ShatterheartArk (post: 1256610) wrote:I think what really should be said, is the danger of dating a Texan.
termyt (post: 1256663) wrote:Personally, I say forget what everyone else here or there has said. There is only one question that is important.
Does God belong (or does He abstain from) a specific Denomination?
This is the only question that matters, as far as the big picture goes. Since you are the Southern Baptist, I'll approach it from that point of view.
(Please note, these questions are an invitation for Ashley to do some soul searching and are not meant to be an invitation for anyone else to supply those answers for her.)
Putting aside the specific beliefs of your BF for a moment, if a Lutheran follows all of the tenets of the Lutheran faith and is the very model of what it means to be a Lutheranian, is this person a Christian?
For the sake of argument, if a Southern Baptist follows all of the tenets of the Southern Baptist faith and is the very model of what it means to be a Southern Baptista, is this person a Christian?
If the answer to both of those is yes, then even by Human Reason, there can be no condemnation for a union of two from those two denominations.
All other questions boil down to your compatibility with your boy friend. (The opinions of your friends and family are still very valid, but the simple complaint that you are not compatible because of your different denominations does not hold water.
Do you both seek God first? Does God hold the greatest stake in your heart with your significant other second? If so, then your priorities are set correctly.
The rest is semantics and what the whole courtship process is for. If the two of you have deep doctrinal differences, then maybe you are not right for each other, but do not let Religion deprive you of God’s will.
Most of the world is lost. How will they ever be found if we can not even accept each other?
Shatterheart wrote:I think what really should be said, is the danger of dating a Texan.
Ashley wrote:I was just curious if anyone else here has gone through this and if they experienced the same sort of vicious resistance I have.
SpoonyBard (post: 1256857) wrote:While I have absolutely nothing of importance to contribute to this thread, I would just like to say that for a moment I had mistaken the title of the thread for Inter-Dimensional Love.
While I have absolutely nothing of importance to contribute to this thread, I would just like to say that for a moment I had mistaken the title of the thread for Inter-Dimensional Love.
Ashley (post: 1257075) wrote:Well, long distance is kinda like another dimension most of the time...
Lochaber Axe (post: 1257094) wrote:All the actual bible says is not to marry a nonbeliever because it is easier for them to pull you down, then for you to pull them up... unequal yoke and all.
SpoonyBard (post: 1256857) wrote:While I have absolutely nothing of importance to contribute to this thread, I would just like to say that for a moment I had mistaken the title of the thread for Inter-Dimensional Love.
Warrior 4 Jesus (post: 1257803) wrote:True. Except the whole Lutherans - lots of wine, Baptists - no wine thing.
I think all Christians hold to Christ being the only way, the truth and the life. Those that don't aren't Christian - Mormon/LDS, Christadelphians, Jehovah's Witnesses etc.
Warrior 4 Jesus (post: 1257849) wrote:Wine, however, isn't a stumbling block for everyone.
That's very true.
I'm Lutheran and I drink in moderation. I have stumbling blocks yes, but alcohol isn't one of them.
I guess I was just putting it out there.
We can argue about the little things until Jesus returns, but the little things don't really matter, do they?
Full immersion adult baptism or baby water on the head baptism - both are blessings from God and symbolise the dying of the flesh and wanting to follow Christ (although as a baby the onus is more on the parents to help their child grow in their faith).
Mi-Ru-Me (post: 1258678) wrote:I say go for it.........but strongly suggest going to church together (your church...go Baptist)
xblack_x_rosesx (post: 1258619) wrote:I really didn't realize this kind of seperation was a big deal o.o
I've been dating a (hopeful) agnostic for over a year, and I really didn't think it was a huge deal. I mean, he's tried religion and it didn't work out, and he doesn't critisize my beliefs. And I don't plan on forcing it on him, but we're both happy so... I really didn't think differing religious beliefs was a big deal.
Especially in your case where your both christians. o.o
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