Postby Jaltus-bot » Sun Oct 17, 2004 10:06 pm
I will pray that God would help you to have the strength to deal with those things and be encouraged by Him when it gets to you. Don't ever just try to be insensitive to the things that would break God's heart. We should not try to love less like He does or harden our hearts but live our lives motivated by the love that God puts in each of us.
I'll pray that inspite of this God will keep you from getting to down and that you will see the joys and the opportunities that there are. Where things are darkest, light shines most brightly. Whatever bad happens in the world, where people are willing to let God work God can make something good come of it.
I've always been something of an idealist myself. Maybe that is why I have always wanted to change the world, you know make the world a better place for people, take away some of the pain and suffering. It's not possible for one person to do that in everyway or in one way everywhere. Making a difference in something right where I am or where God would have me go is possible by really trying to follow His will for my life and to show love for others as He has shown for me.
Would it make you happy to do something to change the way things are? God puts in each of us a desire to do what he would have us do, not like a desire to go to the mall with friends one weekend, but something deeper and more satisying. Maybe the way you react to things like those movies is a clue about what God would have you do. If this is, I would suggest of praying abou that as well, but also at least right around you looking for what you can do where God can work through you. This might be activities like an information event, or even just living your life in a way where a lloving and Godly attitude is going to affect those around you. Spiritually we may not be of this world, but in a physical sense we are all part of it. We are all interconnected around the world and what we do affects others. Our lives are like ripples in water from a pebble dropped in it. The effects may seem to fade as they spread out, but because it is all the same world they still amplify or cancel out those of others. If we let God guide the ripples we make in our own spot of water, they may amplify those of others reaching farther and farther out, person by person to change even the farthest places.
When I feel blue, I start breathing again.
Asdvadz hedut ullah! (W. Armenian, "May God bless you!")
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"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him."
"One of the nice things about diseases of the brain is they tend to slip your mind." Colbert