its a common misconception that the word of God relies on cultural sensibilities. It is rather the opposite; cultural sensibilities should follow the word of God. if the Lord despised the wearing of opposite gender clothing in the old testament, than you can bet your life he still does today.
1 Corinthians 11:5-6 - But any woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered disgraces her head, for it is one and the same thing as having a shaved head. For if a woman will not cover her head, she should cut off her hair. But if it is disgraceful for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, she should cover her head.
Shinja (post: 1225479) wrote:ok the big identifier of this verse is "God detests anyone who does this" this states directly that this is wrong, not just a little wrong but big wrong. its no mentioned on any of there other dress related verses and therefore cannot be construed as being a cultural thing. its not saying you have to wear dresses, its saying you have to wear clothing that doesnt make you look like the other sex, and specifically gender only objects. there are alot of problems with emo style not mentioned here but i would have to ask do you need girl pants to identify yourself?
Shinja wrote:ok the big identifier of this verse is "God detests anyone who does this" this states directly that this is wrong, not just a little wrong but big wrong.
Deuteronomy 14 wrote:3 Do not eat any detestable thing. 4 These are the animals you may eat: the ox, the sheep, the goat, 5 the deer, the gazelle, the roe deer, the wild goat, the ibex, the antelope and the mountain sheep.
minakichan wrote:Nate, you might run the risk of causing emotional damage to other people. Then again, I don't know what you look like or how you would look in drag.
I do think that wearing boyish clothes is different from pretending to live as a man (and vice versa for men to women).
Shao Feng-Li wrote:*sigh* The food laws were for Old Testament times... And God revealed in the NT that they had been done away with.
The problem comes when men are trying to be women and women are trying to be men.
Doubleshadow (post: 1225681) wrote:I think motivation counts for a lot. Cross-dressing because you want to be the other gender would signify a form of envy, jealousy, or coveting. At the very least its ingratitude and possibly serious emotional or psychology disorders that need treated, not reinforced.
As far as goofing off or theater, etc., I would check convictions and whether or not you are bringing glory or honor to God.
K. Ayato (post: 1226218) wrote:I don't know if this has been addressed earlier or not, but if it has, let me restate it. Transvestism is defined (and I'm a psychology graduate so this is the definition of choice for now) as a person wearing clothing of the opposite gender and getting some sort of SEXUAL PLEASURE (caps for emphasis) out of it.
So with that definition in mind, I would say there's no harm or offense for a girl to wear pants or guys' shirts. I'm speaking for the girls' side, seeing I'm one of them.
Transvestism is defined (and I'm a psychology graduate so this is the definition of choice for now) as a person wearing clothing of the opposite gender and getting some sort of SEXUAL PLEASURE (caps for emphasis) out of it.
I can honestly say I wear pants and feel NO PLEASURE from it whatsoever u_u/ I can say something else on this, but it may arise to some argument, so I won't ^__^
minakichan (post: 1226235) wrote:Whoa, really? I had no clue!
So what do you call people who crossdress and pass themselves off for the opposite gender without caring for sexual pleasure (i.e. those folks who say that they were "born in the wrong body")? Is that just transgender -vestite?
This is all very confusing.
Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1226240) wrote:They can wear women's jeans because they have small waists and legs...
Smaller than mine, at least. XD
SirThinks2Much (post: 1226238) wrote:I know at least two people who wear or have worn girl's jeans. One of them is on CAA. They both wear them because the women in their lives found it attractive. And both of them still look like men.
I do not think that either of them are transvestites.
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