25 Things About Me

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Postby GeneD » Sat Feb 21, 2009 8:34 am

1. I’ve never been oversees.

2. I’ve been in a plane only twice in my life.

3. I was friends with my sister’s husband before she was.

4. I like writing, but I’m better at poetry than stories.

4. I always remember what a movie/anime is about even if I didn’t see it and just read a review.

5. I got many of my friends into watching anime.

6. I sleep with four pillows.

7. I don’t really drink alcohol, but a few sips of champagne at special occasions.

8. I’m contemplating giving up alcohol all together.

9. I make anime wallpapers.

10. I am a very big Stargate fan.

11. I don’t like my food to touch on my plate and I eat the different kinds of food separately.

12. I still watch cartoons.

13. I don’t like cooking and usually burn food.

14. I am afraid of wasps.

15. I am fluent in English, but it’s not my first language.

16. I don’t have a drivers’ license.

17. I read Shakespeare for fun.

18. I like good villains.

19. I love ice-cream. (My whole family does)

20. I am a “completist”, if I buy one book in a series for example, I usually have to buy the rest even though I’ve stopped reading them.

21. I wear a lot of green.

22. I attended the same school throughout my whole schooling career.

23. I’ve never had a boyfriend.

24. I have a degree in biochemistry.

25. I fidget a lot with my hands, usually repeating the same movements and especially when I have a small object like a button or a piece of thread.
I don't know what broke to make you like this, but I must be broken too if I'm standing here praising your destructiveness. -Rock (Black Lagoon)

As I had encountered kindness, I wanted to be kind myself. -Takashi Natsume (Natsume's Book of Friends)

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Postby Alexander » Sat Feb 21, 2009 11:41 pm

1. I own a Japanese Sega Saturn along with an American model.

2. I have seen over 300 Anime series in the past 5 years.

3. I throughly despise stereotypes.

4. I'm prone to getting skin rashes from just about anything my skin touches.

5. As of this writing, I have never dated, kissed, or been in a romantic relationship with that known as the female.

6. I've built a PC.

7. I'm currently in the process of learning how to code with HTML and CSS (baby level stuff, I know. But you have to start somewhere.)

8. I'm a universal OS user who has no biases.

9. I'm VERY terrible with remembering people's faces.

10. I have Asperger's.

11. I have an extreme addiction to music in the electronic genera. Anything. From ambient to underground punk.

12. I love to hack software and mod hardware whenever the chance arrives. About 94.2% of it is legal, the rest has long broken my warranties. XD

13. I have a small file server using an 11 year old computer as the server.

14. I'm constantly thinking about traveling across the world to some foreign country who's language I can't understand.

15. I couldn't sleep for one night after completing MOTHER 3 for the first time.

16. Most people can't follow or understand 78.3% of what I'm talking about.

17. I'm eccentric.

18. If I had a choice, I'd rather inject myself with insulin to keep my blood sugar up then eat.

19. I want to see Auschwitz before I die.

20. I got on the dean's list during my last semester of college I guess?

21. I feel like time is constantly accelerating and I wish it would stop.

22. I'm hyper sensitive to sound.

23. I'm constantly thinking about mundane or pointless pieces of information and then thread them into a bigger philosophical picture.

24. I absolutely adore stories with open endings.

25. I constantly try too hard to digest large amounts of information that I'm not ready to fully understand.
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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:22 pm

1. I scare people....I don't understand how I do it, but I do....maybe the other 24 things will explain why.

2. I'm allergic to everything.....dogs, metal, shampoos, soaps, deoderents, sprays, detergents....the list goes on. It's not fun.....

3. I have a long first name and a short last name.....I find that interesting because it is usually the other way around.

4. I qften forget my own birthday; I get it confused with another important day. But I do know it's somewhere in March....

5. I'm a music nerd....truely....I am in a jazz band with a few of my friends...I play alto sax.

6. I conduct music while in my car....driving or not...to orchestrial music. My top two now are the Kosei Wind Assemble and the Philharmonic.

7. I believe that Percy Grainger's "Lincolnshire Posy" is by far the most difficult and beautiful piece of music ever written; but it's not my favorite.

8. I need constant sound. Whereever I go, I've got some type of music or conversation going.....I can't even sleep unless the TV is on.

9. Of the many things I have, I also suffer from insomnia. ( Yeah, I really do fail.)

10. I am perfectly fine with hurting someone's feelings. I know that's bad, but it's the truth...

11. Eleven happens to be my favorite number....for no great reason.

12. I name my instruments....seriously. My clarinets names' are Cornelius and Octavion; my alto sax I call Permithius, and I have a guitar named Barthlomuew.

13. I like to whistle in the shower....

14. I love art.....too much. My favorite artist is Salvador Dali. His work is so vibrant and distrubing.....

15. I consider myself to be very chivarious.

16. I tend to put a leash on my vocabulary while talking to people.....they hate it when you use words they can not comprehend....

17. Sadly, I do say inappropriate words when I am angry.

18. I don't cry.

19. I have a list in my head of things I want to do before I die.....like conduct a band, travel to Japan, and breakdance at someone's wedding.

20. If and when I die, I want there to be a big party....yeah, I'll be dead....but remember my positives.

21. This is so bad.....I want to bring a Chipindale boy with me to my high school reunion.

22. I hate parties.....I'd rather chill out at home and hang out in the Chat.

23. I LOVE Disney movies....they make me really emotional......I don't really know why, but I even sing along to the songs when no one is around.

