Hello all, Griff here. Small request to make of you
I probably should have mentioned this earlier in the week but, anyway, I am entering the second quarter of the semester starting Monday.
*ahem* Sorry, didn't mean to make such an outburst.
But seriously, I really have not been pleased with my performance during the past quarter of school: not doing reading assignments like I should, not staying focused on work, etc. etc. I've manage to get by and escape some potential academic misfortunes (in which every escape I'm quite sure was made possible by the act of God).
In the past I was a big worrier, an over-achiever. But it seems that I've taken the totally opposite direction and have been a slacker. I'm afraid that if I don't get rid of that "it's-not-done-but-oh-well-just-let -what-happens-happen" attitude that I've had for half the semester, it's going to come back to bit me in the rear end BIG TIME.
So, main idea is: I want to have a strong mind to be more focused on schoolwork and to do better with time management.
Okay, now that I made my prayer request don't forget to look at the ones before me (I feel like I'm overshadowing here )
Ohhh!! Dear Lord! I want to do better!!