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Only pray if you want to
PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 10:10 pm
by Jasdero
I've never... made one of these before.. Part of the reason was because I feel guilty about asking people to pray for me instead of just having them do so without a request. But I guess that in a forum such as this, people won't really know what's going on with you until you actually tell them directly. So, here are mine.
First, I think there are.. two threads regarding this made by two others, but I guess I'll just say it myself. I've been having breathing problems for a few years now, but they've only been really bad as of late (about 4 or 5 months). It's.. hard to explain. My whole chest area feels closed up, and I have to start trying to breathe. I cough up blood during these times every once and a while, usually when it's really bad. I guess I just wanted to let people know directly.
Another is a bit more.. XD;; academic-related. I have headaches that never go away. Yes, never. I've been to dozens of doctors, and taken x-rays, CAT-scans, and the like, and they aren't able to diagnose it properly. x__x One doctor gave me some kind of medicine that would slow down my heart rate. That was.. really painful. One night I had to go to the emergency room because of it, which promptly ended the use of that doctor. Anyway... until something is able to be done, or if I'm somehow able to cope with it better than I have been, I'll be having trouble with school. @__@ It's really fustrating, particularly because I've never had to struggle with school at all until now. I had to drop out of my AP and Honors classes because of this. >.< Even with this Internet Academy I'm enrolled in now, I have to try to keep up with them. So.. there's only 5 weeks of school left, and I'm behind in my courses. I'll be taking a two week break from CAA and other non-academic related activities for about two weeks, at least. Just until I catch up in everything. \ O_O / I ask everyone to smack me if they see me online during the day. XD;;; Please.
o.o I do believe that's it. So, just.. XD;;; if you don't mind praying, or have any advice to give.. I would grateful to you. But if you don't see anything that's really.. prayer-worthy or something.. it's definitely not required of you. o.o; So please don't feel obligated or something. ^o^/ Thank you!
PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 10:11 pm
by Elric_kun
i'll pray
PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 10:11 pm
by Mr. Rogers
will be prayin oh suchan ^O^/
PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 10:24 pm
by c.t.,girl
awww sutan i'll pray for you!! ;_; and don't think of it as being selfish...i use to think that way...but how can ppl pray for you if they don't even know that you need prayer? i mean...i never knew that you had problems!...and i'm so sorry to hear all this...but...maybe this is part of a testimony for mine and...the stuff i've done in the past...>.>; ok maybe not like that...but ya never know...luv ya girl...and i'm praying for ya! *hugs*
PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 6:41 am
by dragonshimmer
Sweet girl, I'll pray for you. I'm so, so sorry to see this and we're all worried about you. You can do it, we know you can.
Have your parents tried seeking out specialists in a different part of CA?
PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 5:58 pm
by Omega Amen
Thank you for enlightening us on your situation. Now some of your recent behavior and prayer requests made on your behalf make more sense.
I am no doctor, but if I were to guess, your two major health problems that you described could be related. The headaches could be caused by a lack of oxygen and blood to the brain, which could be caused by your breathing problems. The pain in your chest could be lung-related (fluid build-up in your chest cavity, lung disorder or collapsing, or severe case of asthma) or heart-related. From what I have heard within my family, a severe case of asthma can possibly produce the symptoms you described, including coughing up blood and not being able to breathe at all.
Someone with medical training, like shooraijin, should be able to give a better guess than I ever could, but since you are dealing with possibly three crucial organs being the brain, lungs, and heart, you really need to pursue in finding the proper diagnosis and treatment of your condition. Until you find them, you will probably continue to suffer and have trouble with your schoolwork and in other activities. Continue to aggressively pursue a proper diagnosis.
You will have to solve your health problems first. Then, life in general becomes easier to deal with. In the meantime, we will pray for you.
PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 6:01 pm
by AngelSakura
Oh, my poor dear Su-tan... I will definately pray for you. I hope you will be out of pain very soon.
PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 7:36 pm
by agasfas
It's nice to know what exactly was on your mind. I'm glad you are still around. And please don't be so modest or feel guilty asking for help, we all pray and hope for you to get better. We are all like family here. So of course I'll be praying for you. My only advise, which isn't much is to just keep hanging in there and continue to have faith.
