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PostPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2004 10:18 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
um... this is a tad weird. But i've been getting reports that i've been spamming a lot. I didn't even realize it untill I got the PM's so could ya guys pray for me to post less and such? Much appreciated. I do not wish to be banned from CAA.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 4:11 pm
by Rogie
Spamming? Here on CAA? I don't understand. Please explain.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 4:41 pm
by Swordguy
i will pray....hope it gets worked out

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 4:49 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
ive been getting some warnings that i've been spamming. Most of it i don't even realize. Then a mod gave me a final warning...

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 4:53 pm
by Vyse
A ban for spaming? O_o I've seen obnoxious spaming in this past(I used to mod a message board) and thats not what you do, if you were like that you'd be making tons of threads every few minutes that are totally pointless. Can I see some examples of you spaming?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 4:56 pm
by shooraijin
MSP, the major complaint (both from me, and from the moderator that PMmed you, as well as discussions with other mods) is that you're posting indiscriminately in threads without checking what's been posted there before, or simply bumping them for no good reason. That's noise for the sake of making noise, even in Goof Off where a certain amount of that is tolerated (even expected, kind of). It becomes very difficult to track threads and follow sane conversation with someone repeating answers, posting one-word responses or smileys, or digging in age-old threads, all of which you've done at one time or another and many times over, and 1) I know I've not been the only one to warn you about it privately 2) you've been warned about it several times just by me.

I'm glad to see that you're trying to do the right thing, but that's the long and short of it. I hope you'll be able to continue to be a productive member here.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 5:15 pm
by agasfas
I'll pray that it all gets sorted out and has a good ending so no one gets banned. I didn't know you could spam on forums, i thought it dealt with only emails. I guess I learn something new everyday. Good luck Mr. Smarty Pants, hope everything works out.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 5:22 pm
by Jaltus-bot
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:ive been getting some warnings that i've been spamming. Most of it i don't even realize. Then a mod gave me a final warning...

Oh no! That's awful! :shake: :waah!: Maybe you can ask a mod about why some of what you posted was spam while making it clear that you're not trying to be difficult but honestly don't understand why so much of it was?

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 6:55 pm
by Vyse
I'm just wondering, why's spam a big deal enough to ban someone from a "Christian" website?

I mean what happened to grace? Mercy?

Did Jesus say "If you sin a certian amount of times... no Heaven for you!" No, of course not, I mean I could understand trolls being banned, but this? This is a website designed to help the spirtual growth of Christians and your going to ban someone for something as insignifiant as spam? Sorry... but the prorites around here sound like they aren't in the right place <_<

PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 7:29 pm
by shooraijin
Vyse, with all due respect, kindly stay out of issues you don't know anything about. This was an issue discussed at length between multiple mods, and MSP has had several warnings privately before.

In response to your note, rules on the site aren't there as options, and plenty of warning to MSP was given ahead of time. If you think the priorities are skewed, you're welcome to your opinion, but not to the detriment of trying to keep things clean and orderly. While more subtle than frank trolling, spamming is specifically disallowed because of its impact on conversation, not to mention the impact on disk space and CPU usage, which if you haven't noticed is already at a premium.

This thread is serving no additional purpose, so I'm going to lock it. Those who have further comments for MSP are invited to do so over PM.