Is this possible?

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Postby ChristianKitsune » Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:04 am


serious gravedig...this is almost 3 years old...
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Postby Conner999 » Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:41 pm

[SIZE="2"]Well the thread is quite interesting.

I must say that I have had experiences with this in the past. But I thought more of it than I should have. I was just a kid. When I touched things, like a radio or TV that wasn't getting a good reception, it would clear up. But only while I touched it. I experimented a lot, it was definately due to my touch. But I've learned that's normal for things operating on radiowaves due to your body's EM energy or whatever it's called.

But for things like computers and such... Imagining circutry, and wires? First of all, that's not at all what is causing the problem, and from what you say you have little idea how those things really work, so it wouldn't be because you are a.. what are they called... Techno-somethingorother. They understand how things work and can "see" the problems being fixed? They're fictional anyway.

The power of suggestion greatly changes one's perception. Coupled especially with selective memory, if you really look for something, you are bound to find it. And especially with things so common as electronics which are around us every day... Example.

I was in the car with a friend of mine, and we were joking about him having such a diverse skillset. While we were waiting at a red light, he said something to the extent of "I'm so skilled, I don't even know all of my talents. In fact I find new ones EVERY DAY. Check this one out!" Directed at the light ahead of us, he screamed "TURN GREEN!!!" and it did just as he finished. We then joked it was another of his skills. Me: "How long have you known about that skill?" Him: "Actually, just a few seconds. That was the first time I ever tried it. You see?" It was quite awesome.
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