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Does anyone here play TESIII: Morrowind?

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Does anyone here play TESIII: Morrowind?

Postby Destroyer2000 » Mon Dec 08, 2003 4:52 pm

I do, and I throughly enjoy it. There are some relgious overtones (Tribunal Temple, Imperial Cult) and lots of magic and spells. You can join the Fighters, Mages, and Theives Guilds(Their names speak for themselves), the Morag Tong(A 'legal' assasin group that is 'honorable'), the Tribunal Temple and the Imperial Cult(The two religions in this game, besides the many small cults) and the Imperial Legion, which is like an army. You can do nearly ANYTHING in this game, it's so open-ended and such. The main quest involves the "Incarnate" which is supposedly an ancient hero that is going to return and restore the Dark Elven nation to what it once was. Oh yes, the Tribunal Temple has three "god-kings": Vivec, Sotha Sil, and Aleximia or something....anyway, immortal beings that are supposedly gods.

(This parathasesed part was put in a while after the message was originally posted, because I found out that Vivec, Sotha Sil, and Almalexia were born and can be killed, but yet Vivec talks about immortality...strange.)

Lately I've been playing just as an adventurer, exploring bandit caves and sunken ships, getting a house and fixing it up, doing a few quests here and there, and not really getting involved with the plot. You don't have to do the main quest, or any of the quests for that matter.

Now, I know this is all fantasy and none of it is real, but I wonder, the Lord knows this, but is He REALLY ok with Christians playing things like this?
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Fri Dec 12, 2003 8:34 pm

Someone plz respond..,.
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Postby madphilb » Sat Dec 13, 2003 12:10 am

Much of what you're asking about re: Morrowind (or any fantasy game) is more of a personal issue between you (or whoever) and God. If you don't feel right about playing it, then that's a winner of a sign that you should stop.

I've played Morrowind quite a bit, got the GOTY version for my XBox the day it was released, and plan to spend many more sessions playing, in fact I'm on my 3rd character. 1st one I deleted because I was comming up short in areas that this character should have been good at... the 2nd one I played for quite a while, got to the point that not much could hurt me, and then finished the main quest with it.... though the game locked up and I didn't save after I was wondering around later.... at that point I decided to try a new character, start over.

My current character is a Mage and I've placed a few rules for my own personal play. I don't buy training (I think I bought a point or two in the beginning, but none since) and I don't use the Mudcrab or Creeper to build up huge cash reserves. Playing this way (and using the games magic system for as much of my fighting as I can), it's made for a fun and interesting game so far (I've climbed the ranks of a couple of guilds to near or at the top of them), but I haven't even started the main quest yet.

I plan to play with a few other characters... I'd like to tackle the game with a regular fighter character, as well as a theif type character (play out some of the other guilds and get a differnt perspective on the game).

The game is great, in addition to all the stuff you can do, you can have a good time doing nothing (but wandering around and looking at the scenery). Vivic on a foggy night, The sun rising on the bitter coast, A rainy day in Dagon Fel..... it's all good.

BTW - it's in the game, but you have to read a bunch of stuff and put 2 and 2 together to figure it out.... people like Vivic can be killed becuase they aren't full gods in this game, they are part mortal... the thing that gave them their power reforms their body when they physically die. I'd say more, but I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who's not finished the main quest, but if you do they won't come back to life. (I don't think they'll come back to life while you're playing the game if you kill them before finishing the main quest, so once you've done away with Vivic he's out for your time in Morrowind).

As far as any religeous overtones to the game... that serves as much to give some depth and life to the game as anything, and since the location and all the people mentioned are fictional, they really shouldn't have any effect on real life.

Oh, I would have posted to this sooner, but I never saw it when it was posted the other day... sorry about that. There was a short thread on this game a long time ago... guess all the people who liked it where too busy playing it to post anything.

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Postby Destroyer2000 » Mon Dec 22, 2003 8:25 pm

Thanks, man. I needed to hear a reply. I've often been told that it depends on my own relationship with God, and when I play it, it doesn't really bother me, or give me that funny gut-feeling. It's AWESOME. I enjoy making characters and taking over stuff, like cool houses, and decorating. Lol, I should make a custom class 'Interior Designer". That's mostly all I do. I am in the process of taking over Tel Vos, a Telvanni tower outside of the northeastern city of Vos. Ironic, isn't it? The game doesn't bother me much, but games like FF do. I can't stand them. That's the first time I ever stopped playing a game was with FF8. Atleast I had beaten it by the time I got seriously thinkning about games like that and stuff.
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Postby Destroyer2000 » Tue Dec 30, 2003 12:06 pm

I know this topic is kind of old, but I want to know does anyone else here besides me and madphilb play? Sometimes I start thinking about it and wonder whether it is really decent or not, but when I start playing it, it doesn't really bother me. I don't use that much magic. Just some scrolls and such, and a few teleportation spells. Anyone else play it?
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Postby madphilb » Tue Dec 30, 2003 3:04 pm

1st.... here's a short thread on Magic Games that came up that I think might be a help with the issue.

There was another short Morrowind thread a while back too.

Maybe a new post with a more detailed subject (one to reflect what you're intereseted in finding out).... if it's the magic issue, maybe bumping the 1st thread I listed with a new message might get some other input.

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