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The Ring (US) Spoilers

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 1:53 am
by Bobtheduck
Don't read this if you don't want it spoiled, but...

I don't have much to say, except I know this could be the perfect reason to create "chain letters" in a whole other media... I mean, we had regular mail, then it went high tech on e-mail, but something like this, with all the nuts out there that believe those chain letters, would be the perfect setup for a "chain video" that you have to copy and send away to keep from getting killed..

I couldn't help but laugh at the end of this one... I don't know why so many people were scared of it, but knowing how many were, I don't doubt it would be the perfect setup for a really cruel chain letter prank...

Aside from that little rant, anyone seen the original? What is the difference between them?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 5:26 pm
by Psycho Ann
Seen all 3 movies of the original and I just have one thing to say: the US version is TERRIBLE compared to the original.

I've heard enough bad things about the US version that I'm staying away from it....

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 7:08 pm
by Bobtheduck
Cephas wrote:*is planning next cruel prank*

be carefull... You don't want to be :banned: , hehehe...

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 7:42 pm
by Technomancer
See the Japanese version "Ringu". Despite the fact that it has an obviously lower production value and parts of the script and lighting could have been done better, it is still much better than the American version. A lot of it has to do with the atmosphere; the American filmmakers are never able to equal the sheer creepiness of the original.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 7:48 pm
by Shinja
i havent seen ringu ,but the ring wasnt scarry at all, just disturbing, the biggest shock factor is just in seeing the dead people. basicly a waste of my 7 dollars

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 8:01 pm
by Azier the Swordsman
I really enjoyed the Ring, but I will eventually have to get my hands on the original though.