Postby Paul » Sun Aug 03, 2008 6:58 pm
I'm not arachnaphobic, I know to stay away from the brown recluse. They can be aggressive in the mid-west. I've lived in a house with a couple of dozen Black Widows with no problems in So. California. We had an agreeement. I don't bother them, they don't bother me. Honestly they did a great job of keeping flying pests down and gave me free passage through the "fly" zones of my house. In exchange, they had great place to live.
Not in this house but I have been bitten by Black Widows before. Treated myself the first time, then called the Hospital. They said not to come in, I did everything they would have done and more. They told me what to watch for and if I got really terrible sick, to come in. Well I got a little sick, but it didn't warrent a trip. The second time, I did the standard treatment and went about my business. The third time I shrugged my shoulders, killed the thing and went back to work, with no treatment. Third time I got a little sick, but it didn't stop me from what I wanted to do.
But, that's me. I'm glad they were Garden Spiders and you kindly sent them back to where they would be happy. Who knows, maybe they see you as a savior. Anyway, good luck.
"You heart is free. Have the courage to follow it." -Malcom Wallace. (Braveheart)