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Who else is playing pokemon black and or white?

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Postby UniqueAngelStar » Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:11 pm

Nate (post: 1473742) wrote:You can't store items anymore, actually. Your PC is only for mail/letters, you cannot store items in the PC. They made the bag a bag of infinite holding in response to that.

I'm actually a bit annoyed about this, honestly. I want to be able to store items in my PC, because there's items that don't have a purpose while I'm out walking around. Like the Beauty Scale, for example. I don't have a Feebas at the moment, and probably won't for a while. Until then, there's no reason for me to carry it around in my bag and take up space. I really wish I could store it in the PC so it's one less item I'd have to scroll past in the list.

As for HM moves, the Move Deleter has been able to delete them since the original Gold/Silver way back when, so it really doesn't seem like a problem to me. *shrug*

I also agree on this.

I'm glad that they have unlimited storage for your items to carry around, but I really want the item storage on your PC back. My items bag feels crowded and I don't want my stored pokemon in my PC to hold them. It unorganized for me.
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Postby Nate » Sat Apr 23, 2011 12:58 pm

I'm glad someone feels the same as I do about it. :3 I don't want them to get rid of unlimited storage space in the bag (because it was really annoying in the old games when you'd find an item and then it'd go "Oops there's no room in the bag!" and you'd have to use up something or leave and go to the PC), but I wish they'd let you store items you didn't need or want at the time somewhere so they don't clog up your list. I don't want to get rid of my Everstone, for example, because it can be useful, but I don't need it at the moment and I wish it could get out of my list.

So I beat Cynthia last night. You don't really get anything special from it, just some money. I abused Kyurem like nobody's business to win that fight.

Also, I just wanted to share that last night, on my way to catch Kyurem, I ran across a Metang in Giant Chasm. I whittled down its health, and started throwing Pokeballs. I wasted 26 Ultra Balls, 17 Dusk Balls, 15 Luxury Balls, and one Nest Ball trying to catch it. I was trying to stall time so my Timer Balls would reach maximum effectiveness, and so I was like "Well, one more try before I use Timer Balls" and threw a Dive Ball. In the back of my mind I thought "It'd be pretty funny if this Dive Ball actually caught it since it gives no bonuses whatsoever to the capture rate." And then the Dive Ball succeeded.

Then, in the fight against Kyurem, a Legendary, it took only three Dusk Balls before I successfully captured it.

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Postby Rocketshipper » Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:36 pm

but pokemon can hold any item can;t they, even TMs and HMs? So you can "store" your items by giving them to a pokemon to hold and then putting it in the PC or trading it to someone, which is what I think they worry about happening with the HMs, which is why they make them undeletable from normal means.
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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:43 pm

Nate (post: 1473932) wrote:Also, I just wanted to share that last night, on my way to catch Kyurem, I ran across a Metang in Giant Chasm. I whittled down its health, and started throwing Pokeballs. I wasted 26 Ultra Balls, 17 Dusk Balls, 15 Luxury Balls, and one Nest Ball trying to catch it. I was trying to stall time so my Timer Balls would reach maximum effectiveness, and so I was like "Well, one more try before I use Timer Balls" and threw a Dive Ball. In the back of my mind I thought "It'd be pretty funny if this Dive Ball actually caught it since it gives no bonuses whatsoever to the capture rate." And then the Dive Ball succeeded.

Then, in the fight against Kyurem, a Legendary, it took only three Dusk Balls before I successfully captured it.
I've typically found that I've always had more success in previous games that I've played with Pokeballs over Greatballs or Ultraballs.
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Postby Nate » Sat Apr 23, 2011 11:54 pm

Rocketshipper wrote:but pokemon can hold any item can]
Actually no. Pokemon have never been able to hold HMs, and they can no longer hold TMs in Black and White, so you can't trade them away. The reason why is probably what you said, they didn't want someone being dumb and giving a Pokemon the Surf HM before they'd taught it to a Pokemon, trading it away, and then effectively being unable to complete the game. They probably took out the ability to hold TMs so people wouldn't cheat the system by giving themselves the 70,000 Pokedollar TMs from Icarrus City to another copy at the beginning of the game, or so that they wouldn't get a duplicate TM from the Seven Sages or whatever.
So you can "store" your items by giving them to a pokemon to hold

Yeah, you can, but it's a hassle because then rather than selecting from a list of items on the PC, you have to scroll through your Pokemon and see what hold item they have if you want to withdraw something. They still should just allow item storage on the PC again.

Plus, you have the problem of giving a Pokemon an item, forgetting that it's holding it, and then trading that item away accidentally to someone else. A problem that item storage on the PC would easily solve.

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Postby firestorm » Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:51 pm

lol at the whole taking a million pokeballs to catch one pokemon, because I've done that before. XD

I'm at the fifth badge now I must say it's gotten better now that I've played. On top of that my cousin brought her DS so I got to move my event shiny suicune and raiku from Pearl. So yeah I got to catch Zoroark.

