When the Berlin Wall fell, the Soviet Union collapsed, and China pursued broad economic reform, many foresaw the end of the threat once posed by the spread of communism. But while America has focused its attention elsewhere, socialism has taken root in South America.
Technomancer wrote:You should not bother repeating every bit of alarmist rhetoric that you ear. You especially should not forget (as apparently a good many do) that Venezuela is a sovreign nation and that Chavez is its democratically elected president. Neither its arms purchases, nor its rather limited cooperation with Iran is any sort of danger to the United States.
You would think that the writer of this piece believes that people like Chavez just appeared, like mushrooms after a rain. On the contrary, not only were they democratically elected, but whatever their faults, they are a very real expression of the frustration and anger felt by many in those countries as a result of poverty and grotesque inequalities.
Jaltus-bot wrote:I expect this will be either long lost or locked soon.
Eric wrote:And for what reason would this thread be locked? It doesn't violate any sort of rule that I know of. Unless, of course, posting factual news is against the rules.
Eric wrote:So basically you're saying everything in there is a lie. I somehow find that hard to believe.
Slater wrote:Hahaha, yeah, the above posts are why we can't talk about this kind of stuff... Forum's too immature to actually think and have logical debates.
Technomancer wrote:Perhaps you should re-read my post.
Since his election in 1998 Chavez has been aggressively subverting Venezuela's democratic institutions while consolidating his grip on power. Using Cuban dictator Fidel Castro as his role model, Chavez has been employing democratic pretexts, referendums and a strange mixture of fascist and socialist ideology, rhetoric and strategy to try to transform Venezuela into a militarized one-party state. Initially popular, his undemocratic actions have more recently provoked massive opposition.
Eric wrote:No need to read it twice. You're acting as if this is no big deal.
You see, Chavez is very openly hostile toward the United States, and once he procures these additional weapons (which can definitely be a danger to us, especially the submarines), he will be even more hostile yet because he will have more power to back up his words.
And if he chooses to use his newly acquired capabilities, then we'd have yet another war to fight,
Jaltus-bot wrote:Political discussions can go to debates or go sour really fast. This site is not for debates.
*locked*Politics- Political threads and posts will be closed if posted. Politics has nothing to do with Christianity or anime, our two primary topics, and furthermore only causes opportunity for division within our community. In short, there's simply no positive purpose for them here.
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