Recently I've noticed there was a thread about praying for the admins and mods. So, why not pray for everyone? I know there are many out there who are hurting for one reason or another and find great difficulty talking about it. So in result they don't post a thread for some prayer. Some may feel too scared, embarrassed or guilty to open up. I know there has been a few times where I've felt that way. When I first joined CAA i was a bit cautious, I didn't know if people really wanted to hear my problems. Perhaps they would find me annoying or be upset about someone crying over something not so important in their eyes. LIfe can be tough and sometimes prayer makes all the difference.
I know there are more people out there that are in need of prayer.
I just wanted to let everyone know that tonight, and everynight I will be praying for everyone at CAA in general. Hopefully I will get more people out there to do the same. Thank you for listening.