24. I care more about the people on this site than most of my actual "friends" I see everyday.

25. On the site, I like to be called "Soran", the name given to me by Nate. My ultimate goal: befriend every user on this site! *stands up and takes dramatic pose*
Jeremiah 29:11-"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players; they have their entrances and their exits and one man in his time plays many parts."-Will Shakespeare
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Postby GeneD » Fri Feb 27, 2009 1:41 am

I know I alreay have 25 things but I thought of two more:

25b. I don't wear any clothes that don't cover my shoulders, except a swimming costume, it freaks me out.

25c. I like spoilers/finding out what's going to happen, but I try to abstain. :sweat:
I don't know what broke to make you like this, but I must be broken too if I'm standing here praising your destructiveness. -Rock (Black Lagoon)

As I had encountered kindness, I wanted to be kind myself. -Takashi Natsume (Natsume's Book of Friends)

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Postby Ingemar » Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:26 pm

1. I have recovered from 16 hour jet lag.

25. I don't know how to count.
Job 7:16

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Postby Robin Firedrake » Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:28 pm

26. I have discovered the most epic webcomic ever. (It's where my new avvy is from)
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Postby Azier the Swordsman » Fri Feb 27, 2009 11:27 pm

1. I'm horrendously open minded and can watch or play just about anything. Mind you that that doesn't mean I'll like it and won't heavily criticize it. I've been known to enjoy stuff that I know sucks really hard, and I definitely wouldn't have anything nice to say about it.

2. I use far more of the creative center of my brain than the average human. Psychologically speaking, I'm supposedly a "creative super genius." Meh. We'll see.

3. It will freeze in hell if I ever end up falling in love and getting married.

4. I think being famous would really suck, since I would no longer get to go out without being hounded by fans, and the entire world would be minding my business.

5. I'm trying to be an actor. I want to be involved in directing, and I'm getting involved with the amateur game design field. My creative personality is seriously clashing with the desire to never be famous. Gah.

6. The only two things I am really bad at creatively are anything to do with music or art.

7. I have seen angels and demons. (Don't recommend the latter.)

8. When I was a kid, I had a severe addiction to Pokemon. I went through horrible withdrawal when my parents finally took it away.

9. I once had a dream I was married to Corrie (RadicalDreamer) and she was completely uninterested in me the whole time. I eventually found out she was cheating on another man who looked exactly like Fish and Chips. Several weeks later, Fish and Chips joined the site, and some time later he and Corrie got together for a while.

10. I would be married to Corrie, if she'd let me. She won't.

11. I have a morbid fascination with End Times prophecy, Apocalyptic theory, and generally any story having to do with the end of the world.

12. I think most people are stupid. And if you think it's horrible of me to state such a thing, I will direct you to the appropriate scriptures where Jesus compares the human race to 'sheep without a shepherd'. If you do the research, sheep are some of the least intelligent creatures on the planet. Jesus backs my opinion. =P

13. The increase of power in my brain going to the creative center causes a lack of power in other areas, if you will. The balancing out of all this is that in some areas, I may be slower at certain things than average, thus making me one of the stupid people.

14. The above doesn't affect my standing as far as society goes, thankfully. I am quite as normal as everyone as, if only a tad more insane.

15. I have the tendency to pace when I think. And since my brain never ever shuts down, I pace a lot. My grandfather used to joke that we should stick a pedometer on me to see how many miles I walked a day.

16. I am a severe insomniac.

17. I am more intelligent on paper than I am in person. I can articulate a thought beautifully when writing it down, but speaking it out loud is a chore that usually ends up coming out mangled and making me feel like an idiot.

18. I am a practitioner of Kendo. [Japanese swordfighting] (Not a very good one at present, I'm afraid.)

19. I have this odd tendency to be really fast at everything I do, even when I'm deliberately trying to be slow.

20. Maybe this has something psychological to do with the above, but my childhood hero was Sonic the Hedgehog.

21. I am overly paranoid at potential negative scenarios, which usually ends up with me being over prepared for anything I set out to do.

22. My sense of humor ranges from good taste to absolutely hideous.

23. I've seen guys who look like girls and thought they were hot. I've seen girls that looked like guys and thought they were hot. Does that make me slightly bi?

24. It is near impossible for any horror novel/movie/game/whatever to scare me in any slight way.

25. I used to have a very morbid fascination as a kid for drawing ghosts and graveyards, and anything related to death. As an adult, I'm a big horror fan and much of my favorite movies/books/music tend to often be rather dark. This is in heavy contrast to my upbeat optimistic personality.
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Postby rocklobster » Sat Feb 28, 2009 5:31 am

