Midori (post: 1470974) wrote:However, you should perhaps spend a little more time verifying that the medication does, in fact, work. The two-week period it took to take effect makes me a little bit suspicious. Although some antidepressants do sometimes take that long to take effect, Prozen claims to be derived from the calming chemical in green tea, which I would think takes effect much quicker. So, I would test it for a while longer before committing to shell out a lot of money for it. Take a little more time to see if it actually helps you relax or if it's just a fluke. Also spend a few weeks off of it to see if you go back to being stressed out. Unfortunately, there's no way to placebo-test yourself. But if after some testing it does seem to help you and you can afford it, then I say go ahead.
Anthropologists have often pointed out that hunter-gatherers' work is skill-intensive but not labor-intensive. Research studies suggest that hunter-gatherers' work somewhere between 20 and 40 hours a week, on average, depending on just what you count as work. Moreover, they do not work according to the clock; they work when the time is ripe for the work to be done and when they feel like it. There is ample time in hunter-gatherers' lives for leisure activities, including games of many sorts, playful religious ceremonies, making and playing musical instruments, singing, dancing, traveling to other bands to visit friends and relatives, gossiping, and just lying around and relaxing. The life of the typical hunter-gatherer looks a lot like your life and mine when we are on vacation at a camp with friends.
It's amazing when you think about it. During the 10,000 years since the onset of agriculture and then industry, we have developed countless laborsaving devices, but we haven't reduced our labor. Today, most people spend more time working than did hunter-gatherers, and our work, on average, is less playful.
Pascal's quote in (post: 1471193) wrote:playful religious ceremonies,
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