The Ring (US) Spoilers
PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 1:53 am
Don't read this if you don't want it spoiled, but...
I don't have much to say, except I know this could be the perfect reason to create "chain letters" in a whole other media... I mean, we had regular mail, then it went high tech on e-mail, but something like this, with all the nuts out there that believe those chain letters, would be the perfect setup for a "chain video" that you have to copy and send away to keep from getting killed..
I couldn't help but laugh at the end of this one... I don't know why so many people were scared of it, but knowing how many were, I don't doubt it would be the perfect setup for a really cruel chain letter prank...
Aside from that little rant, anyone seen the original? What is the difference between them?
I don't have much to say, except I know this could be the perfect reason to create "chain letters" in a whole other media... I mean, we had regular mail, then it went high tech on e-mail, but something like this, with all the nuts out there that believe those chain letters, would be the perfect setup for a "chain video" that you have to copy and send away to keep from getting killed..
I couldn't help but laugh at the end of this one... I don't know why so many people were scared of it, but knowing how many were, I don't doubt it would be the perfect setup for a really cruel chain letter prank...
Aside from that little rant, anyone seen the original? What is the difference between them?