Okay, I've been trying to think of enough facts, so here I go:
  1. I have Aspergers
  2. I am a Roman Catholic
  3. I have lived in three states
  4. I have travelled to every state on the North American continent.
  5. I have had 4 dogs in my lifetime
  6. I love the B-52s and Def Leppard
  7. I still think Voltron is good even though I know we chopped it up.
  8. I talk to myself a lot. It helps me collect my thoughts.
  9. I was the first in my kindergarden class to learn how to read.
  10. C.S. Lewis is my all-time favorite writer.
  11. I've actually seen and talked to my guardian angel on numerous occassions.
  12. My parents have been married for over 20 years.
  13. I have a very hot temper.
  14. I pray the rosary
  15. My patron saint is St. Thomas Aquinas.
  16. I still live with my parents. Please don't laugh.
  17. I live in the same state as Khaki Blue Socks
  18. I once owned twin kittens
  19. I have lived through at least 4 hurricanes.
  20. I have owned 6 video game systems: Colecovision, Atari 2600, NES, PS1, PS2 and Wii
  21. I actually had a Vic 20!
  22. I've read philosophical stuff for pure enjoyment.
  23. I'm usually a good sleeper.
  24. I'm a morning person, which annoys my family.
  25. I try hard to not judge people based on their looks.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby Robin Firedrake » Sat Feb 28, 2009 5:38 am

2. I use far more of the creative center of my brain than the average human. Psychologically speaking, I'm supposedly a "creative super genius." Meh. We'll see.

3. It will freeze in hell if I ever end up falling in love and getting married.

6. The only two things I am really bad at creatively are anything to do with music or art.

13. The increase of power in my brain going to the creative center causes a lack of power in other areas, if you will. The balancing out of all this is that in some areas, I may be slower at certain things than average, thus making me one of the stupid people.

15. I have the tendency to pace when I think. And since my brain never ever shuts down, I pace a lot. My grandfather used to joke that we should stick a pedometer on me to see how many miles I walked a day.

16. I am a severe insomniac.

17. I am more intelligent on paper than I am in person. I can articulate a thought beautifully when writing it down, but speaking it out loud is a chore that usually ends up coming out mangled and making me feel like an idiot.

WOAH! Hey future me! When will time machines be invented?
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Postby rocklobster » Sat Feb 28, 2009 6:02 am

Robin Firedrake (post: 1292137) wrote:26. I have discovered the most epic webcomic ever. (It's where my new avvy is from)

Ozzie and Millie FTW!
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
--Jeremiah 1:5
Hit me up on social media!

I'm also on Amino as Radical Edward, and on Reddit as Rocklobster as well.

click here for my playlist!
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Postby Robin Firedrake » Sat Feb 28, 2009 6:05 am

*highfives Rocklobster*
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Postby RFC » Sun Mar 01, 2009 8:05 pm

lol. I did this on Facebook not too long ago myself :sweat:

1. Lately, the mere thought of my Savior Jesus makes me fangirl-out. :red:
2. I am organized to the point of paranoia when it comes to the groups/forum I run. My room is another story...
3. The scent of alcohol make me sick and dizzy.
4. I have an intense, paralyzing fear of heights and sharp objects, especially needles.
5. I have over 800 posts in the Risembool Ranger forum.
6. I whole-heartily believe that guys who follow God and aren't afraid to say it are completely awesome. :cool:
7. I aspire to one day be able to make good homemade chocolate and cream puffs.
8. I love dancing to Buono's songs. :dance:
9. I find Hersey chocolate with caramel filling to be insanely good.
10. I usually enter the chat here late in the evening when I don't have a paper due the next day. :P
11. I LOVE marine wildlife and constantly do papers on marine conservation.
12. My evil laugh is: MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
13. I love sour candy. Even if I can't taste anything days later. :drool:
14. I'm taking a trip to Kartchner Caverns on march 12th.
15. I can start a "quoting war" with anyone on Star Wars.
16. If you haven't guessed yet, I am a nerd AND PROUD OF IT!
17. I LOVE yellow duckies! To bad duck themed stuff is hard to come by...
18. Jesus "out-sparkles" vampires by 10 billion to infinity.
"Eat your heart out Edward Cullen! Oh yeah, I forgot. You don't have a heart."
19. Some people fear my humor. After reading #18, I agree. :sweat:
20. I have an intense craving for Sour Straws right now. Intense.
21. I enjoy taking naps, but because they end up taking hours out of my work time, I try not to give in often.
22. I like older science fiction shows (original Star Wars and Star Trek) more than the new ones out now. Not sure why... Maybe because the old ones are more "clean".
23. The new anime I am getting into is the gorgeously beautiful and sad AIR (TV). So pretty...
24. I use Shout Ultra Gel to get out any tough stains I might have on my cloths. And it works like a dream. :thumb:
25. This is my favorite smilie in this forum -> :jump:
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Postby bigsleepj » Mon Mar 02, 2009 12:28 pm

1. I did not date your daughter.

2. My name is usually Johnnie, except on Thursdays when I go about as the Space Amoeba. Subsequently I usually avoid filling in tax forms on Thursdays.

3. I monogram all my handkerchiefs solely because they're gifts from my grandmother.

4. I live in South Africa, land of doppertunity (you wont get it).

5. Afrikaans is my mother tongue. English is my second language.

6. Ek kan lees wat hier staan (maklik!) maar meeste van julle kan nie. Ja, ek's `n skuimsak.

7. I like silent movies.

8. I'd like to own a 1962 Morris Minor someday.

9. I have a longstanding interest in movies by the following directors: Ingmar Bergman, Akira Kurosawa, Jacques Tati, Sergio Leone, Billy Wilder, Buster Keaton, Werner Herzog, Stanley Kubrick, Ed Wood, and many others.