Who here is playing on their ds? What's your friend codes? mine is 172134817830

Also, do you guys use Dream World? I've already got Lickitung, igglybuff, and ponyta from there.

EDIT: Oops I mistyped my own friend code :(. Corrected now.
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Postby raider~joseph » Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:51 pm

Fish and Chips (post: 1465937) wrote:Image


Poor little Yamask...Game Freak can be so cruel...I will never forget what they did to me...XxashmistyxX.And I gotta say that getting one of the two color games is not smart I mean come ON.We all know pokemon gray is coming out we can study gen5 and watch youtube videos to catch up......and yet I still found myself in line to get white.Game Freak sucks.....(sometimes they have their moments.)The guy who coined the pokemon yellow rule probably doesn't pay taxes.Seriously my relationship with game freak is love-hate.
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Postby Peanut » Mon Apr 25, 2011 12:27 pm

raider~joseph (post: 1474259) wrote:And I gotta say that getting one of the two color games is not smart I mean come ON.We all know pokemon gray is coming out we can study gen5 and watch youtube videos to catch up......and yet I still found myself in line to get white.Game Freak sucks.....(sometimes they have their moments.)The guy who coined the pokemon yellow rule probably doesn't pay taxes.Seriously my relationship with game freak is love-hate.

I don't really see why this is a reason to hate on Game Freak. They're just being good buisness men and women. I mean really, compare Game Freak's release habits to EA sports. They might release a third version later with just a few changes to the storyline but it's not like they're releasing the same game, each year, with minor improvements and a different roster. Honestly the only third version game that I'd say isn't worth looking at is Yellow. It was a gimmicky game meant to cash in on the tv show but even there, they still added in a new gameplay element which they carried over to the next generation. Generally they've done a pretty good job with their storyline tweaks and I can't think of a generation where their third version hasn't contained some sort of gameplay addition. And seeing how the story in this version is already very good, I'm actually kind of looking forward to Pokemon Grey or whatever they decide to call it.

Really the only thing that anyone should be ticked off at Game Freak about is the fact that they are abusing child psychology to get kids to buy both versions of the game.
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Postby Nate » Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:20 pm

So now I'm at the "Start transferring over all the unique Pokemon from other games" stage. This actually won't be TOO bad, since you can Pal Park over Pokemon from the GBA games at any time. That means all I have to do is start over on R/S/E/LG/FR, grab a starter, catch six useless Pokemon, shove 'em in the PC, and Pal Park 'em over, then start over again with another one of the starters.

Still, it means less than an hour of gameplay for a starter. The only truly difficult ones to get are going to be the ones past that...the legendaries for each game and whatnot. Especially since Pokemon is a difficult game to "speed run." The Hoenn legendaries are actually going to be the biggest pain, since they're the more difficult ones to get (not counting ones that are event Pokemon like Celebi).

Also, the Poke Transfer minigame for Black/White is garbage. You have to play a little game where you shoot Pokeballs at the Pokemon jumping around, and if you don't capture them, they don't get transferred over (fortunately they don't get deleted either, they just go back to your Gen IV game). Still, it's a stupid and frustrating minigame and they shouldn't have used it.

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Postby firestorm » Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:55 pm

just passed the 5th badge, and decided to take a break from the main game and mass breed my Zoroark. I've got 4 zoruas right now if anyone wants to trade me for anything. 3 males and one female. Hatching my 5th egg right now.
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Postby armeck » Mon Apr 25, 2011 3:27 pm

i finally beat the elite 4. technically it took me almost 3 months but i only had 17 and a half hours of play time before i beat it ( i didn't use cheats) so i think that's pretty dang good
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Postby Peanut » Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:05 pm

Nate (post: 1474353) wrote:Also, the Poke Transfer minigame for Black/White is garbage. You have to play a little game where you shoot Pokeballs at the Pokemon jumping around, and if you don't capture them, they don't get transferred over (fortunately they don't get deleted either, they just go back to your Gen IV game). Still, it's a stupid and frustrating minigame and they shouldn't have used it.

Wow...that does suck...
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Postby UniqueAngelStar » Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:16 pm

Nate (post: 1474353) wrote:So now I'm at the "Start transferring over all the unique Pokemon from other games" stage. This actually won't be TOO bad, since you can Pal Park over Pokemon from the GBA games at any time. That means all I have to do is start over on R/S/E/LG/FR, grab a starter, catch six useless Pokemon, shove 'em in the PC, and Pal Park 'em over, then start over again with another one of the starters.

Also, the Poke Transfer minigame for Black/White is garbage. You have to play a little game where you shoot Pokeballs at the Pokemon jumping around, and if you don't capture them, they don't get transferred over (fortunately they don't get deleted either, they just go back to your Gen IV game). Still, it's a stupid and frustrating minigame and they shouldn't have used it.

Ah man...That's how the transfer thing is going to be in B/W? Great...I'm starting to miss the Pal park when it was easier to catch the pokemon and it stays in the file.
I haven't played that part in B/W but since you explained it, it would be more frustrating for me >_<:shady:
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