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Dieting? o_O Need Prayer Badly

PostPosted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 4:56 pm
by Madeline
Since he got out of the hospital, my dad has been having a really hard time with his new diet. (And to tell the truth, so am I- you don't realize how much you love certain foods until you have to go without them.)
He's been super depressed lately, and the added stress from his job isn't helping. He hasn't gone to church or read the Bible in a really long time, and to put it in his own words, he feels like he's "just scraping by".

I get to keep my tuna, so I'll survive. But our hearts are crying out to God about this, and it hurts to see him in such turmoil. And it's not just about the food, either. Please pray that my dad will seek out God during this time and that He would give him peace that passes understanding, as well as the strength to stick to this diet. I'm starting to realize just how much food relates to everything, physically and spiritually. We have to give some things up. It's hard because they are always around us, and we are tempted, especially since they don't seem to do any immediate harm.
But in the long run, most things that we choose to eat are poisons that slowly drain us of our energy and our strength, ultimately shortening our life...just the way that sin slowly devours our soul. But this is not just a diet that I'm participating in...(besides, in my mind, if you eat, you're on a diet. ;) )
But it's my sacrifice to God...a physical reminder of my resistance to temptation, and my desire to serve him with my mind, body, soul, and spirit.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 5:13 pm
by Zero One
I shall pray for you, it's not the easiest thing to stick to a diet

PostPosted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 5:21 pm
by Rogie
Madeline, I'll pray for you and your dad!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 5:32 pm
by Madeline
Thank you. :)

PostPosted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 9:18 pm
by true_noir_chloe
I will definitely be praying for your dad, you and your family. Please, don't stop eating too much food, Madeline - don't want you to waste away.

PostPosted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 9:46 pm
by Yojimbo
What kind of diet is he on? Please don't say the low carb diet... Anyway I'll be praying for him.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 8:25 am
by Mave
I'll pray that he'll be able to make the adjustments soon and that he'll find that inner hunger and thirst can only be filled by Jesus. I'll pray for the whole family's sake and that they will be able to support and carry him through this as well. .

PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 5:48 pm
by agasfas
Indeed food is important. I'll pray that one, your dad does good on his diet and becomes health again, and secondly, most importantly that he will be able to grow stronger physically, emotionally, and spiritually from this experience. Sometime we need to go through some hard times to see what exactly God has given us. I will pray that everything works out to God's will.