10. I have actually read Foucault's Pendulum by Umberto Eco, and enjoyed it.

11. My favourite movies in no particular order are: The General (1928), Mon Oncle (1958), Seven Samurai (1956), The Good the Bad and the Ugly (1966), Oldboy (2003), Dark City (1998), Ikiru (1952), Doctor Strangelove or: How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964), Fitzcarraldo (1982), Vertigo (1958), Chinatown (1972), Fargo (1996), The Godfather (1972), Wall-E (2008). There are more, I'm just too lazy to list 'em all.

12. The only movie I ever walked out of in my entire life was Twilight.

13. I know someone who met Clint Eastwood when she catered for his home in California during a working holiday in the US. Tragedy is she had no idea who he was or why he's famous, and almost a decade later that hasn't changed.

14. I have a book signed by Terry Pratchett, and another by Stephen Fry.

15. I've seen CS Lewis' grave.

16. I take the bus to work.

17. I own every Sergio Leone movie that matters. They are Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Once upon a Time in the West, Duck you Sucker! and Once upon a Time in America. It happened by accident, I swear!

18. I once wrote a play in school set on a desert island where I decided the fate of my fellow castaways with tongue-twisters. It actually got performed (note, though, it was about ten minutes long).

19. The amount of Johnny Cash CD's in my collection scares me.

20. My Xbox is currently playing red ring around the rosy.

21. Terry Pratchet once obstructed an attempt by myself to buy a Gene Wolfe book. I don't mind, though, since I can now claim I've seen a great author (note: this is not related to point no 14).

22. Last time I checked my current writing project was 270 000 words long, and counting

23. I've never had a recurring dream.

24. I'm currently supressing the urge to buy Plan 9 From Outer Space on DVD. I don't need it, but I want it.

25. I've logged about 112 hours with Soul Calibur 4.

26. I'm not fond of conformism.
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Postby chibiphonebooth » Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:37 pm

lets seee if i can think of 25 things about me...

1. I'm an artist. i looooove to draw. :D

2. I'm huge into music, and i like anything except rap and country.

3. I'm starting to learn to play guitar, and i'm really really hating bar chords. they suck.

4. I sing at my dad's church.

5. I have my ears stretched to a 0g. and i'm planning on stretching to a 1/2". :]

6. i have my nose pierced and 3 piercings in each ear, although i'm retiring the 2nd holes, since i'm making the first ones bigger. i don't want it to be too crowded. I'm also planning on getting my other nostril pierced, so i have two! :]

7. I'm planning on getting 3 tattoos. hopefully i'll be able to get my first one this summer. i can't decide which one i want first. XD

8. I have a doggy named Gizmo. He's a lil black pomeranian and he's my babyyyyy.

9. I have a mohawk.

10. i roll my tongue into the shape of a 3 leaf clover.

11. i can make my voice sound like a chipmunk talking.

12. i can bend my thumbs backwards behind my knuckles. XD

13. I lived in England for 6 months. it was amazing. I went there for a DTS. (dicipleship training school) its part of YWAM. (youth with a mission)

14. I really really really really really want sugar gliders.

15. i'm the only naturally blonde person in my immediate family.

16. i'm slowly finding the right path God wants me to walk on and i'm really excited about it.

17. I used to want to be an animator for Pixar, but now I really have no idea what i want to do with my life. XD

18. i'm probably one of the only girls in my town that has a mohawk.

19. I work as an in-house artist at a grocery store, and as much as i like it- its been really stressing me out lately. XD

20. i want to learn to tattoo.

21. I have very vivid dreams, and i have dreams almost every night. most of them are really really really weird.

22. i've never done drugs, and i don't plan on it. XD

23. i am really really really really bad at math. horrible. painfully horrible. basic addition is hard for me. I'm convinced I only really use my right side of my brain.

24. i used to be OBSESSED with pokemon when i was little. and i still think pikachu is the cutest creature ever. i still wish pokemon was real. XD

25. I can pick stuff up with my toes. like a monkey. :P

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Postby mechana2015 » Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:32 am

1. I DM a D&D game regularly.
2. I work in a university book store, but I am not a student at that university (anymore).
3. I play in a pep band at said university. And dance.
4. I write for fun.
5. The first manga I ever read was Battle Angel Alita.
6. The second manga I ever read was Uzumaki.
7. Despite this, the first manga I owned was Ranma 1/2.
8. Monster and 20th Century Boys kept me awake at night until I finished them.
9. I have no tattoos or piercings but they interest me to no end.
10. I've had 3 PS2's.
11. I've musically performed at Disney parks about 10 times.
12. I used to constantly play video games, until I gave them up for Lent a few years ago.
13. A stack of my filled sketchbooks is about half my height, give or take a few inches.
14. My least favorite book of the bible is Revelation.
15. I tend to be a beer snob.
16. I watch more movie trailors than full movies, and will even save good ones to watch at leisure.
17. I'm a fan of cyber punk and sci fi in general, yet my favorite films tend to fall outside of this genre.
18. Some of my favorite films include Fight Club, Ronin and Paprika.
19. I always enjoy a good car chase. (on film)
20. I love flying, but can't sleep on planes.
21. The only video game I still really enjoy is one that gives me a chance to do whatever i want for a while, be it a driving game having a free drive mode or an exploration mode, or it being a sandbox like some of the GTA games or Fallout 3.
22. I've been staring at Chibiphonebooth's sig while I filled this out. I'm getting dizzy.
23. I'm musically omnivorous and like at least one song from just about every major genre.
24. I've been to Mexico, Germany, Austria Poland and the Czech republic.
25. I'm an only child.

