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Please pray for me...

Postby faithfighter » Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:44 pm

My family has been havingm trouble with my grandma. The last time we went to see her she started yelling at us. It didn't just start though she's been pretty mean toward us for a while. Now I might have to go to see her this weekend, and I am dreeding it. I mean 7 hours diving up to see her. I know I am going to see her sometime, I mean it's not like we can just stop going, for one reason my other grandma lives right near her and I want to see her. So I need prays and advice on how to cope with that. If you have any really good advice, but would feel better just sending it to me then posting please feel free to PM me. I would really appreciate it.
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Postby termyt » Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:12 am

Has you're grandmother always been mean? This sounds a lot like Alzheimer’s disease to me. Alzheimer’s is a wicked disease to have to face, both for the individual and the family. It often causes radical personality shifts, causing those suffering from it to become mean and even paranoid.

I don’t know if your grandmother suffers from this or not, but regardless, she is your grandmother. That alone is reason enough to go see her and to simply love her. Try not to let the things she says or does affect you, just grin and bare it. Rationally explaining your own feelings will likely be useless, so accept the abuse and return it with kindness. Thus will your heaven treasures be multiplied, and you just might make an old lady a little less agitated.

I have a grandmother who is very hard to deal with. She is a large part of many of the demons my mother’s family has had to deal with over the years. I, however, can not be an effective witness to her because I am her grandson. For her, taking advise from me is rather like you taking advise from a three year old. The best I can do is to accept her and treat her with the respect she is due.

My other grandmother, whom I love most dearly, suffers from Alzheimer’s. She is in the very early stages of the disease but it is likely that the day is coming when her personality will shift and the people she loves most will become her bitter enemies (at least in her own mind). I dread this day, but if it comes, I will gladly face all of the abuse if I can make her days a little easier; if I can show her she is not alone.

My recommendation? Go visit your grandmother. Prepare yourself for the worst and show her your best.
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Postby faithfighter » Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:33 am

Wow that really was so sweet!
I was deeply moved!
Thank you, I'll do just that.
Just to know you care is really great thanks again!
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Postby Ssjjvash » Tue Feb 22, 2005 10:34 am

A soft word turns away wrath. (Prov. 15:1)
Love always wins, so just walk in love with your grandmother. Maybe try encouraging your family to do the same. If you wanna know how to walk in love, just take a look at 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8

Hope this helps. Be blessed.
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Postby Rogie » Tue Feb 22, 2005 3:07 pm

I pray that your grandmother is okay and that things work out. May God's will be done.
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Postby sonichiro » Tue Feb 22, 2005 4:41 pm

ill be praying too. have you ever thought that there was a reason for your grandmothers anger? maybe she's been struggling with something really hard and has been taking her anger out on your family?
dear God, please soften faithfighter's grandomthers heart towards her family. You know what shes going through, You know her heart. give her Your peace and wisdom that surpass all understanding. let her greet her family with a joyous heart full of praise. let all tension melt away and let Your love wash over her. let her wake up in the morning feeling so at peace and so comforted. calm her anger and mend her hurts. thankYou, in Jesus name and by His Blood, amen.
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Postby K. Ayato » Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:07 pm

I agree with termyt. It does sound a lot like Alzheimer's disease that your grandmother has. I've heard that as the disease progresses, the patient with the disease may act hostile towards caregivers, and even family members. I don't mean to rub salt in your wounds, hon. My great-grandma died some years ago and she had Alzheimer's too. I also agree with termyt in saying that this disease, or the fear of your grandmother's behavior, shouldn't stop you from going up to visit with her. I'll pray that God calms your fears, gives you peace, and allows for you to have a great time visiting.
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