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a friend of mine is bi...
PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 8:43 pm
by Vyse
How do I show them its wrong and bring them to Christ?
Edit: I just asked of Jesus was her Lord and savior and she said yes...
PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 8:52 pm
by zoupzuop2
Vyse wrote:How do I show them its wrong and bring them to Christ?
Erm... I doubt that telling them it's wrong will get very far (but I know your reasoning. It IS wrong, but you'll be stopped very forcefully, and possibly lose your friend), but I'm sure that leading this person to Christ would be effective enough to do both...
How old are you? If you're involved in a youth group or something, try inviting this person to that, if it's something that appeals to them (IE, play a lot of games, have a lot of fun, etc...). Maybe you're not in a youth group or something (I'm not good at guessing ages or genders right off the bat), basically any possibly appealing event (appealing, that is, to them) and get them hooked on that.
(Then again, I'm probably not right on this issue... someone else with suggestions?)
EDIT: Oops. I posted this a bit late. Uh... disregard my last post.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 8:53 pm
by Lightbringer
I dont know if you can really show someone their wrong, usually in something like this i find that just telling them they are wrong that you'll just imbed what they are doing further into them. I would of coase say prayer, lots of prayer is required for them and for you, and also you need to be a good example, just by being a Christian around them is a positive influence. You wont change them by talking about sodem and gamora i can tell you.
Another thing is listening for God to give you direction and shutting up until he does. cause if He's not in on it, its just a waste of time. I'll be praying too. Hope i was of some help
PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 8:54 pm
by Vyse
No, I know not to right out tell her its wrong...
I am 20 btw but she's an online friend...
PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 10:12 pm
by EireWolf
I agree with Lightbringer. Pray much, and wait for God's lead.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 1:03 am
by Aka-chan
I'll pray too! It's tricky, especially over the internet, and prayer sounds like the most effective thing.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 3:52 am
by Straylight
a person can’t actually help being bi or gay
Even if this is true, we believe in a God who can do anything.
As far as your friend is concerned Vyse, I would guess that she's already been told being bi is wrong. Just look out for her, be a good friend, and pray. God will deal with her problem in His own time, not yours.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 4:03 am
by SwordSkill
I'm curious. I know there's an entire range of them, but couldn't some problems regarding one's sexuality be "curable" in the way drug and alcohol addicts are cured through rehab and therapy? I know, I know, I can't see a future when there would be rehab centers for that since the world is too politically correct these days and it's getting harder and harder to express an opinion or a moral standard without stepping on someone's toes, but it's doable, isn't it? For some cases, at least, I'd like to think. Otherwise, realistically speaking, it would be quite difficult keeping hope that a friend would get over it someday. It's like praying that a person would rise from the dead. Not that I have anything against it, of course. I'd just like to know if we should leave everything to prayer or should we also try to do something else ourselves.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 4:10 am
by ThaKladd
She can wait until she falls in love with one of the opposite sex(because that is possible) instead of doing what is wrong and explore the gay feelings(and if she fall in love with someone of the same sex, she don't need to develop that relationship)...
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 4:52 am
by Xavier249
Straylight wrote:Even if this is true, we believe in a God who can do anything.
*notes the "if"*
Actually I would like to point out the "if" and explain why, but that won't help Vyse any, so I'll get back on topic.
Straylight wrote:As far as your friend is concerned Vyse, I would guess that she's already been told being bi is wrong. Just look out for her, be a good friend, and pray. God will deal with her problem in His own time, not yours.
Agree, Agree. *Nods head in agreement*
*Writes something on poster*
*holds up poster*
"The best thing you can be is a good example, don't, of course, hate the person. Remember that everything is grounded in Truth of some sort, and I mean by that, that everything is not relative. Also, I am going to pray for her too. Could you guys pray for people I know too?" Thanks.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 8:45 am
by Kokhiri Sojourn
I agree that much prayer is needed, and I know that since you only know this person through the internet, it is hard to just be a good example, because through the internet, everything is verbal. I think what Swordskill said about people being able to be "cured" of it is true. I've had a few friends go this way and acquaintances as well, so I've done a bit of reading on it. In some ways though it is a mind set, and going through this involves retraining your mind. But, in this regard, if one isn't considering this to be wrong (as some "churches" nowadays do), there would obviously be no need to change anything.
I think that if the person knows where you stand, as a Christian, and sees that you're still there for them and still love them (in Christ), then that can have a tremendous effect on them. I've always heard it said that it is grace and love that transforms, not judgement. But then again, I'm just talking, and my actions may not be consistent, because living is a lot harder than talking. I'll be in prayer for you still, and hope that God will "direct your paths" in this area.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 8:57 am
by Xavier249
Nods in agreement towards Kokhiri Sojourn.
I've had to study up on it some too. You summed it all up quite well.
Living what you say, is hard. We all know that, even St. Peter failed miserably when he denied Jesus three times.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 1:20 pm
by PotBelliedCow
Couldn't help but add my two cents...
I've always been confused about this subject, with some church saying this and another church saying that. All I've got to say is that maybe God's all right with being bi, gay, or straight. Maybe he isn't. But we don't know that, do we? Just let things take its course, tell her about your own views on the subject, but in the end it's her final decision.
Vyse, I'll pray for you and your friend. I'm not really leaning one way or the other, but I'll be praying anyways.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 2:48 pm
by Solid Ronin
All I can say is Pray..I'll pray
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 3:17 pm
by Ashley
Since everyone is already just offering volunteer pledges of prayer anyway, I'm moving this to the prayer forum. Please keep it civil and be respectful of differing points of view on this matter.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 8:57 pm
by Kokhiri Sojourn
PotBelliedCow wrote:I've always been confused about this subject, with some church saying this and another church saying that. All I've got to say is that maybe God's all right with being bi, gay, or straight. Maybe he isn't. But we don't know that, do we?
I think that on this subject, we can and do know what God thinks of the issue. In
I Corinthians 6: 9-11 , the Word of God states:
"Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters [...] nor
homosexual offenders [...] will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you
were." (NIV)
The things I omitted were because of spacial issues, and I only underlined it to set it off from the others, not to give it primacy over the other things, but because it was relevant to the discussion. In this I think that it is shown that sexual relations with the same sex is considered wrong, always. Same with the sexually immoral, or those who practice out of marriage. But, this passage also shows that some by the grace of God overcame this temptation. Anyone can be tempted, but indulging this temptation is, in my opinion, sin. I don't mean to disrespect you, PotBelliedCow, in any way, but just in case you hadn't seen it, there are places in the Bible where it specifically deals with it in both the Old and New Testaments. If you want more, PM me and I'll look up some. But I do think that is vastly important to pray, and am very thankful that you are. God bless, and Vyse, we're all in prayer for you and for your friend.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 10:02 pm
by Xavier249
Admin snip: Please keep in mind that this is a non-denominational site. Remember this before posting.
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 11:41 pm
by ShiroiHikari
Thread closed, take all discussion to PM please.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 11, 2004 3:02 pm
by Gypsy
Vyse wanted to be sure to thank everyone who offered prayer and support. While people can no longer post on this thread, I hope that many of you will still pray about this situation. Thanks, guys!