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Postby Purplefire » Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:37 pm

Fantasy Dreamer (post: 1287737) wrote:
19. I hate to cook. But once I actually start cooking I don't mind it so much and I realize its not the cooking that I hate so much, its the clean up afterwards that I could do without.

Amen to that!! And since I'm a very messy cooker/baker, that means that not only to the dishes need to be cleaned, but also the stove, the table, the floor, the sink....

I suppose I'll give this a try. I just did one of these on my Deviant Art so I'll try not to have too many repeats.

1. I do not watch much television. Whatever that newest, hottest drama is, I have no idea. Anime on the other hand, I have watched a bit of that recently.

2. I do a webcomic that updates twice a week.

3. While I do a webcomic, I am by no means a fantastic artist. Gah, I'm so overwhelmed by all of the things that I do not draw well.

4. Mornings are evil. Especially Monday mornings. And Thursday mornings.

5. I really should be working on my webcomic right now, but I am purposefully being distract.... Oh look!! Something sparkly!!

6. While I love Christian rock music, I listen to more soundtracks and instrumental music than anything else.

7. I prefer adventure action stories over romance or high school dramas.

8. Happily married to my best friend for almost 9 years now.

9. Oh yes, I also have two children.

10. I have not voluntarily worn shorts outside of my home for nearly seven years now. They just do not look right on me.

11. While I had piano lessons for seven years and can read music fairly well, I still play better by ear.

12. When Shonen Jump had their fortieth anniversary celebration, I sent in the little cards found in the back of the mangas released in September and won one of the weekly prizes. Score!!

13. My favorite number is 15.

14. I play a pick up game of dodge ball every Tuesday, unless I am injured. (which seems to be happening more often lately)

15. Tomorrow will be one year since my knee reconstruction surgery.

16. My husband and I have led the junior high group at our church for the last 10 years.

17. Every Good Friday, we hold a lock-in at our church for the junior high group. And every year, I made up a massive role playing scavenger hunt for the group to participate. Oh yeah, and it's in the dark with flashlights. And bad guys. Mwa ha ha ha ha!!

18. My home is not overly messy, nor is it overly clean. I guess you could call it clessy?

19. I have been banned from using glitter at my church ever again. Let's just say that we're still picking up glitter from that VBS craft project from 2 summers ago.

20. I walk almost a mile every week day.

21. I LOVE chocolate. And cheese!! Yummmmmm.....

22. Every single person on my side of the family will be receiving an art piece from me for their birthday this year. I'm not looking forward to the months of September, October, and November, where eight family member's birthdays land. Eek....

23. Can anyone guess my favorite color? I'll give a hint!! Look at my user name.

24. I get my best ideas after 9pm at night. Or during my pastor's sermons.

25. I have had only one boyfriend and only kissed one guy in my life and now he's my husband. :)
^My webcomic[/color]
[color="Magenta"]"Try having pastries as your hair style." ~Purplefire[/color]
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Postby CAAOutkast » Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:06 am

1 - As you all know I hate Worldliness.
2 - I don't like the F-bomb in entertainment and believe that you don't have to use the F-word to make an awesome Movie/TV Show/Video Game.
3 - I also believe that over-sexing things in entertainment is just plain stupid.I don't mind violent stuff though.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way,It's time to move on to the more Important things

4 - I'm a bit uptight at times.This is due to stress.
5 - I believe that Network Excecutives are even stupider than our last President
6 - I'm a huge advocate of Classic Gaming.
7 - My first Anime was Sailor Moon.
8 - My Favorite Anime is Dragon Ball Z.
9 - My Favorite Video Game Hero is the Original Mega Man.
10 - I've had 3 Girlfriends
11 - My Favorite Movie Trilogy is Back to the Future. Star Wars would be a closer 2nd.
12 - I watch Youtube every day.
13 - I watch Cartoons...and proud of it.
14 - I'm a Classic Wrestling fanatic.
15 - I can't cook.
16 - I Love Burger KIng
17 - Like a lot of people,I'm lazy at times.
18 - Though I'm a Classic Gamer,I DO own some of this Generation's Game Systems. I own: Nintendo DS,Game Cube,PS2,and Wii.
19 - The Sega Genesis is the ONLY Sega Gaming system that I own.
20 - I'm a big fan of 80's and early 90's Music.Especially Michael Jackson.
21 - My favorite colors are Black and green
22 - I feel that some Christians are selling out to the World.
23 - I'm learning to become a Writer.
24 - I Really don't like sea food
25 - I feel that CAA has lost it's Main Purpose.

There you go.

Edit: I realised that I made an error with #25,so I fixed it. I really gotta watch what I write.

