Hi.. I can't help feeling that this is a really trivial issue, but it's been bothering me for about a month and I'm been rather miserable about it. (I'm really sorry that I tend to go into detail a bit too much sometimes but I'll try not to get too long-winded) It concerns a relationship of mine that ended recently.. I dated this one guy for about 8 months, and our relationship was a very serious one (he was my first boyfriend - we broke up a few times but got back together before too long. The last time I knew it was probably a bad idea, but I was feeling depressed and lonely and I thought we could "start over", so we got back together once again). Although he really did behave like a jerk guy sometimes, I still had the idea that he was rather devoted - often talking about getting married after college and whatnot. Well, four days after he moved onto his college campus he told me that he was a different person now, and he liked his new self better.. and that he didn't want to date just me anymore - in essence, he wasn't interested in staying with me unless he could date other girls at the same time. At first I cried and thought he'd feel sorry for me and take back what he said, but he was rather cold and apathetic about it. The next I talked to him, I was pretty angry with him and we broke up. I talked to someone about a week ago who still talks to him periodically and she said that he's bragged to her about having sex with 6 girls at once, getting high off drugs, etc. I was already very bitter about the whole thing, but hearing that made me absolutely furious. It's none of my business what he does with his life anymore, but I'm just so disgusted with his two-faced, manipulative nature that I can't get over my hatred for him - this is the same guy who, after a chapel service in school one day, squeezed my hand and told me he'd never try to take my virginity from me. I realize now that this was most likely the reason he didn't want me around anymore, because I refused to give into the pressure that he promised he wouldn't put on me in the first place! I know I'm probably overly emotional, but the bitterness has been eating away at my heart more and more, and everything I think of him my eyes well up with tears and I just really want him to die - I feel that he deserves to for betraying me so much and not even caring about it. I thought he was a moralistic Christian, but he's not at all, the whole thing was just a front ( which he actually admitted.. although I must admit I probably don't sound very Christian myself right now for harbouring such malicious feelings).
I don't want to be miserable anymore.. I want to get over it, to forgot about him quickly as he did me, and to be able to date again without hating all men in general.
I'm sorry if all this sounds silly, I guess some of it's due to my immaturity and naivete, and the fact I'm not shrewd enough when it comes to dating, but.. I just want to stop feeling bitter and hateful; whenever I think about it my angry thoughts escalate into very violent and, I even venture to say, demonic ones. I don't want my mind to be constantly consumed with violence and hatred, and I want to stop my self-destructive habits that I often think will alleviate my sorrow. Again, sorry if I came off sounding like a silly pubescent teen whining about hurt feelings. I was just wondering if you could pray for my bitterness and anger to subside.. Thanks to anyone who's reading..