KagayakiWashi (post: 1262178) wrote:Snaaaaaaaaaaaake!
Kaligraphic (post: 1262186) wrote:...You go by Bobtheduck, and a Bobcat named Bobthecat isn't your first choice?
Fail, man. Internet fail.
PrincessZelda (post: 1262272) wrote:Oh my goodness, that's like, one of the cutest cats ever.
PrincessZelda (post: 1262272) wrote:Oh my goodness, that's like, one of the cutest cats ever.
That Dude (post: 1262528) wrote:I've always wanted a mountain lion. But if I had an exotic cat, I'd go for the cheetah, very easy to tame, calm, hey they've been owned as pets for thousands of years to, so you know it can't be any more dangerous than a dog.
Roy Mustang (post: 1262508) wrote:I will say this to anyone that wants to own a shunk, you will not be able to travel to Tennessee with it or live there. They have a state law that skunks may not be carried into the state other then people that work for a zoological park and research institution.
I'm not sure about other states, but I started to hear that a few more states have thought about a law like this, but I think that Tennessee is the only one that has it.
[font="Book Antiqua"][color="Red"]Col. Roy Mustang [/color][/font]
Roy Mustang (post: 1262743) wrote:I was thinking that Tennessee can't be the only one with this law. I kind of agree with the law as skunks are notorious carriers of rabies and this helps in preventing such diseases from entering a state.
But at the same time, it would be a wild skunk that would be a risk of having rabies and not a skunk from a licensed breeder.
The laws about skunks should be change that you can only have a skunk from a licensed breeder.
I just can't see anyone going out into the wild and pick up a wild skunk as a pet, other then if they are really that dumb to do that.
[font="Book Antiqua"][color="Red"]Col. Roy Mustang[/color][/font]
Bobtheduck (post: 1263005) wrote:Oh, yeah. Definitely. I think you can't even remove a skunk's anal scent glands after a certain point, so a wild skunk would be a no-go. But people with skunks as pets usually keep them indoors. Not much chance of them catching rabies indoors, and they are much like ferrets, where they choose a corner to go to the bathroom in, and you just put a litter box there and they'll use it.
I think what SHOULD happen is vets should develop tools to test a skunk for rabies without killing it, and develop a true vaccine for rabies like they have for dogs and for cats. The only reason they don't is because they're not in high demand like cats and dogs, and one of the reasons they're not in high demand is because there is no accepted vaccine for them... See how that works? Another reason they're not in high demand is because they're illegal in so many places, and they're illegal because of the rabies... Again... same issue.
NnySacci (post: 1262983) wrote:I want a fennec fox!
ChristianKitsune (post: 1263165) wrote:OH ME TOO!! XD
I've those foxes are pretty clean... XD but...they are still wild animals.. :/
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