Edit#2: I fixed the list. Changed the things that needed to be changed. I originally wrote this list while I was in a moment of anger.
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Postby KhakiBlueSocks » Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:40 am

Christisright (post: 1295281) wrote:1 - As you all know I'm an fierce opponent of Worldliness.
2 - I don't like the F-bomb in entertainment and feel that it ruins it some-what. You don't have to use the F-word to make an awesome Movie/TV Show/Video Game.
3 - I also believe that Over-Sexing things in entertainment is just plain stupid.
4 - I don't mind Violent stuff in Entertainment...the Violent stuff is fun.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way,It's time to move on to the more Important things

5 - I believe that Network Excecutives are even stupider than our last President
6 - I'm a huge advocate of Classic Gaming.
7 - My first Anime was Sailor Moon.
8 - My Favorite Anime is Dragon Ball Z.
9 - My Favorite Video Game Hero is the Original Mega Man.
10 - I used to have a slight obsession with Wendee Lee and wanted her to be saved.
11 - My Favorite Movie Trilogy is Back to the Future. Star Wars would be a closer 2nd.
12 - I watch Youtube every day.
13 - My Mom died a couple of years ago
14 - I'm a Classic Wrestling fanatic.
15 - I can't cook.
16 - I Love Burger KIng
17 - Like a lot of people,I'm lazy at times.
18 - Though I'm a Classic Gamer,I DO own some of this Generation's Game Systems. I own: Nintendo DS,Game Cube,PS2,and Wii.
19 - The Sega Genesis is the ONLY Sega Gaming system that I own.
20 - I'm a big fan of 80's and early 90's Music.Especially Michael Jackson.
21 - I own a Blog.
22 - I feel that Christians are selling out to the World.
23 - I'm an Ex-Christian because of it.
24 - I Really don't like the path that America is going on.
25 - I feel that CAA has lost some of it's Values.

There you go.


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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:41 am

Christisright (post: 1295281) wrote:1 - As you all know I'm an fierce opponent of Worldliness.
2 - I don't like the F-bomb in entertainment and feel that it ruins it some-what. You don't have to use the F-word to make an awesome Movie/TV Show/Video Game.
3 - I also believe that Over-Sexing things in entertainment is just plain stupid.
4 - I don't mind Violent stuff in Entertainment...the Violent stuff is fun.

Christisright wrote:23 - I'm an Ex-Christian because of it.

If that you say you're not a Christian... are you an atheist or agnostic?

If so... oh boy. The things I could do to you right now. XD

Edit: Oh your profile also says that you are a "secular traditionalist"... interesting... but that's practically an oxymoron right there
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Postby CAAOutkast » Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:55 am

KhakiBlueSocks (post: 1295282) wrote:Image

[font="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="4"][color="RoyalBlue"]There are no words...[/color]

And what's that supposed to mean? I didn't expect that from You,KhakiBlueSocks.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:58 am

Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1295283) wrote:If that you say you're not a Christian... are you an atheist or agnostic?

If so... oh boy. The things I could do to you right now. XD

Edit: Oh your profile also says that you are a "secular traditionalist"... interesting... but that's practically an oxymoron right there

I believe in traditional moral values,yet don't really believe in Christianity anymore. You can be Moral and not be Christian.

And I'm not an Athiest,I Do believe in A God..just not Christ.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:58 am

You claim to be a secular traditionalist? Therefore you hold fixed modern ideas on what is ethical and moral? That cannot really tie in with secularism. You're call yourself a secularist yet you're a structuralist? I really can't see those two being cohesive together.

Nietzsche was one of the few that got his thinking right. He said something along the lines that if God did not exist, there would be no up, down, and why loses it's meaning. Apparently you still have ideas of what is "right" and "wrong".

You're still holding on to fixed beliefs, which essentially goes against the idea of secularism because your viewpoints are simply stemming off of either ideas which are socially constructed and universally accepted upon or ideas which stem from a theistic background.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sun Mar 08, 2009 12:06 pm

So essentially you believe in your own morals? Here's a protip: Morality that comes from you must logically and necessarily end from you. Meaning that your morality is only self-applicable to yourself and nobody else.

Here's a challenge for you. Without an objective moral system, prove to me that I shouldn't kill you right now. (Not seriously going to kill you, but for the sake of the question)
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sun Mar 08, 2009 12:09 pm

Okay, cutting this conversation off here. Let it continue through PMs, if you like.
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Postby CAAOutkast » Sun Mar 08, 2009 12:11 pm

So what you are saying is that I'm a Structuralist and not a Secularist?

EDIT: Oops,I posted this before I saw Radical Dreamer's post. My Mistake. Anyway,I'll redo this list.
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Postby Ashley » Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:44 pm

BigSleepJ wrote:12. The only movie I ever walked out of in my entire life was Twilight.

I very nearly did. I sat through it just to see how many times Edward would make his "I'm either in love with you or constipated" look. That'd be a fun (non-alcohol) drinking game to play when it comes out on DVD!

