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Fundraising Ideas?
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:27 pm
by Sheenar
I received Pebbles from Canine Partners for Life, a nonprofit organization that trains and places service dogs with people that have physical disabilities to make greater independence possible for them. (If you're interested in learning more about CPL, their website is in my sig.)
I really want to give back to them. They gave me so much in Pebbles and in their support since we graduated from their program.
I have been brainstorming different fundraising ideas and haven't really come up with anything that sounds feasible. I could crochet potholders and scarves, but I'm not sure if anyone would buy them.
I could do a bake sale, but I don't have a stove.
I'm going to try asking Student Activities to see what if any fundraisers I can do on campus. I may have to go to Wal-Mart (which will be difficult as I have no vehicle).
Does anyone have any ideas for fundraisers?
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:07 pm
by Doubleshadow
Silent auctions can work well. Do you know any artist in the area who would donate art? Can you like up with a group on campus to help publisize the event? If your school has public forum you could lead up to it by giving speeches and letting people meet Pebbles.
How about a dog walk? Like a dollar per mile walk-a-thon only people walk their dogs? Again, unless you're good at administration, you should team up with someone. And get the pledges up front. You could recruit other people with service dogs and anyone with a dog.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:09 pm
by bakura_fan
you could always do what my friend does (actually just did) at her job. They have everyone donate an item or two (even some of the business donate items, such as clothing, gift certificates, etc) then they lay out all the items with sheets of paper in front of each. Each paper has a spot for name and price. Basically it's an auction. People wander around, look at the items, then if they want to bid, they write down their name and how much they want to buy. And it just keeps going until the auction is over. I forget what the money goes to, something at the hospital I believe. But, maybe you could try doing that?
Good luck either way!:thumb:
if you'd like to see pictures of the event, PM me and I'll give you the website.
PostPosted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:20 pm
by USSRGirl
Going with the other suggestions, you could take donations and put together a rummage sale - would be easier than cooking. Maybe host it on a lawn/park near or on the campus? Also, you could try a student poetry/art contest. Charge a five dollar entry fee that goes to charity and try and get someone to donate prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
I'm not sure if this would be possible because of the transportation issue, but if you have a local animal shelter in the area you could hook up with them and do a dog walk-a-thon with people pledging money for CPL and getting shelter pups walked at the same time. You'd also be hitting an audience that would be likely to donate to animal related causes.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:14 am
by Paul
Here's a thought, get a theme about your fund raising. In this case, it is service animals. Recruit yourself some good artists, and I think if you ask around on you might find one, they seem to gather there in one accord. (Just a little Christian humor.)
I'll volunteer one piece if you do it, and make a portfoilo you can auction off. Better yet ask around, do a little research and see what people are into and make that your theme, like "Superhero's", "Spider-man", "Angels", "Dragons", ect. or make it a mix and match. It's what ever you want to do. The idea is to provide great art people would toss a dollar, five dollars or a thousand into to get a chance at a drawing to win that art collection. It will also give the Christian artists a chance to show their skills and get noticed. For a nut like me, it would give me a chance to do all the above and still tie a christian theme to the story.
You might get a bite, you might clean house, or you just might end up with real examples of art ability from members of the community. It's an idea, that's what I would try. I have actually tossed it around in my head about a fund raiser for our transportation ministry at my church.
Good luck and let me know how things go.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 6:07 pm
by Shilohan ninja
These are all great ideas. I would, first, pray about them and see what God says. If he gives the okay sign, go for it and seek His direction.
Here's an idea of my own. My cousin did this at his wedding a couple of months ago and I thought it was rather ingenius, myself. You could setup a money dance. What this is is an event where the participants make a donation in order to participate and then dance their heart out. It also helps to have a DJ who knows how to lay down teh beats. You may even like to set a minimum donation for each participant if you wish. Just an idea.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 7:02 pm
by AsianBlossom
I'd suggest a multi-craft craft fair (if your friends are artsy and would love to participate in selling handmade crafts), but it seems you've got plenty of great ideas right here. The art one sounds cool. But I'd pray about it if I were you, like Shilohan Ninja said.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 8:03 pm
by Sheenar
Thanks for the ideas, you guys!
I'll pray about it and ask the campus officials what type of fundraiser I'd be allowed to do (since there are few places off-campus that are within walking distance...).
Again, thank you!
PostPosted: Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:21 am
by randomuser83
What you can also do is try to get someone famous and hold a dinner. Sounds kind of crazy but if any of your friends knows someone relatively famous you could make alot of money for your cause and the food can be donated.