New Zelda game

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New Zelda game

Postby agasfas » Sat Oct 09, 2004 8:29 pm

Has anyone heard about the new zelda that is coming out soon? It looks really cool!
check it out:
The offical nintendo site; it has photos and vids.

Although I'm not big into gaming I've always had a soft spot for the Legend of Zeldas.
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.." Prov 17:22

The word 'impossible' isn't in my dictionary... but I don't really have a dictionary you know? - Eikichi Onizuka.
Sorry, but I stop being a teacher at 5 o'clock. - Eikichi Onizuka.
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Postby agasfas » Sun Oct 10, 2004 7:18 pm

opps i didn't see the other thread about the same topic. My apologies.
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.." Prov 17:22

The word 'impossible' isn't in my dictionary... but I don't really have a dictionary you know? - Eikichi Onizuka.
Sorry, but I stop being a teacher at 5 o'clock. - Eikichi Onizuka.
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Postby Ashley » Sun Oct 10, 2004 8:04 pm

Kudos for redirecting your own thread!
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