I thought about Dr. Strangelove when I saw Watchmen yesterday--but when I tried to tell others about it, no one else knew what I was talking about. So guess I'll tell you. Do you like Citizen Kane, too? Because if you do, that negates all cool points you earned by liking Strangelove.
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Postby Roy Mustang » Sun Mar 08, 2009 9:35 pm

1. I'm left handed
2. I have been bless by Pope John Paul II and have a letter from the Vatican noting that I was bless by him and my name was said in the pray mass.
3. I have been on tv twice. Once, when I was two years old about kids born with heart problems and the other to be special guest on a local wrestling show
4.. I love to read and study railroad, anime, war, US and part of the world history
5.. I have a model railroad
6.. I'm a member of railroad Historical Society
7.. I love 80's, J-pop and new age music
8. At age 14, I was a wish foundation teen. Ever since then, I have been a big supporter of the foundation
9.I been in a Ferrari one time and no, I didn't get to drive it. I was 14 at the time, but I wanted to so badddd!
10.. I was one of three kids/teens to have a Thymus transplant in the states and I was the only one that made it.
11. I was brave enough, go to an AIDS Conference in Atlanta and stand up in front of everyone, after one my doctor give his speech about the Thymus transplant
12. I am a photographer
13. I'm working on being an AIDS activist and speaker
14.I never had a cup of coffee in my life and I don't want to.
15.I have six major scars on my body
16.I broke my right hand at PE in the 6th grade
17.I been to Canada and many of the US states
18.I also love western history and southwest
19.My mom's side of the family is, Spanish, Native American, Mexican and Euro mut
20.My dad's side of the family is all Euro mut. German, English, scottish, Russian
21. I'm a fair weather cosplayer
22. I love to watch and go to high school and college football games
23. I love trains
24. I love airplanes
25. I have seen both the Blue Angels and the Canadian Snowbirds air time

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Awesome Thread (25 Things)

Postby Reon » Mon Mar 09, 2009 5:24 am

Keep up the being awesome thing your doing guys ;)

Since I'm new to the forum I think this is a great place to get to know you guys - read some really cool stuff!

@ [color="Red"]Roy Mustang[/color] - Good thing you broke your right and not your left!

@ [color="Magenta"]Christisright[/color] - Your willingness to adapt makes me love you more. Keep it up bro.

@ [color="DarkOrange"]Purplefire[/color] - Lol at Sparkly, I love instrumental (know any Christian artists?), Great loves story =)

@ [color="Yellow"]Mechana2015[/color] -A good car chase (on film) LOL I hope so. I've been a video game addict, insanely hardcare. After doing psych papers for school & experiencing that lifestyle I stopped. I play with friends and extremely rarely alone now. The thing that bugs me most and what constantly showed up in articles I read was "the sense of accomplishment" that video games give. I love fantasy but when its affecting your real life to a certain degree its ='( Point being I think its cool you stopped and I'm sure you'd agree with me your life has gotten so much more productive. [SIZE="1"](not trying to call anybody out, like I said I still play them and have a few friends who are insanely addicted. All things in moderation CEPT GOD! =D! <3)[/SIZE]

@ [color="Lime"]Chibiphonebooth[/color] - Lol Your awesome. The glider reminds me of chinchillas which are the bomb. Have you ever had a dream interupted / 5 fold ministry kind of stuff?

@ [color="Cyan"]Bigsleepj[/color] - I have friends who now live in Africa and speak Afrikaans. Thanks for not dating my daughter I don't have yet I guess =/ You'd be a lot older I'm guessing. Ring of death! =o

@ [color="Pink"]RFC[/color] - "1. Lately, the mere thought of my Savior Jesus makes me fangirl-out." Isn't that how it should be!? ^^!!! When your in love you do some crazy things. I think we need a sound recording of your evil laugh posted asap. Your avatar always was like BAM! to me. I'm still getting used to it.

@ [color="Red"]Rocklobster[/color] - Don't quote me on this but I remember reading something that said only 10% of the population in the world doesn't talk to themselves. Aka: Watch out for those crazy 10%!!! They're different! Twin Kittens is awesome! You working on the temper? =o I am right now in one very specific area of my life that I thought had gone away since my childhood. Toward my mom too =( Its complicated and wouldn't mind explaining if our conversation went that way. 25 = Ditto. I'm getting so much better at it I think, its so cool noticing your life when it has Christ, transformation woot!

@ [color="Magenta"]Azier the Swordsman[/color] - Yours was definitely one of my favorites to read. Lol Every bit of it. You remind me of myself a lot and as such heres some of my favorite verses that you reminded me of - they're verses I go over a lot because they're what I think I've needed and continue to work on. I hope you enjoy um and dude.... your 25 things so epic.... so so epic. <3 (And no the heart doesn't make me bi and I don't think you having personal taste on attractiveness is either rofl)
[color="DeepSkyBlue"][font="Book Antiqua"]Romans 12:3-5 Because of the privilege and authority God has given me, I give each of you this warning: Don't think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us. Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ's body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other.[/font][/color]
And I highly suggest EVERYONE (including me) to read all of Philippians 2 (short and sweet chapter) ... excerpt "consider others better than yourselves." And finally...
[font="Book Antiqua"][color="DeepSkyBlue"]1 Corinthians 8:2-3 The man who thinks he knows something does not yet know as he ought to know. But the man who loves God is known by God.[/color][/font]

@ [color="Yellow"]Soran[/color] - Love your honesty. I sincerely hope we learn a lot from each other. Your someone I'd want to hangout with (not that everyone else doesn't count to lol, I just had the thought reading yours).

@ [color="Green"]Alexander[/color] - We share 14 & 24 =)

@ [color="Blue"]GeneD[/color] - Ah, four pillows. I occasionally sleep with 1-4, 5 if you count a body pillow once or twice a year because its sooo comfy =) Do you take anime wallpaper requests? =o Bf's are overrated ;) No drivers license! =O! Good =) But how do you get around?

