I don't really like talking about the Tribulation and the Rapture. I think about what it would feel like to be left behind, and whether I will or not. It is scary. Some people believe that once you're saved, technically, you'll go to Heaven no matter what. That's not what my denomination believes. The Free Will Baptists believe that we are born with the choice; go to Heaven or go to Hell. I wonder sometimes that if God already knows before He creates where we will end up going, then why does He create us if he knows we are going to Hell?
Sometimes I feel that nomatter what I do, it won't matter, that I'll never be a true Christian, and my prayers don't always seem heartfelt. I don't feel like I mean it when I ask for forgiveness sometimes. Soon, my pastor is going to start a study of Revelation, and I do NOT want to hear it. I don't like any of Revelation. I realize that the bad things in it are probably what scares me, but if I trust God I won't be here for that. (I forgot to say, many people in my church give only a decade or so more before the Rapture.) Another thing; sometimes I feel like I'm going hostile against God. And that IS NOT a good feeling.
I've forgotten for now some of the other things I wanted to mention, but I'll post them later when I remember. Anyway, please pray for me.