I have inferred already and I won't say them outright. In any case, I need to get to bed, gotta get up at 6...
PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 12:56 am
by Roy Mustang
I can see your point on how you feel.
I know that you and me had a disagreement one time in the past and I should have handle that better on my part and I didn't. For that I'm sorry that, but I know it was in the past and we let things go.
Sometimes, when we say things on the net, they are not meant to be ill will, but they sound like it, because you are not face to face with that person.
All I can say is, God bless in whatever you choose to do.
[font="Book Antiqua"]
[color="red"]Col. Roy Mustang[/color][/font]
PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 5:35 pm
by Evran
I realise I am still a newbie on here, but I understand what you're saying.
I have had multiple times in my life where I have felt a particular hobby (or habit) has, I guess, brought out the worst in me (and been a waste of time, as you put it). If you feel (or 'know', I should say) that dropping CAA and internet posting in general will be a beneficial change to you as both a Christian and as a person, then I wish you all the best.
It isn't an easy thing to just change a part of your life like that, but I understand that when you feel that conviction, well, you've got to do what you've got to do as they say.
Again, I wish you all the best. God bless.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 1:31 pm
by Zarn Ishtare
Bob, it's a blow to my heart to see you leave. While it's been a couple of years since the CAA you and I knew coming up existed, you were always a strong person in these forums, and someone I will always respect. I pray that, one day, you will come back to us. Until then, God bless you.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:14 pm
by ChristianKitsune
I think I see what you're saying as well. I'm not leaving by any means but I have seen CAA kind of turn into something that I don't think it was evern intended to be... I mean no offense but sometimes the sarcasm and snarkiness gets out of hand and it has really been known to hurt people. And I know I've been guilty of it too.
I wish that all memebers would realize that there are REAL people behind the computer screens and although some posts may sound less than intelligent posting sarcastic and hateful replies aren't going to get anything done.
I've noticed a Change in CAA it's not as kind as it used to be...and I too wish that it would go back to that...
But I love it here, I have some friends here ^^; so.. yeah.
just some words of thought I suppose. Not that my words matter.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:13 pm
by rocklobster
I think we ought to pray for Bob the Duck. Anyone else agree?
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:44 pm
by Icarus
Just wanted to say God bless and good fortune in you walk.
Take care of yourself, man.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:24 pm
by Tsukuyomi
It's your choice if you choose to go or stay ^^, but what would it matter if you were banned or not? Can't you just leave here and not come back? If you feel that strongly about leaving... There shouldn't be a problem about any bannishment ^_^
I've actually noticed a change in you too ^ ^
Whatever you choose, be happy and of course God Bless
PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 9:51 pm
by LiquidOcelot
Bob the Duck, I think sometime in the summertime we had a good message discussion regarding video games and abit of MGS4 as well. I'm not here very often; so maybe you don't remember me. Anyways, you never know...maybe sometime in the future you might want to visit here again. So, I don't know if in the long run a permanent ban is really good. But, no matter what you decide I wish you the best! God Bless and take care!
PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 6:04 am
by termyt
I see the shadow, too, and I have been concerned about it for some time. The amount and nature of my posts here have changed dramatically over the past year or so because of it.
People will write in a forum things they would never say face-to-face, here no more or less than anywhere else. Forum rules are written to promote peace within the forum, but they also enable bad theology to spread like wildfire – especially since so many here abuse the intent of the rules to intestinally spread their opinion (right or wrong) knowing that any replies or counter arguments are forbidden and will result in the thread being locked and strikes being issued.
It’s like a one-time free pass, especially for those with the authority to lock the thread themselves after issuing the statement, that some use over and over again. We can not debate theology for fear of offending someone, yet people can be offended time and time again on much more trivial matters.
It’s not that I believe people should refrain from speaking their minds out of some twisted sense of duty or decorum. Instead, we are called to Christ to be transformed by Him. The transformation is difficult and takes more than a lifetime to perfect.
Knowing the truth is all well and good, but if you spew the truth in a way the belittles or insults, what good has being “right” got you? And if you spew what is not absolute or not fully understood, how much more a fool are you? Every opportunity is as much an opportunity to learn as to teach and there is no opportunity that is a good opportunity to degrade or humiliate.