@ [color="Plum"]PrincessZelda[/color] - Meow. I used to have straight up blond as can get hair as a kid, but it got darker as I got older. I like to think its still dirty blond but its basically brown (first time I think I've typed that its brown =/ Ugh), lol love the band comment.

@ [color="Pink"]Roz[/color] - I ditto 6. (cause of soccer, its awesome), Where in South Korea? I was in Seoul for nine months. 21. - Good point! 25 is one of the best answers ever. Always will be.

@ [color="Orange"]Warrior4Christ[/color] - 19. = WOW. 23!!!! Thank God someones with me on that one. I do it so much its almost scary to some. We're talking about one thing and I relate it to a billion other things, a lot of the time I can explain the relationship and wow the person, other times they just laugh and smile.... lol.

@ [color="Yellow"]Sae-chan[/color] - Enlighten me on 14. =) I'd love to talk to you about 19. (relates, not a job offer though =P soz). 23? Your hiding information from us lol, thats the second time.

@ [color="Lime"]Sheenar[/color] -6. Who ever would have guessed turtles are such good escape artists. We found one in pool one time in the backyard, which is gated off completely with no gaps under the fence =/ Love 11 part 2 of it. 'Struck down and not destroyed' =) 24 0.o Not cool donkey, not cool. Did you end up getting the job?

@ [color="DeepSkyBlue"]Sapphire225[/color] - You were one awesome little kid it sounds like, which would figure you being awesome now as well. French rocks, I agree after attempting Spanish after taking French. Apples are so good! I just started eating them like crazy two months ago. I always have a case full downstairs when I need a quick snack out the door or when I get home.

@ [color="DarkOrchid"]Scarecrow[/color] - Ticket prices haven't gone up have they? If not, I'm there! When I lived in S Korea the movie store near us had all the James Bonds in english so watched it constantly! Which rocked since my Dad and I shared that before we moved out there. Ever played four player chess?

@ [color="Red"]Song_of_Storms[/color] - Snap 3. sounds painful. It took 18 years before I found a good youthgroup (people who put God first in their lifes! Then again its an older youth group 18+). Cryings the best, you get bonus points. I didn't cry for three + years ... when I finally did, I had become a different person =)

@ [color="Magenta"]Icarus[/color] - #6 is lol. =) Worship rocks. Perplexing & Witty/Smart = My review of your 25.

@ [color="DarkOrange"]Fantasy Dreamer[/color] - I'm the exact same way with #2, just recently started learning about how to ATTEMPT to not do that. 11 = Pure evil >=) 22. Does anyone know why they make the faces? =o Dun dun dun. OR why I just did that? .... NO.

@ [color="Yellow"]SorasOathkeeper[/color] - 22 is super impressive and #1 is awesome as well =) I'ma link you to a cd I put online though about something you'll enjoy. Well It'll be in a thread soon ;) Once I find the right section.

@ [color="Green"]Mr. SmartyPants[/color] - You response for number 2 was impressive and greatly liked by me. I know you and I will be talking in the future especially with your post count! =o!

@ [color="Teal"]Robin Firedrake[/color] - Loved your responses and I guess I wouldn't say humans can do "magic", but in the name of Jesus we can do some really amazing things. What happened then is just as real as it is now =) lol at 11.

@ [color="Purple"]ChristianKitsune[/color] - 16 just really stood out to me. Maybe its because I've worked at Starbucks the past two years... MAYBE lol. I love your art =)

@ [color="Red"]bakura_fan[/color] - WOLVES ARE AMAZING! (huskies huskies huskies huskies huskies). Did you ever end up posting any examples of what your room looks like with wolf decor? 25. Job well done.

@ [color="Magenta"]goldenspines[/color] - Eh it might not be exciting but it was definitely interesting. Now you've made me curious even more! Meh. We'll run into each other in chat again =P

@ [color="DarkOrange"]That Dude[/color] - 1. Just saw one yesterday in the burbs to. 2. What guy doesnt? 0.o

@ [color="Yellow"]ShiroiHikari[/color] - 11. Thats skill. 14. Hehe. 25. Now that is cool!

@ [color="Lime"]Shao Feng-Li[/color] - lol at 6 yet very cool of you w/mom =) 18. Do the conversations ever get super deep? 25. LIES!!!!! =) Good to know.

@ [color="Cyan"]KagayakiWashi[/color] - Bowling!? OUCH dude, how bad was it broken?

@ [color="Purple"]KhakiBlueSocks[/color] - lol at 6. I've done it on occasion at Starbucks. Great idea of starting this on the forum.

Was GREAT to learn about you guys +++:thumb:
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Postby Roz » Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:38 pm

@ Roz - I ditto 6. (cause of soccer, its awesome)

Lol, I was wondering if anybody was going to even know what I was talking about!

25 is one of the best answers ever. Always will be.

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Postby Fantasy Dreamer » Tue Mar 10, 2009 1:14 pm

Reon (post: 1295457) wrote:@ [color="DarkOrange"]Fantasy Dreamer[/color] - I'm the exact same way with #2, just recently started learning about how to ATTEMPT to not do that. 11 = Pure evil >=) 22. Does anyone know why they make the faces? =o Dun dun dun. OR why I just did that? .... NO.

Hah, yeah. XD I don't know why I make that face, but its a laughy face! XD;
And, uh, I might not be able to do #11 for a while... at least I hope not to, but at the same time its kinda sad. I am evil. XD
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