Kenshin17 wrote:Perhaps. I need to swim through the campaign just to refresh my memory of the story. I also have yet to fully complete it myself from Terren in StarCraft to Zerg in Brood War. Maybe this will be how I ready myself for number II.
Kenshin17 wrote:Perhaps. I need to swim through the campaign just to refresh my memory of the story. I also have yet to fully complete it myself from Terren in StarCraft to Zerg in Brood War. Maybe this will be how I ready myself for number II.
goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
Aleolus wrote:Coolness. Did they demo any of the other races, or say what spiffy new stuff they got as well?
Aleolus wrote:Also, when does this game come out? I'm wanting to buy[ it, but I haven't got very much patience.
goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
Omega Amen wrote:Think about it. In the original StarCraft, to get a ground troop, you had wait one by one for each troop to come out right at the Gateway. With Warp In, you can spawn ground troops immediately and anywhere within range of a pylon or phase prism field! Combine this with the Zealot sprint ability, and the Stalker blink ability, and the Protoss ground force turns into an elite, blitzkrieg, assault force, a completely different characterization of Protoss ground units than in original StarCraft.
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:I was thinking about that, and I have several thoughts.
1. I have a feeling that warping in will require the usage of some resources. Maybe it will take some extra time? Perhaps require the use of energy. I don't know for certain.
2. When I'm Protoss, I specialize in using a wide variety of units. While my friend usually masses ground foot-troops with the occasional Scouts, I generally specialize in the usage of Carriers, Arbiters, and Reavers as well as foot troops being warped in via Arbiter. A much more harder to use tactic, but I think it's stronger.
The warp in does seem to be very similar to the Arbiter's Recall skill, minus the Arbiter however. Though with the new Warp-In ability, I doubt that Arbiters will be present in SCII (Which is a shame, they're great when it comes to protecting your base or attacking due to their ability to cloak other units).
Omega Amen wrote:Things will be different in SC2. StarCraft fans will have to realize this.
Omega Amen wrote:Things will be different in SC2. StarCraft fans will have to realize this.
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