Maokun: Ninjas or Pirates? (Vikings are not a valid answer, sorry)
EricTheFred: Vikings are always a valid answer.
Radical Dreamer wrote:Please tell me this is not your homework assignment, and that you aren't trying to pawn answers from CAAers. XD
itch wrote:No, really, I'm doing a roleplay as a 1890's dry goods clerk. I've been doing research but I'm not getting very far. Any help would great.
Kaligraphic wrote:1) In the 1890's, what sort of textiles were sold?
Depends on location and availability
2) How much did fabric and ready-made clothes cost?
Depends on location, availability, and local economy
3) How long did clerks work on a weekday?
Depends on local custom and store policy
4) Did clerks work on Saturdays?
Depends on local custom, store policy, and whether the clerk felt like it
I hope that answered your questions well. For your report, I would also suggest you re-read chapter 7 of your textbook. I don't know what's in chapter 7 or even what book you're using, but I'm sure it would be helpful for you.
termyt wrote:Have you tried google?
Or how about wikipedia. I'm not sure I would trust wiki as an authoritative source (for homework), but I think it does provide good, fairly accurate information for general knowledge.
Technomancer wrote:Really? I hear there's a new technology that will put all of those to shame. I believe it's called Bound Optically Organized Knowledge, I'm sure it'll be the wave of the future .
termyt wrote:
Role-play can only be anything you want it to be if it is fantasy role-play. Historical role-play, like that done a Colonial Williamsburg and may other historical parks and museums, needs to be as accurate as possible to convey a true sense of what life was like during the period being role-played.
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