This is why debate is not tolerated here. As a collective, we do not possess the ability to state opinion or discuss opposing viewpoints with out taking offense where none is intended or issuing offenses where none are warranted. But without debate, then we are weak, accepting any lame or oafish claim made as acceptable opinion.
I believe in the CAA. I believe in its purpose and its potential, but Bob is not the first to leave because his need to find God has been rekindled but he can not find Him here. The question remains, and is asked every day whether we acknowledge it or not, “What comes first, Christ or Anime?” Are we a Christian site or just another anime site only without the porn and vicious debate?
PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 6:19 am
by Raiden no Kishi
Okay, here's a follow-up question to your post: In a functional, day-to-day sense, how do you define the difference between "a Christian site" and "just another anime site only without the porn and vicious debate"?
PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:28 am
by termyt
Raiden no Kishi (post: 1268768) wrote:Okay, here's a follow-up question to your post: In a functional, day-to-day sense, how do you define the difference between "a Christian site" and "just another anime site only without the porn and vicious debate"?
I do not wish to spark debate, only provoke thought. Nor do I wish to start a flame war or to burst the bubble of all who find this sight perfectly edifying to their Christian lifestyle. Since sarcasm and irony are hard traits to portray through text alone, I will also assume a genuine interest in what I am trying to say as opposed to a snide, condescending tone that can more readily be implied.
The answer is “Intent.â€
PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 7:19 pm
by Bobtheduck
termyt (post: 1268761) wrote:I see the shadow, too, and I have been concerned about it for some time. The amount and nature of my posts here have changed dramatically over the past year or so because of it.
People will write in a forum things they would never say face-to-face, here no more or less than anywhere else.
Anonymity does strange things to you... It brought real discussion and was a catalyst for change in Japan, and it gave license to Chaos in the US.
Forum rules are written to promote peace within the forum, but they also enable bad theology to spread like wildfire – especially since so many here abuse the intent of the rules to intestinally spread their opinion (right or wrong) knowing that any replies or counter arguments are forbidden and will result in the thread being locked and strikes being issued.
Again, I have been guilty of this... Not to the point of posting threads like "Dude, I can't believe any Christian would vote Mergatroid when Toshiro is obviously God's candidate" but in more subtle ways.
[quote]It’s like a one-time free pass, especially for those with the authority to lock the thread themselves after issuing the statement, that some use over and over again. We can not debate theology for fear of offending someone, yet people can be offended time and time again on much more trivial matters.
It’s not that I believe people should refrain from speaking their minds out of some twisted sense of duty or decorum. Instead, we are called to Christ to be transformed by Him. The transformation is difficult and takes more than a lifetime to perfect.
Knowing the truth is all well and good, but if you spew the truth in a way the belittles or insults, what good has being “rightâ€
PostPosted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 10:51 pm
by Etoh*the*Greato
Well, I'll certainly be sad to see you go.
Do what you gotta do, though, and I totally understand. It's a daily battle and one that I myself am losing (though, admittedly, for other reasons than this forum).
PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:04 am
by ClosetOtaku
[quote="termyt (post: 1268761)"]I believe in the CAA. I believe in its purpose and its potential, but Bob is not the first to leave because his need to find God has been rekindled but he can not find Him here. The question remains, and is asked every day whether we acknowledge it or not, “What comes first, Christ or Anime?â€
PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:03 am
by LadyRushia
As for anime being childish, I don't think it is because anime can deal with sophisticated themes and all that. Plus, the genre is so broad that there are series for all types of age-ranges. Then again, I haven't yet experienced this "I'm too old?" conflict yet, XD.
As for everything else, I've only been here for a little over a year, so I haven't experienced a great change, but I think things are different now even from when I joined.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:05 am
by djecliptik
I'm new here as well... It's the same way with, for we arent just dj's who just happen to be christian, we are christians who just happen to like dance music.
No, you will not be perfect overnight, because the walk is a lifelong journey. We will stumble, and we will get right back up.