Please, if you can keep us updated. I hope you feel/get better soon. I will defiantly keep you in my prayers.
PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2005 4:06 am
by Mr. SmartyPants
not to sound "coincidental" or something like that... but for some reason ive been having breathing problems as well (maybe allergy-related), and ive always had frequent headaches too so i can sorta know what you're going through
but sunanky... ill totally be praying for you
PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2005 5:23 am
by Anna Mae
I feel your pain.
O Great Healer, you know what is going on in Sunako's body. We ask that you heal her body from these ailments, her mind from its turmoil, and give her soul peace. Most of all, we pray that your will be done. We place her in your hands. Amen.
PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2005 2:24 pm
by Jasdero
(((\T^T/))) Thank you everyone. *hughughug*
dragonshimmer wrote:Have your parents tried seeking out specialists in a different part of CA?
o.o Hmm.... I dunno, we've never tried a doctor from California. : o Are they better...?
Omega Amen wrote:Thank you for enlightening us on your situation. Now some of your recent behavior and prayer requests made on your behalf make more sense.
XD]I am no doctor, but if I were to guess, your two major health problems that you described could be related. The headaches could be caused by a lack of oxygen and blood to the brain, which could be caused by your breathing problems. The pain in your chest could be lung-related (fluid build-up in your chest cavity, lung disorder or collapsing, or severe case of asthma) or heart-related. From what I have heard within my family, a severe case of asthma can possibly produce the symptoms you described, including coughing up blood and not being able to breathe at all.[/QUOTE]
o.o.... Oh... x___x That.. sounds.. bad... I'm going to have to bring this up with my mother. Thanks for the advice~
Omega Amen wrote:Someone with medical training, like shooraijin, should be able to give a better guess than I ever could, but since you are dealing with possibly three crucial organs being the brain, lungs, and heart, you really need to pursue in finding the proper diagnosis and treatment of your condition. Until you find them, you will probably continue to suffer and have trouble with your schoolwork and in other activities. Continue to aggressively pursue a proper diagnosis.
>.o]not to sound "coincidental" or something like that... but for some reason ive been having breathing problems as well (maybe allergy-related), and ive always had frequent headaches too so i can sorta know what you're going through
but sunanky... ill totally be praying for you
x___x Yuck... It really sucks, doesn't it? ^o^/ and I shall pray for you~ >=O If you ever need someone to rant to about the irritation of health problems, come to me. It should be fun. XDD;;;;
PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2005 2:43 pm
by anime4christ
I'll pray
PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2005 4:03 pm
by Azier the Swordsman
Why would we not want to pray for you? Anybody with any kind of health issues is prayer-worthy in my opinion. The last time I checked, God didn't give a set of guidelines of what is 'prayer-worthy' and what is not. He commands us to pray for the well being of our fellow believers.
I'll be praying. May God speed your recovery.
PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2005 4:58 pm
by Rogie
Feeling any better? Give us an update!
PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2005 6:26 pm
by Silvanis
Ah. I see. I shall pray. If you feel sad you can talk to me. I've had similar experiences with my health. It is very hard I know, but talking about it helps. My prayers and hopes go out to you. Plz do concinder talking to me, I found a person who had similar problems to mine... it made all the difference.
PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2005 7:04 pm
by Saint Kevin
Yep, I missed this before, but I'll definitely start praying now. I really hope you find out what is going on, and that you get better.
PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2005 3:30 am
by termyt
I am late to the thread, but I am glad Saint Kevin bumped it last night so I could read it.
I also suffer from constant head aches - I am never with out one, either. I believe mine are caused by my eyes, though. I have no advise for you, but I can commiserate. Misery loves company, right?
I pray you grant peace to Sunako, Queen of Avatars, Purveyor of Emoticons, Defender of JRock. We do not understand why we are afflicted sometimes. There seems to be no good reason. Father, I pray You constantly remind her that she is not alone. Many people care for her and wish her well. Father, if it is Your will, relieve her of her affliction, but, if it is not, then teacher her the lesson You would have her learn from this and offer her solace in her darkest hours. We know this life is temporary, but it seems to take so long to us. We love You, Father and we ask this in Your name,
PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 5:59 pm
by Jman
I'll pray!
PostPosted: Mon May 30, 2005 9:51 pm
by White Raven
I will be praying for you <3