Trust me, we will all have our crazy moments. And those who seem to be misleading, we are to pray for them, if nothing else.
Leave if you must...I see no need for you to be banned. From what I seen these past few days... there is family here.
And I don't believe for one moment that anyone here truly wants you to leave.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:47 am
by ShiroiHikari
Frankly, I don't know what you guys are talking about. What's wrong with being a "safe" anime site? I think that implying CAA is no longer "Christian" enough is going a little too far. Besides, we can't talk about theology all that much or there would be nothing but fighting going on, so how do we make CAA more "Christian", (assuming that it isn't, which I don't agree with)?
I also kind of feel like complaining about this place is a little unwarranted. Go to any other forum on the internet and then come back here. It's pretty nice here compared to out there, isn't it? XD
PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 12:23 pm
by Tsukuyomi
ShiroiHikari (post: 1269020) wrote:Frankly, I don't know what you guys are talking about. What's wrong with being a "safe" anime site? I think that implying CAA is no longer "Christian" enough is going a little too far. Besides, we can't talk about theology all that much or there would be nothing but fighting going on, so how do we make CAA more "Christian", (assuming that it isn't, which I don't agree with)?
I also kind of feel like complaining about this place is a little unwarranted. Go to any other forum on the internet and then come back here. It's pretty nice here compared to out there, isn't it? XD
Even if we did have theology discussions on a more one on one basis like in chat (They have made their way there), things would still get pretty ugly ^ ^ Then, there would still be complaints for that as well u_u
PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 12:26 pm
by Cognitive Gear
ShiroiHikari (post: 1269020) wrote:Frankly, I don't know what you guys are talking about. What's wrong with being a "safe" anime site? I think that implying CAA is no longer "Christian" enough is going a little too far. Besides, we can't talk about theology all that much or there would be nothing but fighting going on, so how do we make CAA more "Christian", (assuming that it isn't, which I don't agree with)?
I also kind of feel like complaining about this place is a little unwarranted. Go to any other forum on the internet and then come back here. It's pretty nice here compared to out there, isn't it? XD
This sums up my thoughts on this pretty well. Glad that I'm not the only one.
I'd also like to say that I'm sorry to see you go, Luke. However, you are doing what you feel that you must in order to continue to grow in Christ, and for that you have my support, respect, and prayers.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 12:27 pm
by Raiden no Kishi
ShiroiHikari (post: 1269020) wrote:Frankly, I don't know what you guys are talking about. What's wrong with being a "safe" anime site? I think that implying CAA is no longer "Christian" enough is going a little too far. Besides, we can't talk about theology all that much or there would be nothing but fighting going on, so how do we make CAA more "Christian", (assuming that it isn't, which I don't agree with)?
This. This is why I worry about our modern use of "Christian" as an adjective. Classically, it is used as a noun to refer to a follower of Christ. When we begin calling things "Christian," we have to ask a vital question: how do we define what a "Christian" thing is? How can non-persons be "Christian"? Just as importantly, who is to define what is and is not "Christian"? It's a difficult proposition, and I am skeptical as to the rewards should it be successful (if such an endeavor could even be successful).
Relating it more specifically to CAA, how does one measure how "Christian" CAA is? As has been said, theological discussion is almost nil to prevent arguments and ill will. We have a prayer forum, a testimony forum, and Bible studies (last I checked). Is it our membership? Should we throw people out who aren't "Christian" enough? How do we define that? Christianity, especially today, is a spectrum of thought. How much are we going to restrict? Is it only certain denominations? Should you have to agree to a certain creed for membership? As it is well-known, intent and tone are very difficult to portray through text alone. Should we throw certain people out based on how someone perceives their tone? What is a "Christian" tone to take, anyway? Christ Himself portrayed just about every sort of emotion and tone humanly possible.
If this issue is going to be raised, let's go about it thoroughly.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 12:40 pm
by Tsukuyomi
Raiden no Kishi (post: 1269031) wrote:If this issue is going to be raised, let's go about it thoroughly.
This can get ugly, but I also think it's something that should be hashed out. It seems it's a question that is on ALOT of people's minds.